Page 74 of Acceptance

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Tears well in Ember’s eyes. “I love you, too, baby girl.”

Satisfied with Ember’s words and reassurance, Amelia returns to her breakfast without a care in the world.

“You make it look so easy,” I say to Ember when she joins me at the coffee pot.

She holds out her cup for me to fill. “Please, she nearly broke me.” With her free hand, Ember clutches her chest. “Did you hear her? The hurt in her voice?”

“I did, and I saw it go away the moment you spoke to her. We’re lucky to have you, Ember. Amelia… and me.” Without caring, I press my lips to Ember’s temple. For all the kisses we’ve shared, except for the one at the zoo, I’ve made sure Amelia wasn’t present.

“Ryder,” she scolds, trying to back away from me.

“I meant what I said last night.” I tug her close to me. “We’ve never been just sex. There’s always been so much more between us. After what happened with Norah, I was scared, afraid to let someone in, especially someone like you.”

“Someone like me? Broken? Damaged?”

I give her a hard look.

“Someone who could make me fall harder than I ever have. Someone who means more to me than any other woman ever has. Last night showed me how much you mean to me. I’m tired of trying to fight it, and even if I wanted to, I’m in too deep to turn back.”

“What about Amelia?”

“By the look of it, so is she.”

Her hand rests on my chest. “Ryder, are you sure this is what you want?”

I emit a soft chuckle. “Did I want it? No. Can I live without it or you? Definitely no.” I tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. “I’m in this, baby… all the way.”

Excitement lighting her eyes, her arms wrap around my neck and pull me into a tight hug.

I hold back the words that threaten to slip off my tongue.

I love you, Ember.

Those will have to wait. They need to be said somewhere more special than the kitchen. They deserve to be celebrated. We deserve to be celebrated. Two broken souls who were able to find each other and heal.

As soon as breakfast is over, Amelia drags Ember away to play Barbies. As much as I would love to spend some time with Ember and celebrate our newfound relationship, I have business to take care of.

Dialing Mark’s number, I take a seat at my desk and rest my head against the back of my chair.

“Hey, man, where are you? We have a meeting in ten.”

“I won’t be in today.” After last night, there’s no chance in hell I’m leaving them alone. Letting out an exasperated sigh, I give him a quick rundown of last night’s events.

“Any suspects?” he asks.


There isn’t a doubt in my mind that prick Edgar is behind this. I should have done something more that day at the park or after. Instead, I got wrapped up in Ember and my feelings for her. I let it—and her—cloud my judgment. I shouldn’t have dropped it. I should have gone after the prick and given him a taste of what would happen if came near her again.

“I’ll put someone on him. Keep an eye out.”

“I appreciate it. I need to ramp things up here, too, just in case. Making sure Ember and Amelia are safe is top priority.”

As soon as the words leave my mouth, I glance up and see Ember standing in the doorway.

“Hey, Mark. I have to go. I’ll call you later with an update.” I disconnect the phone. “Hey.”

“Hey.” She slowly makes her way into the office.
