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When I saw her for the first time, I froze in place, practically drooling all over myself like a fool. In that moment, it didn’t matter that she was three years younger than me. It didn’t matter that she was a freshman and that I was a senior. I was too lost in her beauty to care.

But that was sixteen years ago. I’m not the same person anymore.

And neither is she.

Chapter Two


“Shit,” I gasp, wobbling on the top of the step ladder. Quickly, I reach out and brace myself against the wall. Since this party was my idea, I’ve had to do most of the decorating. Dad’s outside getting the barbecue ready and Mom is handling all the rest of the food, but that leaves everything else to me.

But it’s worth it to throw Cash an epic birthday party he’ll never forget. Besides, it’s been way too long since I’ve seen my brother. Or my sister-in-law, Dani, and my nephew, Jasper, for that matter.

Once I’m safely off the step ladder, I check to make sure the birthday banner is hanging straight on the wall, then I glance at the time. Their flight should be on the ground by now, and they’re supposed to head straight here from the airport. About an hour after that, the guests should start arriving. It’ll be fun to see the house full of Cash’s old friends.

Although thereisone particular friend of his I’m nervous to see.

When I texted my brother to tell him that I wanted to throw him a birthday bash, he was happy to supply a list of people to invite. I know I should’ve expected to see Holt’s name on that list.

Yet when I saw it, I froze.

I knew how stupid it was to be flustered, but it took me forever to write a text to Holt. I kept making typos, and kept questioning whether I should throw in an emoji or exclamation point. Thing is, I hadsucha crush on Holt in high school, and he barely gave me the time of day.

Years might have passed since then, but that kind of stuff sticks with you, you know?

The doorbell rings, and I grin with anticipation. It’s been so long since I’ve seen my brother and his wife and kid, and I can’t wait to spoil my little nephew. Spoiling a baby is one thing. But now Jasper’s five and the fun canreallystart.

I rush over to the front door and pull it open. To my surprise, though, it’s not my brother. Not my sister-in-law. Not my nephew.

It’s a big mountain of a man, muscles barely contained beneath his t-shirt. The fabric is practically molded to his skin. My heart races as my eyes travel up that amazing body until I reach his face.

Thank god I’m not still standing on top of that step ladder, because I’d be tumbling off it right now.

Even though I haven’t seen him in years, Holt’s face is instantly recognizable. His body, though…I mean, he was in good shape back in high school, but now…Jesus, was the mantryingto look like a Greek statue?

“Hey, Felicity,” he says, his voice rich and velvety. “How’s it going?”

“Um…” Crap. Maybe I’m not over that girlhood crush I had on him. I cough. “You’re early.”

He frowns as he reaches into the pocket of his jeans and pulls out his phone.

“It’s two o’clock,” Holt says. “You told me to be here at two.”

“Three,” I correct him.

He raises an eyebrow, turns the phone around, and shows me my own text.

Shit. I told him the wrong time. Two o’clock is when Cash’s flight lands. People aren’t supposed to show up until three. But…well, it’s too late now. It’s not like I can just turn him away.

“Sorry,” I say sheepishly. “Guess I told you the wrong time. But Cash should be here soon. Come on in.”

I force myself to smile, trying to ignore my rapidly beating heart. But I can’t ignore it, nor can I ignore the tingles that burst over my body as Holt walks into the house. I can’t believe how hot he is. How big he is. Howgoodhe smells.

Holt and I walk into the living room and he looks around the room. Most of the decorations are done, but everything isn’t quite in place just yet, and I feel suddenly self-conscious about it.

But he just turns to me and smiles. “What can I do to help?”

“You don’t have to help.”
