Page 25 of Doc T (Macha MC 1)

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Rolling over in bed,Isa stretched out her arm. Only a pillow met her, and she opened her eyes in the dark. Doc wasn’t in his usual spot by the bed. It shouldn’t have frustrated her, but it did. Her close call with the Cutthroats still unnerved her.

He’s in the next room, Isa. Calm down.

She sat up and turned on the small light beside the bed. Grabbing her phone, she reviewed the missed messages from Orla and Niall. After replying to them, she opened a slew of emails from a blocked address.

Blocked: We know who you are.

Blocked: We’ll find you.

Blocked: And take you.

Isa gasped and scrambled out of bed. Pounding on the adjoining door, she called Doc’s name.

“What?” he growled, swinging open the door.

Doing her best to ignore his lack of clothes, she stormed into his room and handed him the phone. “I just received these messages.”

Rubbing his eyes, Doc stared at the phone, his frown deepening. “Did you reply?”


“Don’t.” He turned over the phone and slid off the back. “They’re trying to get a rise out of you so they can track you.” In one quick move, he disconnected the GPS. “There, now they won’t be able to find you.”

Isa took the outstretched phone. “How’re you so calm? Somebody’s sending threatening messages to me.”

Doc blinked several times, eyes focused on her. “Princess, I’d be worried if you didn’t get messages, but those are emails. If they actually knew where you were, they wouldn’t warn you, they’d just snatch you.” He crawled back into bed. “I’ll have Hawk backtrack the messages in the morning. Honestly, it’s probably just some dumbasses.”

Mouth gaping, she watched him snuggle up to his pillow. “You bloody wanker! They better not be on their way right now or you’ll be sorry.”

Doc turned over and propped his head up. “I’m already sorry you woke me up.”

Huffing, Isa whirled around and stormed out of the room, sure to slam the door on her way. She jumped back into bed and tried to calm down.That won’t be happening for quite some time.

She punched the pillow beside her. “The damn eejit better hope somebody doesn’t slit my throat during the night.” She grabbed the spare blanket and draped it over the one on her bed, pulling both up to her throat and swallowing hard. Even the mere possibility made her uneasy. Suddenly, every sound she heard was dangerous and out to get her. Moans from the room three doors down turned into a bloodcurdling scream in her mind.

“Seriously, princess?”

Isa yelped and tossed her pillow toward the voice.

Doc chuckled and picked up the pillow. “You look like a giant blanket. How many did you grab?”

Placing a hand on her chest, she tried to steady her breathing. Her protector stood feet away, still shirtless and looking as tempting as ever. “Blimey, I didn’t even hear the door open.”

He plopped onto the spot beside her. “Probably because you were too worried about the boogeyman.”

She glared at him, looking so cozy next to her. He closed his eyes, and she immediately wanted to see the blue depths once more.

“Get some sleep, Isa. I’ll be here to scare the monsters away.”

Patting her pillow, she made sure to smack his gorgeous face before turning over and facing the dresser.



She closed her eyes and smiled. Having Doc nearby immediately made it easier for her to slip into a dreamland where his lips caressed her every inch.

