Page 43 of Reckless

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Her door cracks open and my internal dilemma is momentarily put on pause. Blonde hair disarrayed from sleep fills my vision and for some reason beyond my comprehension, I can't breathe. Like my lungs just decided to screw me over and stop working. Her eyes latch on to me and for a moment I’m drowning in blue. The shade is so vivid it was like she was trying to blind me every time she looked my way.

It was bloody annoying.

“What-” she starts her irises blowing up in shock as she takes in my presence on her crappy couch, “What are you still doing here?” she asks me, her nose scrunching up in a movement that some simp would have probably thought was adorable. It only pissed me off further.

“Good morning to you too, Blondie,” I replied smoothly, stretching out like a cat who got the cream on her couch, making sure to leave boot prints on the already stained leather.

She rolls her eyes at me, and I watch her smooth legs as she makes her way towards the kitchen, her black robe doing little to hide her soft skin from my irises. And like the greedy monster that I am, I take in every inch of exposed flesh. In fact, I burn that sight into my memory, fueling fantasies of my lips trailing those thighs, inching higher and higher until she’s squirming with desire, begging for me.

“You - you slept on my couch?” She asks, confusion evident in her voice.

She grabs a bowl from an open cabinet and I realize I’ve been staring, completely lost in the way she moves like some type of effortless water nymph. Her movements hypotonic and drugging. I honestly don't think I am in control of my own bodily movements and I know I’m no longer in control of my thoughts with all the fucked up shit running up and down my brain.

Water nymphs? Whiskey must have been stronger than I thought.

I shrug in response to her question, the movement barely noticeable. So what if I slept on her couch? I was drunk off my ass and needed a place to crash. Closest place geographically appropriate for crashing was Blondie's couch. It didn't mean anything. I was just exercising my skill for seeking out conveniences that benefit me and I would really appreciate it if Blondie stopped looking at me like I had grown the sun in the sky or some other equally unfathomable act.

“What? I needed a place to crash. You don't mind, do you, Blondie?” I say, a smirk crossing my lips as I watch her hands shake at my words while pouring a bowl of Fruit Loops.

“No.” She states quickly. Her movements are jerky as she reaches for a spoon and swirls it around in the cereal.

Why was she being so jumpy? My little pixie wasn't scared was she?

I scoff.

Scared of me?

I crush the thought under my mental boot and make my way over towards her in the kitchen. Immediately crowding her space, I push the cereal bowl to the edge of the counter, away from her prying hands, hands that should be focused on me. Fuck I guess my monster was feeling a little possessive this morning. I needed to reign myself in before I sprinkled pixie dust on my willpower and lost all control.

Her breath hitches when I place my hands on the ties of her robe, the black silk strand running through my fingers, the dainty material taunting me with how easy it would be to tug away. I wonder if she would be bare before me or if those same red panties would make an appearance and shut off my sanity switch for the morning.

I was already hard as fuck. My cock aching and swollen in yesterday's dress pants, the length pressing against the fabric in a way that made my madness evident. I didn't want her. Why would I want a little fairy who was pathetically named after a flower? She was dirt beneath my boots. A thief who had stolen what was mine and I was here to retrieve it by any means necessary. If my cock wanted to have a little fun, who was I to deny myself?

Reaching for the knot I part Blondie's robe in one swipe and nearly fall to my knees at the sight.

She was naked. Completely bare before me. A patch of hair nestled between her thighs and I was so hard I couldn't stop myself from reaching in my pants to stroke myself.

“What- what are you doing?” Blondie stutters as she takes in the sight of my hand on my cock.

“I’m touching myself, Blondie,” I say unable to stop my smirk at her innocent confusion. She really was quite the untouched flower. The fact shouldn't get me so turned on and yet I found myself hardening to the point of unreasonableness at the thought of how pure Rose was. How untouched. She was the light to my impenetrable darkness and at this moment I wanted to snuff out her brightness. Paint over her light until darkness was all that remanded.

Watching her ocean blue eyes widening as my hand moved up and down my length I groan, squeezing my cock until it grew hard and heavy in my hands.

“Kaleb.” she scolds me, her dainty hands moving to cover herself but I lightly brush my free palm against her wrists, halting her movements.

“No, leave it open.” She rolls her eyes.

“I’m eating breakfast.” She snaps, her eyes on fire, and I nearly come. She goes to reach for her Fruit Loops and I grab her wrists before lifting her up on the counter's edge and pinning her hands above her head. My free hand restrains her wrists while my other continues to stroke myself through my pants.

Her breaths grow heavy and I notice her attention has returned to the cock in my grasp, her lips part and the view of her tits from this angle is almost enough to drive me to the edge. They were the perfect shape, small and perky and I wanted nothing more than to run the tip of my tongue along those pink nipples, touch and tease them until they were mine. My claws were showing and it was only a matter of time before the darkness in me ate me alive. I needed to get a grip before I let every dirty thought this dainty flower revealed in her eyes consume me.

Letting go of her wrists I grab the cereal bowl from the counter and shovel the fruit loops into my mouth. The milk dribbles down my chin and I watch her candy blue eyes gloss over, a blush painting her skin pink.

“That's mine.” Blondie scowls, the tips of her ears turning red in frustration and I wanted to kiss up her neck and along her jaw until she had no choice but to break into a blush over her entire body.

“I haven't had breakfast yet. I’m hungry.” My voice tickles her ear and I feel her squirm, “Maybe I should eat you instead.” Her nose scrunches and I follow the movement, taking in the dark crescent bruises under each of her pretty crystal blue eyes. The bruise on her side peeks out from under her robe and I’m left seeing red. The urge to punch something is so strong it cuts me open. Tears me apart until I’m overwhelmed enough to be wishing I was back at the Drunk Fish. Punching strangers senselessly until I could no longer feel the stinging on my fists. Until I could no longer feel anything but control.

He had a lion tattoo. Rose’s words haunted me last night. Ate me alive until I could barely sleep (not that her shit couch was much help in that regard), the same thought playing on rewind in my head:
