Page 20 of Doc T (Macha MC 1)

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Isa glanced between the two. She didn’t see the similarities right away, but then again, Brewer did have a bushy red beard to match his hair. He walked closer, and it was then that Isa noticed they had the same baby blue eyes that saw straight to the soul.

“I didn’t realize you were related.”

Dolly draped her arm around Isa and kissed her cheek. “Macha is full of surprises. Come on, I’ll introduce you to the nymphs. They’ll love you, especially since you’re not competition.”

Looking over her shoulder, she saw Brewer grin before following them. She wasn’t sure what to expect, but with Dolly and Brewer, it was bound to be fun.

* * *

Meetingthe club nymphs took over the next two hours. The initial meeting was short, but once the nymphs started talking, Isa couldn’t shut them up. In a way, they reminded her of Orla. She discovered most of the patch members were respectful when it came to sex. The few times things got out of control, either Dolly or one of the other members would protect the nymphs.

In a weird way, she was proud of the MC for their dedication to the women they used solely for bodily pleasure. From the little she knew about club life, that wasn’t the norm. Every Macha nymph had a tattoo like the patch members. The one difference was they also had a small nymph beside the black raven. It was surreal to Isa that these women were part of something so big, even if in just a small way.

The nymphs offered makeup and hair advice—not that she took much of it. She’d never been huge on the makeup front, and her hair was always kept different shades of blonde. If people didn’t like her the way she was, they were no friend of hers.

Lunch rolled by, and three nymphs were called to help prepare the meal, then promptly disappeared afterward. Dolly didn’t seem concerned by it. Apparently it was normal to catch a member’s eye during meal prep. Dessert, as Dolly called it, didn’t always happen behind closed doors either.

Yeah, I noticed that last night.Isa pushed back her long hair. The bar boasted plenty of dark places for people to hide—or not hide—their sexual acts. The worst part was that she wasn’t repulsed by it.I’m becoming callous already.

“Weren’t you with Doc last week?” she overheard one of the nymphs say. Moving closer, Isa held her breath.

“Yep. He was a freaking god. Hasn’t come around in a while, though. I’m blaming the Irish bitch. I’ll bet she’s getting fucked every night instead of us.”

Isa held a hand over her mouth, grateful for the curtain between them.

“Well, she’s one lucky girl,” the first nymph cooed. “Doc sure knows what he’s doing.”

“True, but he’s a little rough sometimes,” the other said.

“Oh, stop, you pussy. There’s nothing wrong with a man knowing exactly what he wants.”

Isa stopped listening after that. She didn’t want to hear any more about Doc’s exploits or even his praise. He was a cocky son of a bitch, albeit a cute one. But she hadn’t come to Colorado to get laid.

She walked down the short flight of stairs and caught a glimpse of Doc and Hawk along with two prospects. Hawk was ordering the prospects to wash the cycles after the rain, and each one appeared annoyed by the request. They didn’t baulk, though, merely followed the patch member outside and got to work.

“This is such a weird place,” she muttered, entering the kitchen. During her chatting with the nymphs, she had missed lunch.

“I’m sure I’d say the same about Ireland.” Reaper came into view. “You seem to be making friends.” He grinned and took a seat at one of the barstools. “I don’t think Dolly’s warmed up to another woman like that in years.”

She opened the refrigerator and pulled out a bowl of fruit. “Really? She seems really cool. I mean, for a biker chick.”

He chuckled. “Dolly is one of a kind. Just like you.”

“How does it all work?”


Isa grabbed a fork and sat across from him. “The club, the nymphs, the businesses.”

For a moment, Reaper merely stared at her and scratched his bearded chin. “The nymphs are under Macha protection. They all work around the club businesses and offer the members reprieve in between.” He gave her a weak smile. “Your mum would kick my arse if she knew I was telling you this.”

“I want to know everything.” She took a bite of a slice of pineapple. “It helps me understand.”

“Well, in that case, Macha and the mayor of Snowshoe work hand in hand to keep hard drugs out of the city. Yeah, we’ve got marijuana here, and they even sell it at the lodge, but the citizens are more worried about heroin and cocaine. One of my groups patrols the city to make sure any drugs moved are done with permission. If not, well, the sheriff is also on our side.”

“That’s fascinating. How did—”

“Don’t ask questions, just listen.”
