Page 40 of Taste of Sin

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I catch a flash of her overwhelming sadness. “I know.”



I lay a bouquet of flowers on the grave. This has become a place I visit regularly now. Kissing my fingertips, I press them to the headstone. As I turn away from the grave, my eyes drift over the empty plot to the left. The spot my father was supposed to spend his interment, next to my mother. That was before he betrayed me in the worst possible way. In the end my father made his choice. He chose money over my life. Dominic chose me.

A tear rolls down my cheek, until now I haven’t shed a single tear over my father’s death. Memories haunt my thoughts every now and again threatening to tear me apart. His betrayal didn’t just shape my future, it obliviated my past. Every memory I had became tainted by his greed. I know how hard it is on Dominic to see that hurt in my eyes. He spends every day helping me work through the guilt and every night helping me realize I have nothing to feel guilty about.

The best I can do is cling to the memory of my mother, even though they’re worn and faded. I wonder what she’d think of my husband. I like to think she’s looking down on us. Proud of the strong woman I’m becoming. You can’t choose your family and you can’t control who you love. I never thought I could love a man like Dominic.

A murderer.

A cocaine supplier.



Yet, when Dominic pulled the trigger, I knew everything there was to know. His eyes begged for forgiveness while his actions professed his love louder than his words ever could. The events of that night have defined the rest of our lives, but instead of breaking us it forged a bond that binds us together for eternity.

Glancing over the horizon, I find Dominic leaning back against the black SUV. All six foot-two of him dressed in black despite the midday heat. He’s on the phone as usual. His business dealings consume most of his time, but when he sees me striding across the grass, he disconnects the call to greet me with a smile.

“How fast can you pack? We’re taking a trip.” He slips his arm around my waist and pulls me close.

“Where are we going?” I ask, wrapping my arm around his back.

“I just purchased a private island estate off the coast of Maine.” Dominic opens the passenger side door. “I thought it would do us both good to get away for a while.”

“Sounds perfect.” Pushing down on the hem of my sundress, I slide inside, tucking my dress around my legs.

“On second thought, naked is better.” He flashes me a coquettish grin, “I plan to lavish you with all my attention for the next three days.”

“Is that a promise?” I ask as Dominic slides into the driver’s seat.

“You know it.” He grips the shifter to put the car in drive and I loop my fingers with his.

Our hands may be stained red, but they are entwined forever.
