Page 27 of Doc T (Macha MC 1)

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“Good most of the time.” Doc watched the embers. “There’s just something about her.”

“It’s between her legs, Doc,” Snoopy heckled.

Cueball threw a log onto the fire. “You gonna get some of that?”

Doc shook his head. “She’s under Macha protection. Can’t touch her.”

Hawk snorted and sat next to him. “But you want to.”

“Who wouldn’t?”

“Especially with that ass.”

“That’s enough,” Rubble stated. His mismatched eyes peered at them. “Must I remind you what I’ll do if any harm comes to her?”

Doc swallowed hard. He was painfully aware of the beating the last man received after crossing the line with one of their assets.


“Good. Now, I’m off to see a nymph.” Rubble stood. “Anybody else?”

Cueball and Snoopy stood, and the three made their way across the lot to the clubhouse, where the nymphs held their own little lair beneath the main level.

“Not joining them, Doc?” Brewer poked the fire with a long stick.

“Not tonight.”

“Couldn’t be because of Isa, could it?”

He met Brewer’s teasing eyes. The man was always joking about one thing or another. “I’m on shift after this, that’s why.”

Hawk patted his thighs. “And on that note, I’m joining our brothers. I’ve a sudden urge for pussy.”

Doc and Brewer remained, though neither spoke for half an hour. It was comforting in a way to Doc. Being able to coexist with so many different personalities was unique and something he never took for granted.

“Don’t let Phantom know your feelings on Isa,” Brewer warned. “He’ll shove his entire leg up your ass.”

Chuckling, Doc nodded his understanding. He wasn’t about to get tangled up with the Macha princess.

Even if I really want to.



The past weekhad been hell. He’d kept a close eye on Isa only to find himself growing more attracted to her. It wouldn’t have been so bad if she was boring or a bitch.But she was neither. Difficult at times, sure, but nothing he couldn’t handle. He smirked and sipped his whiskey. She had her bitch moments, of course, but they were usually earned.

The other men quickly learned that even though she looked harmless, she could shoot daggers from her gorgeous gray eyes. Her friendship with Dolly only secured her more. The MC madam protected her girls and even taught Isa more self-defense tactics. He prayed she never had to use them. He’d watch over her as long as needed. Longer if asked.

The Colorado weather cooperated for the first time after a week of dismal rain. While Isa seemed unperturbed by the precipitation, he was ready for sunshine. They sat at a table behind the clubhouse, a large umbrella shading them. Isa’s focus on the sketchbook in her hands made it easier for him to stare. Her long, dark blonde hair was clipped up, a few strands blowing in the breeze. Minimal eyeliner and mascara were the only makeup on her. It suited her ivory skin more anyhow.

Doc finished off his drink, three ice cubes remaining in the glass. He had to pace himself when it came to Isa. His body told him to drink to replace the urge to touch her, but his mind told him to stay alert. Danger lurked nearby; he could sense it.

“It’s really hard to concentrate when you stare at me,” she said, her Irish accent soft despite her scolding.

Running both hands through his hair, he shrugged. “Just making sure you’re safe.” He leaned over and caught a glimpse of her sketch. A biker jacket with “Macha” intertwined on the sleeves and back stood out on the page. The ghostlike raven appeared more regal, sitting on the shoulder of the ancient goddess. There was even a place to add a patch on the front that didn’t hinder the overall persona of the jacket. He could see many Macha old ladies fawning over such an item. “Wow, that’s good.”

Isa met his gaze, a hint of pride in her face. “Thanks. Reaper suggested I design a few Macha-inspired items while I’m here.” She set the book down. “Not like there’s much else to do. Might as well stay productive.”
