Page 10 of Doc T (Macha MC 1)

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Isa stirred morethan fifteen hours later, her eyes swollen from crying but not nearly as stiff as her body. Yawning, she fluttered her eyelids and held in a gasp when she saw Doc lying next to her. She double-checked beneath her sheets and sighed in relief that she was in her pajamas.

Wait, how’d I get in these?

He shifted beside her, and she looked up in time to see his eyes pop open. “Shit, I must’ve dozed off.” He got to his feet and checked his phone.

It was then she noticed he was still fully dressed in the same clothes. “How am I wearing pajamas?”


“Oh. Why didn’t you go to your own room?”

Running his hands through his hair, he shrugged. “You weren’t feeling well. Being sick in a new place… I figured you could use a familiar face.”

Isa bit back a snarky reply. Hewasa familiar face, even if only barely. “Thanks. You didn’t have to.”

“I did. It’s my job.” He shoved his hands in his back pockets. “But you’re awake. I’ll let you get up, and I’ll grab some food since we missed breakfast.”

Watching his hasty retreat, she smiled. Her appetite was back, and after last night, she was in dire need of sustenance.

Sitting up, she glanced around the room. Doc’s cut was on the chair next to the bed. A shimmer of black metal beneath the leather cut made her do a double take. Even without seeing the entire thing, she knew it was a handgun.

Gathering her toiletries, she went in search of a shower. Thankfully, she found one, and fifteen minutes later, she felt like a new woman. Running a comb through her straight hair, Isa almost missed the slight intake of breath when Doc entered the room. She glanced in the mirror and saw him behind her and to the left. His gaze was glued to her, his blue eyes darker than before. Looking at her reflection, she saw the reason. All she wore was underwear. It wasn’t uncommon for her at home. On warm days, she’d spend all day in them with a robe overtop.

“Sorry, I should’ve knocked.” He averted his eyes and held out a sandwich. “This should hold you over.”

She took the offered food and waited for him to meet her gaze again. He wouldn’t. He kept his eyes glued to his black boots. According to him, this was all a job, and his failure to look at her meant he wanted to keep it as such.

“When you’re, uh, done, Reaper wants to talk with us,” he said, turning on his heels and closing the door behind him.

Isa took a big bite out of the sandwich, disappointed he didn’t let his eyes wander over her.

Her skin flushed at the thought. She’d never been with a man, but suddenly she wanted all Doc could offer.



Standing near the door,Doc tried his damnedest to keep as far away from Isa as possible. With her lavender-scented body wash, his actions were for naught. She filled the room, and he was trapped in her confines.

“How do you like Colorado?” Reaper asked, leaning back in his chair. After lunch, the MC president called them into his office, most likely to discuss the situation.

Isa shrugged. “I haven’t seen much of it. Jet lag has kept me sleeping for most of my stay.” She shifted her weight to her left leg, which looked longer thanks to the tiny shorts she wore.

Reaper’s eyes flashed to him. “My nephew will take you on a tour once we’re through. There’s much to see in Snowshoe.”

“Such as?”

“Our businesses, for one.” Reaper stood and pulled open the shade. The bustling city of Snowshoe lay in the distance. “I hear you design clothes.”

“Aye. I designed all the clothes I brought.”

This got Doc’s attention. A drop-dead gorgeous woman who was good with her hands and made his mouth water?Yep, this is very bad.

Isa nodded, her dirty-blonde hair falling over her chest. “My best friends and I own a shop. We mostly sell candles and soaps, but I try out my clothes designs too.” She grinned. “The locals like them.”

Reaper’s bushy gray eyebrows lifted. “As they should. If you get a chance, chat with Queenie about designing something for the club. I’m sure the boys would appreciate some new Macha shirts.”

A slight blush crossed her features. “I’m not sure they’d like my style.”
