Page 47 of Doc T (Macha MC 1)

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Doc barely ate a bite. Between hearing Isa’s laughter two seats down and the way Brewer was flirting with her, he couldn’t stomach the notion that perhaps she didn’t want him specifically, just one of the club members.

When dessert came around, Brewer rested his tattooed arm around Isa’s shoulders, and Doc’s hands automatically formed fists. He didn’t even realize he was leering until Dolly poked his side.

“What?” he growled, turning to his right.

She didn’t shrink at his tone. Instead, she took another bite of blueberry cobbler and stared at him. “You’ll combust if you keep holding that in.” She nodded to one of the nymphs across the table. “Misty will gladly work all the frustration right out of you. Last I checked, you like it rough and so does she.”

He flicked his eyes to the brunette nursing a beer. “No, thanks. The guys are playing poker tonight. I think I’ll join them.”

“Oh, you mean the poker night my nymphs are putting on downstairs?” Her eyes shimmered with mischief. “I’ll be sure they give you extra attention.”

“I don’t want a nymph,” he said under his breath.

“No, but you might need one.” Dolly winked. “At least until your Irish lass decides to give you the time of day.”

Thinking over his options, he couldn’t disagree with her. He was in desperate need of an outlet. They obviously wanted each other, but now he wasn’t sure she wanted anything more than that.

He swore under his breath.When did my mind change?He shook his head. He’d been so set on leaving Isa alone that the opposite happened for him. A casual hookup wasn’t what he yearned for when it came to her.

Well, fuck me sideways.

Isa and Brewer stood, and after thanking Queenie for the meal, the duo linked arms and started toward the back patio. Rage filtered through Doc, but he had to stop himself. He had zero reason to be jealous. They’d shared kisses and plenty of conversations, but he had no permanent claim on Isa.

Not yet.



“I’m curious.When are you going to tell Mr. Jealous over there that we’re related?” Brewer asked, dishing cobbler on their plates.

Isa snuck a glance over to the man in question. Sure enough, he was all but fuming smoke from his ears. She tried not to laugh but couldn’t help herself. Doc’s blue eyes flashed to her, and she quickly looked away.

“Soon, but I think he deserves to suffer a wee bit.” She took a spoonful of the cobbler and moaned. “Plus, this is too good to not finish every bite.”

Brewer dug into his dessert. “Queenie knows her way around the kitchen.” He waved his spoon. “The nymphs too. Honestly, they’re the ones who make the best food. Lara over there makes a fantastic crème brûlée.” He nodded to a redhead. “And Alyssa, well, her omelets are to die for.”

“You’re a foodie, then,” she stated rather than asked.

“One hundred percent. Our mother owned a bakery in Snowshoe.” He glanced over to Dolly. “Sis and I would bounce between Macha and the bakery every day after school. It was the best childhood.”

“Being around bikers all the time?” She shook her head. “I think I’d rather hang out at the bakery.”

Brewer scraped the last bit of cobbler from his plate. “I don’t have anything else to compare it to, but I think the Macha kids turned out pretty well.” He gently nudged her arm. “Doc is among them, you know.”

Isa watched the bikers finish their meal. Not one frown could be seen.Well, except for Doc.From Reaper to Snoopy’s daughter, everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. It warmed her heart to see such a large group of people getting along. She’d never been huge on crowds, and her mother’s side of the family was limited to one other member who never had children. Isa grew up alone save for Orla and Niall.

“It’s such a small world,” Brewer commented, pushing his chair back. “Who would’ve thought your dad and my uncle were related.”

“It’s funny how the universe connects us.” She noticed Doc chatting with Dolly. “Have any plans for the rest of the night?”

Brewer glanced to Doc and then back. “I was going to take stock of the liquor downstairs, then head to the poker game, but I’m open to suggestion.”

“I’ll help you with the liquor.” She stood and linked her arm with his. That got an immediate reaction from Doc, but she merely walked toward the exit. When they cleared the door, she breathed a sigh of relief.

“He’s an idiot, by the way,” Brewer said, leading them toward the patio.

“Why’s that?”
