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Sure, if the guy knew what he was doing. Which, with her streak in lovers, she was better off reaching Mt. Orgasm on her own.

“I was trying to think about it, and I don’t think you’ve actually had a long-term relationship.”

Tori stilled, forcing herself to take another bite before she answered. It was an issue she’d thought about more than once lately, with many of her friends falling in love.

“I haven’t, really.”

This was her best friend, and she’d always been brutally honest with Kristen.

Well, except for that one thing.

“I tend to be more into hookups,” Tori continued.

“Not all of them, surely. I remember one guy... he lasted a few months.”

“Ah, yes, Leo.” He’d been pretty fun, until suddenly he hadn’t.

“What ever happened with him?”

“Well, one night when he was drunk, he told me, and I quote, ‘You know this isn’t serious, right? You’re not exactly the type of girl a guy brings home to meet their mom.’”

Kristen’s stricken look made Tori wince.

“Maybe I should’ve kept that story to myself.”

“Oh, my god. I’m so sorry, Tori. What a complete asshole.”

And here was the sympathy she dreaded. The last thing she wanted was more sympathy. It felt as if her whole life had been nothing but people pitying her.

Screw that. She wasn’t a victim.

“Yeah, he was. And fortunately, I wasn’t in love with him or anything. So, after I let him get me off, I walked out of his place and blue-balled him. Never looked back.” Tori lifted her coffee mug. “Cheers.”

The sadness on Kristen’s face made her regret telling her.

“Not all guys look at you that way, Tori. I know there are guys out there who’d kill to get to know the woman behind the gorgeous exterior.”

“Thank you. I’m sure you’re right. I just haven’t really put any energy into trying to find them.”

She put herself first. Her needs. Her time. Get in and get out. Don’t get attached.

It’d worked so far. Though she was in a bit of a dry spell. No guys had rung her bell, so to speak. The last time she could remember getting a little flustered by a man was...

Her gaze lifted to her friend. Kristen’s brother.

Which, nope. Not going to happen. Maybe Tori was a bit of a hot mess, but right now, James was worse.

“Guys our age can still be pretty immature,” Kristen muttered after finishing off her pancake. “Just out of college, love the bar scene, and hooking up with anyone with a pulse. I’m telling you, date older.”

“Hmm.” She wasn’t convinced it made any difference.

“Like, for instance, my brother.”

Chapter Five

Tori nearly chokedon the bite of food she’d taken. She swallowed. “You think I should date your brother?”

“You just admitted you don’t hate him. And, I mean, you guys did kiss that one night, right? How was it?”
