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“Aw, thanks. I feel special.” Tori glanced around her friend’s new house. “And you certainly have room for a big party. This place is amazing.”

“Thank you. We’re beyond thrilled our offer was accepted.” Kristen began placing soda and beer in the ice chest in the corner. “Hey, can you stir the beans?”

“Will do.” Tori moved to the stove to give the baked beans a quick stir.

“Back to my brother. Are you guys getting along okay? I know you were both a little weirded out to be working together.”

“We’re totally good.”

It was a lie. Sort of. They weren’t completely at each other’s throats, but that tentative friendship had vanished again with the Ryan drama.

Oh god, was Ryan going to be here?

She hadn’t even thought about the possibility, but he was a coworker and family. Which pretty much guaranteed it.

“Areyou good?” Kristen appeared beside her, her gaze knowing. “Like, what stage are you at? Hate each other? Tolerate each other?” She paused. “Or hopefully sleeping together by now?”


“What?” Her friend’s eyes widened with faux innocence.

“Like kissing a dead fish, remember?”

Voices at the front of the house cut the conversation short.

“Oh, looks like people are arriving. Thanks for getting here early to help out, Tori. I’ll go say hello.”

For the next half hour, people began to pour into the house. Friends and other Wright and Williams’s employees. Ryan had showed up, to her disappointment, but fortunately, he was chatting with everyone and had only given her a quick hello.

Maybe he’d realized she had no interest in his gross proposal.

Still no sign of James yet.

Her gaze caught on a gorgeous, petite Asian woman and she immediately recognized her.

It was Hannah, James’s ex. She wasn’t alone, but was holding hands with another guy who Tori recognized as well. Eric? She knew he was one of James’s and Blake’s friends.

She hadn’t been anywhere near Hannah since the wedding. And they’d only exchanged a handful of words ever.

“Oh, hey, Tori, you know Hannah and Eric, right?” Kristen waved her over, and then her eyes widened. “I mean... yeah. Might as well formally introduce you guys.”

And there it was. The elephant in the room. They might not know each other super-well, but Hannah was definitely aware that Tori was the one James had kissed that night. Which had been the end of their relationship.

“I’m going to check on Blake out at the grill.” Kristen vanished, her cheeks pink.

Way to leave me to handle this alone, bestie.

“Tori, hi.” Hannah’s voice was nothing but bright and warm, though. “I think we met, but it’s been a while.”

“Hi, yes. Nice to see you again.”

“Eric?” Hannah turned to the guy next to her and placed a hand on his chest. “Give us a minute?”

Oh damn, this can’t be good.

Tori stiffened and braced for it.

“No problem.” Eric pressed a kiss against Hannah’s mouth, then wandered off.
