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Hannah turned to face her. “I just need to clear the air, because I’ve been wanting to do it for a while now.”

Here we go.

“I have zero animosity toward you. And maybe it’s weird to thank you, but I probably should,” Hannah said. “If James hadn’t kissed you that night and then fessed up, we might still be stuck in an unhappy relationship. Instead, I’m head over heels in love with one of his best friends.” She lifted her hand to show off the sparkly ring. “Engaged, actually.”

“I... don’t even know how to respond to that,” Tori admitted honestly. “I’m sorry it happened, all the same. And James and I are just friends now.”

Sort of.

“Oh, really?” Disappointment flickered in the other woman’s eyes. “Still? You’re not, um, together yet?”

Okay, this woman was really good at shocking her. And Tori didn’t shock easily. Why was everyone so convinced she and James were going to wind up together?

“Just friends,” she repeated, maybe a little more vehemently than needed. “If that, even. We’re coworkers.”

“Okay. I get it.” Hannah smiled, though she didn’t look convinced. “Anyway, you’re best friends with Kris, and she’s my good friend too. I’m sure our paths will cross in the future, and when they do, I’m just hoping there’s no weirdness. Because I’m pretty sure we’ll all end up being friends.”

It sounded so wild and farfetched, and while she wanted to laugh in dismay, she didn’t. Couldn’t. Because Tori had the gut instinct that Hannah was probably right.

“You know what? I’d like that.” She glanced beyond Hannah to where Eric was welcoming someone into the house. “And you guys seem very happy together.”

“We are so happy and in love. Last week, we went to Seaside on the Oregon Coast for spring break—I’m a teacher. Can you believe it rained theentireweek? As in Monday through Sunday. So it kept us mostly stuck inside. Which was... actually nice.” Hannah blushed faintly. “And it gave us time to sit by the fire and plan our wedding.”

“That sounds really romantic.”

Something pricked in the back of her mind. James had been at the coast last weekend too. Hadn’t he told her it was sunny and warm?

Oregon is a big state, Tori. It could easily rain in one spot and not another.

There was a commotion at the door, and Hannah turned. “Oh, hey, the guest of honor is here.”

Tori’s gaze followed hers as James entered the house. He was all smiles and laughter, and way too attractive in dark jeans and a black polo shirt.

Her pulse quickened, and something fluttered in her belly. And she cursed the stupid reaction that was becoming all too familiar.

His gaze drifted around the house and then landed on her. Their gazes locked, and an invisible current seemed to run between them before his smile died.

Of course it did. If there was one thing Tori knew she was good at, it was putting James in a bad mood.

He stepped fully into the house, allowing the person behind him to enter too.

A woman in a blue dress stepped inside. James placed his hand on her shoulder and whispered something.

James had brought a date.

Chapter Thirteen

Tori’s heart twisteda bit, and she glanced away.

Why in the hell did that bug her?

Either way, she wasn’t going to stick around and watch any incoming PDAs.

She pushed her way through the crowd to the backyard and found Blake grilling burgers.

He glanced her way and grinned. “How’s it going, Tori?”

“It’s going.”
