Page 78 of Doc T (Macha MC 1)

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Hawk entered the room and nodded. A collective sigh echoed silently in the room.

Picking up the phone, Reaper stood. “The choice is yours, Viper. Either take the win or prepare for a bloody loss.”

“I could, or I could sayfuck youand keep this little princess for the Twelve Brothers.” A shuffling of feet, then a woman’s cry filled the air. “Isadora would make very pretty babies with my brothers. Perhaps we should come to a truce between our MCs. A marriage would work for me.”

“Touch her and I’ll make your death one no MC will ever forget,” Doc seethed before he could stop himself.

Every Macha member looked to him, but he didn’t apologize. The Irish fucker who held Isa hostage would feel his wrath.The bastard might as well know it’s coming.

“Typical Irish temper.” Viper chuckled. “What do you say, old man?”

Reaper walked to the window and opened the blinds. “Macha doesn’t trade in women and children, Viper.”

“Right, I guess your crew really does worship women instead of the other way around.” Viper cleared his throat. “If you’d like Phantom’s daughter alive, be on the county road outside Snowshoe Lodge seven tonight.”

The line went dead, and Doc’s heart thudded against his rib cage. He didn’t dare look up. He simply stood, walked out the door, and headed into Snowshoe on his bike faster than any lawman would condone. He couldn’t handle the possibility that Isa would never be the same after this fiasco was through.



“Oh well.I tried to keep you as our own, lovey.” Viper walked back into the room and passed his phone to the man next to him, then hunched down in front of her. “I guess you won’t be our wife after all.”

Isa struggled at the restraints on her wrists. Viper’s right-hand man had put the duct tape back over her mouth after she cried out when she heard Reaper’s voice on the phone call. If it wasn’t in place now, she’d spit on Viper and his goon. After that, her captor had left the room for the duration of the call, not that she minded much. The greasy-looking man gave her the creeps. His beady, snakelike eyes didn’t help matters either.Probably how he got his club name.

“Right, I forgot you’re mute at the moment.” Viper traced her face with his fingertips, and she reared back in disgust. He laughed but didn’t stop his fingers from dipping over her exposed skin. “I prefer women this way. Except in the bedroom, of course.” He kissed the side of her neck. “Want to give me a little sample of the sounds you can make, princess?”

Isa held back the vomit rising in her throat. His touch combined with the putrid scent of raw fish from the kitchen they were currently hiding in made it more difficult by the moment. The Twelve Brothers’ president purposefully moved her from the cement box to a nearby restaurant so Macha couldn’t trace their headquarters.

A chef walked back to the freezer and eyed her warily before grabbing a filleted trout and then retracing his steps. The cold air had her teeth chattering for the past hour. Only after the call began did Viper allow his younger brother to pull her out of the freezer and into the kitchen. Viper left her alone in the kitchen with his brother fifteen minutes ago, but her body hadn’t recovered yet, though from the arctic temperatures or the looming threat, she wasn’t sure which contributed more.

Viper sat back on his heels and studied her. “It’s a pity. I think you’d like my brothers. We could have a reverse harem if you say the word.”

Isa bit at the tape over her mouth, but it didn’t do any good. She had more than one thing to tell the pompous arsehole.

“Eh, no matter. Once we get Reaper and his men here, I don’t care what happens to you.” He released her chin and stood. “Let’s get out of here before Macha arrives.”

The younger biker roughly grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the straight-backed chair. He marched her through the kitchen and out the back door. A black SUV with dark-tinted windows sat running. The biker paused to chat with the driver while Viper made a phone call. Isa saw her opportunity and steeled herself for the next set of events.

Acting fast, she kneed the biker in the groin and smacked Viper with her fisted hands. Both men grunted at the pain, and she sprinted down the alleyway. Shouts filled the space behind her, and she held back her panic when she came to a street. Looking left, then right, she swore. Nothing was familiar. She couldn’t even guarantee she was in Snowshoe anymore. After spending most of her time with Doc at the clubhouse or lodge—or bedroom—her surroundings were as strange as when she’d first arrived.

“Get back here, bitch!” Viper yelled.

Isa veered right toward the convenience store up the road. If she could make it there, she was safe.I hope.She crossed traffic without stopping, cars honking at her jaywalking venture. She peeked behind her shoulder and saw five bikers headed her way.Shite! I need to hurry.

She pushed her body faster, her legs somehow obeying her despite not seeing such activity in years. It was fight or flight, and she was absolute shit at fighting. Sweat poured down her forehead, but she kept running. Cars swerved to miss her, and she yelped when one nearly hit her. If she were smart, she’d stop somewhere and get help.

Heavy footballs behind her steered her away from stopping. She was barely ahead of the bastards. If she paused even for a moment, they’d be on her within seconds.

Lungs burning, she turned right and tried to get the tape off her mouth, knowing breathing would be a lot easier without it. She managed to get part of it off but had to slow down for even that painful inch.

“We’re closing in,” she heard an accented voice yell. “Cut her off at the next corner.”

Isa yelped and kept her gaze ahead. The years spent jogging did her no good. The blocks whizzed by, and she lost track of where she was. She couldn’t even tell how long she’d been running. The scenery didn’t look familiar, but the Snowshoe name was plastered on nearby billboards.

Just make it until you get help.

She walked for a moment, trying to catch her breath. The sun beat down on her, a drastic change from the freezer they’d kept her in not an hour ago.
