Page 73 of Acceptance

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“Actually? Yeah, a little, but in a good way.”

“Daddy? Ember?” Amelia’s small voice calls out from her doorway.

Ember scrambles out of bed and pulls a shirt and shorts back on.

“Oh my God, what is she going to think if she sees me coming out of here? This was a mistake.”

The concern for Amelia warms my heart, the same concern I’ve had this entire time—until last night. Amelia already loves Ember. In fact, I think she loved her the minute she laid eyes on her. Can’t blame her for that. Ember is definitely special.

What I realized was whether Ember finds another job or moves away, Amelia will be affected. Keeping Ember at bay was to protect me, not Amelia. Ember isn’t Norah. I don’t need protection from her. Even if I did, it’s too late. I’m in. My heart is all the way in, despite my valiant effort to keep it protected. As much as I tried to fight it, I realized that no matter what happens, Amelia will be affected. Unless I keep everyone that matters to her out of her life, hurt is inevitable. People leave. People die. Life moves on.

“Ember,” I say softly as I grip her arms. “It’s going to be okay.” My lips find her forehead and place a gentle kiss there. “I’ll be right there, Amelia,” I call out.

“Why are you so calm about this?” Ember whispers.

With Ember slightly calmed, I step into my sweats and tug a shirt over my head.

“I’ll go get her, you get dressed, and we’ll reconvene in the kitchen. Sound like a plan?”

She nods.

“Last night wasn’t just sex. I’m not sure if that’s ever what this was.” I kiss the top of her head. “We’ll figure it out. I promise.”

I open the bedroom door, making sure to shut it behind me.

“Hey, there.” I smile down at Amelia. “Want some pancakes for breakfast?”

“Where’s Ember?” her soft voice asks, and I can hear the love in it and the need.

“It’s her day off, remember? I’m sure she’s just getting some extra sleep.”

“But she promised to take me to the park today.”

Of course, she did. Amelia and I mean as much to her as she does to us. I have been a fool for far too long. That all ends—today.

Twenty minutes later, Ember emerges with an unstoppable smile, and I feel a twinge of pride knowing I put it there.

“There you are,” Amelia shouts. She gets out of her chair and runs to Ember, throwing her arms around her.

“Hey, baby girl. Did you miss me?”

Amelia nods her head. “I had a bad dream.”

“What kind of bad dream?” I interject.

Ember tosses a look in my direction, one that tells me I’m clearly overreacting. Taking a seat at the table, she pulls Amelia onto her lap.

“What was it about?”

“Mommy came back and took me away from you and Daddy.” Wrapping her arms tightly around Ember and burying her face in Ember’s hair, I can hear her soft cries.

Short of telling Amelia there’s no chance in hell her selfish mother is coming back, I don’t know how to broach the subject with her. Sure, she’s smart for her age, but for fuck’s sake, she’s only five. Lucky for me, Ember seems to know exactly what to say. She always does.

“Even if she did come back, no one is taking you away from your dad. Or me, for that matter. We will always be here for you.” Ember says, her arms tight around Amelia.

We. Us. Our perfectly imperfect family.

“I love you, Ember.”
