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Holt shrugs. “I’m here early. May as well put me to work.”

Guess the guy has a point. And what else is he going to do, just stand around and watch me work?

I ask Holt to head out to the garage and bring the tables in there out to the backyard. He nods and gets right to work. Since he was over here at the house all the time during high school hanging out with Cash, I don’t have to show him where to go.

While Holt gets the tables out from the garage, I grab the step stool and the other banner and head outside to put it up. Admittedly, though, I do take frequent peeks over at Holt as he carries the large tables outside. His muscles bulge under his shirt, and he doesn’t have any trouble carrying the tables on his own.

I lick my lips as I watch him work. The man could probably lift me right off my feet and carry me away if he wanted to. Actually, he could probably do allkindsof things…

I push the thoughts out of my mind. Holt had no interest in me when we were growing up. Why would that be any different now?

“So how’s work been?” I ask, hoping that small talk will help keep my mind in the right place. “Cash mentioned you’ve been flipping houses. Are you like those guys on TV who buy dumps and turn them into mansions in three days?”

Holt laughs as he sets up one of the tables, unfolding the stiff legs with ease. “No mansions. And I only buy houses that have good bones, so they don’t need to be completely torn down.”

“Ah,” I say.

“Also, it takes a lot longer than three days.”

“You should hire a bigger crew, then.” I don’t mean for the comment to come out flirtatiously, but it somehow does.

“That would require having a crew in the first place,” Holt says, brushing something off the tabletop.

He does it all himself? God. That’s impressive. And it certainly explains the muscles. I can only imagine how much physical exertion goes into renovating a house on your own. Especially tearing out the guts. The shows I’ve seen on TV always havegroupsof men doing that, and it always looks exhausting.

“Are you working on one now?” I ask as I come down from the step ladder. The second banner is up, mounted above the back door. No matter how hard the wind blows, that sucker isn’t going anywhere.

Holt nods, leaning against the wooden railing a few feet away from me. “I’m remodeling an old Victorian-style house. I’m working on the master bathroom right now. Just got the fixtures installed yesterday. Gonna start painting soon, then I’ll get to work on the tile.”

It’s really nice, just talking to Holt like this. I never expected it, either—not after the way he ignored me back in high school.

I’m intrigued to hear more about the house he’s working on, so I ask about the fixtures he’s chosen. Holt’s eyes light up as he describes the clawfoot bathtub he found and how amazing it’s going to look with the walk-in shower he’s picked out. A perfect blend of antique and modern, he explains, and just imagining it makes me feel daydreamy.

Holt has such a way with words. I can easily picture everything he’s describing, and I wish I could see it in person. Before I can ask him more about the house he’s working on, though, the back door of my parents’ house flies open and Cash, Dani, and Jasper spill into the yard.

“Hey, Flea!” my brother says as he wraps his arms around me. I used to hate the nickname, but I find it endearing now. Next—as Dani and I greet each other—Cash and Holt embrace, greeting each other with a type of warmth that only old friends share.

I smile as I watch the two of them out of the corner of my eye. It’s been a long time since they’ve seen each other, and yet there’s not a moment of awkwardness between them. I love that they have a relationship like that.

At the same time, a tiny bit of discomfort settles in the pit of my stomach. It didn’t occur to me before, but maybe Holt was only being friendly because we were alone together. Now that Cash is here, Holt will probably go right back to ignoring me.

But hey, at least I’ve got Jasper to spoil. I look down at my nephew and say, “Don’t I get a hug, Jasp?”

Jasper giggles and pounces on me. It’s the sweetest thing.

Who needs Holt? I’ve got the greatest nephew in the world.

Chapter Three


An hour later, the backyard and house are both packed with people. All of our friends from high school are here. Even though we’ve all grown up, for a while, it’s like we’ve gone back in time. We laugh and joke around as we reminisce about the old days. Spouses and kids are told embarrassing stories, and old arguments are hashed out all over again.

As great as it is to be with old friends, though…I also can’t help but keep glancing over at Felicity. Jasper has been following her around, looking up adoringly at her, and somehow she’s managed to simultaneously pay attention to him and also run around and take care of everything.

She’ll be an amazing mom someday.

Mostly, though, I’m preoccupied with how gorgeous she is now. She was pretty back in high school, but now? Now she’s drop-dead gorgeous. Those thick hips of hers, those perfect breasts…
