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For just the briefest moment, a stab of jealousy hit her.

For a while, she’d wondered if Blake and Kristen had rushed to get married. While Blake was nearing thirty, Kristen was still in her early twenties.

It had seemed too soon. Too quick. But the way they looked at each other, the way they were together? Kristen and Blake were the real deal. They were so in love, it made everyone around them a little nauseous.

And maybe a little jealous.

She remembered Kris telling her once...

We go together like peanut butter and jelly. We’re literally the perfect fit. I can’t imagine being any happier or loving a man any more than I do him. And he feels the same way. This is a crazy, unpredictable world lately and happiness can be fleeting. When you find this kind of love, don’t doubt it. Don’t second-guess it. Embrace it. Nurture it. Fight for it. Because someday, years later, you might regret that you didn’t.

Pretty deep words, actually, from her friend. But then, Kristen had always been that way. She’d always been super in tune to her emotions and empathy toward others.

And then, there’s me. The girl who enjoys the sex, but hates the emotional part. AKA, kind of a hot mess.

“I’m really glad you’re happy, Kris.” The words were honest and without jealousy this time.

“I am. But let’s get back toyou.” Kristen sipped her coffee. “So, you work at the same law firm as my brother and had no clue when you signed on.”

“No clue.”

“Would it have mattered if you knew ahead of time he worked there? Would you still have taken the job?”


“I don’t blame you.” Kris paused. “Do you really hate James that much?”

“I don’t hate him at all.” Tori pushed the hash browns around on her plate. “It’s complicated. He’s complicated. Anytime he gets too close to me, he gets this pinched look. Like, I don’t know, when you order the chicken and get the fish-type of stuffy look.”

Kristen laughed. “I’m very familiar with that look. James doesn’t have a very good poker face.”

“Right? And yet, don’t you kind of need one if you’re going to be a lawyer?”

“It depends what kind of law they practice. Though I think he’s leaning toward litigation with our cousin, so he might need to work on that. Also, give him time. He’s still a baby lawyer.”

“Associate is the term they use, I believe,” Tori corrected her.

“I prefer baby lawyer. So cute. Plus, it drives him nuts, and what else are sisters for?”

Tori smiled, but that subtle, sad, yet familiar feeling settled in. No siblings. No family. Just a foster care system that she’d finally crawled out of.

But she’d beat the statistics that predicted her life would downward spiral. She’d gotten the college scholarships, and she’d worked her butt off to keep her grades high and get a business degree.

And now she had a job she was proud of.

“I’m so glad we were able to make this brunch happen. It’s been way too long.” Kristen grimaced and shook her head. “And a lot of that’s on me with grad school.”

“And being a newlywed. I get it.”

“How have you been? Are you dating?”

“Dating? Pfft.” Tori laughed. “Who has time for that nonsense?”

“Um, you make time. There are serious benefits to being in a relationship.” Kristen leaned forward and whispered, “Orgasms being one.”

“Yeah, you don’t actually need a relationship—or even a partner for those.”

Kristen’s sigh was adorably wistful. “Oh, but it’s so much more fun when you have a partner.”
