Page 74 of Reckless

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Father of the year everyone.

Ignoring the pain in my back I shifted closer to my angel, gripping her shaking hands in mine.

“It's me,” I whispered, watching as the tension in her shoulders melted and her breathing began to slow.

Water dripped down my face, and I watched, mesmerized, as a droplet fell, marking her innocent skin as I knelt before her.

“Would you let me put my mouth on you?” I whisper the question against her lips.

She can't see me, the blindfold is wrapped too tight around her ocean eyes, but I can feel the goosebumps that rise along her skin. And just the sight of those little raised dots covering her porcelain skin is enough to send my blood straight to my cock. Fuck I haven't even touched her yet and she's already under my spell. Already aching for me. And damn if that doesn't make both my ego and my sanity implode.

Faintly, she nods, the movement so subtle it is nearly invisible to anyone but me. And I know just like that that my Blondie has given me something breakable. Something a bastard like myself will most likely shatter with my bare hands.

Her trust.

But unfortunately for Blondie, I’m a selfish monster with impulse control issues and therefore I can't stop myself from stepping closer.

My mouth hovers over her bare skin now, my breath fanning over her nipples and I watch as her back bows in anticipation. Her head falls back and I'm greeted with the sight of her pink nipples tightening.

Unable to resist, I pull the taut bud between my fingers, rolling the sensitive skin in my hand until it puckers.

She's so wet now I can see her desire dripping down her thighs and when my mouth finally closes over her nipple, she moans, and I'm lost. The sea of faces surrounding us drowning away until all I can see is her.

My Rose.

Parted and wet for me.

Her hips thrust under me only to meet air. I was teasing my prey and the monster in me was obsessed with every minute of it. The darkness in me for once coming out into the light to play.

Patience torn away, I grip her thighs and wrap them around my neck before pressing my tongue to where I know my angel needs it most. She parts easily under my mouth, moaning softly when I run the tip of my tongue over her clit before dragging it back down to the entrance just south of her sweet pussy. I'd love to stay and explore but I remind myself once again that there are eyes watching us and the monster in me doesn't like to share.

Especially not her, never her.

And I hated that he was making us do this.

Restless to prove to the crowd that while they may watch they can never touch, I pull her clit into my mouth and suck softly until she's rocking into my face, riding my tongue in a desperate search for relief from the aching buildup I was torturing her with. Sucking her fully into my mouth I swirl my tongue inside her before thrusting in so deep a startled cry falls from her lips and into my ears like honey. I pound into her like this, with my tongue thrusting into her before pulling out and starting again. She's panting now, and a light layer of sweat covers her brow like melted drops of snow. I want to lick them off of her, every last drop until she glistens. I flick her clit and she moans so loud that I can't help the groan that slips past my lips as I slide my tongue into her again, this time paying extra attention to her clit. Rose's legs start to shake and I know she's close. She's squirming now, her thighs clenching my head, seconds away from shattering all over my face.

“Stop.” His voice rings out and I block it. Throw a mental brick at it until it shatters the window and hopefully gets the message through that he does not get a say in this. Not when my tongue is already this deep inside her. Not when she is this close to the edge,

“Stop it already.” His voice is ice in the air and I listen as the crowd freezes,

“You're supposed to fuck her. Enough of this foreplay crap.” His words echo through the room and it's so silent you could hear a fucking pin drop.

And then the room went pitch black.

Chapter 22


It's dark. Darker than it was before. Even through the blindfold, I can tell something has changed. Hands grip me, and I bite back a scream as the rope is viciously pulled from my wrists.

“Sorry, Blondie no time to be gentle.'' Kaleb's voice fills my ear, and the sound both soothes and sets my nerves on fire. He pulls the ruff fibers from my ankles, smoothing his thumbs over the cuts, and then we're running. My bruised hand is crushed firmly within Kalebs and for the first time in hours I can breathe again. I don't know who shut down the lights but at the moment I didn't care. I was just grateful.

Bodies are shoving against one another in panic and I know that something must be wrong, very wrong, to cause a lot of soulless creatures to let themselves feel anything.

“Where are we going?” I whisper into Kalebs back, my cheek brushing the damp fabric of his shirt. I close my eyes briefly as visions of him drowning in that ice tub fill my mind. The sheer panic that had gripped my chest at the sight of him, gasping for air, nearly had me signing my soul away just to get them to stop. And I would’ve fucked him. I would've done anything to make them stop. Even though I had never done anything like that before. A fact I wasn't sure Kaleb was aware of or not. I wondered if he would care. If it would change the way he saw me or if he’d even want me after discovering the fact.

Hiding the sudden blush that rose up to my cheeks, I pressed my face further into Kalebs back and he squeezed my hand in return causing my heart to do the annoying fluttering thing again.

Taking another step forward I started, tripping over something in the darkness. My knees flew forward as I tried to brace myself, only to cry out instead as a hand suddenly yanked my hair back. A hand slapped me across the face and I panicked as the stark pain spread across my cheek.

I could hear yelling in the background. Kaleb? He was trying to get to me, his dark form outlined in shadows as he tried to push through the onslaught of leaving party guests. But it was like he was moving through molasses. His movements were too slow, his arms blurring before me and it was then that I felt the prick of the needle going through my arm.

And then everything went black.
