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Chapter Nine

Rachel pushed through the storm; head bowed so the raincoat hood would keep her drier. Abe sheltered her with his arm but the pellets of rain stung even through the coat.

If Preston was the one responsible for stealing all that money from Abe, she couldn’t imagine the betrayal he would feel. They’d been friends for a long time and just minutes before, Abe had vouched for him.

Her thoughts darted to Abe’s sweet declaration to her. He’d said her strength, fire, and beauty radiated from the inside out. He’d said he’d fallen in love with her. It had shocked her how little he’d cared about the other accusations she’d made but wouldn’t stand for her self-deprecating words. His words made her feel like she could fly and face anything, even judges or jury members staring at her scars and little children maybe being scared initially until they got to know her and she helped them know she would be their friend and representative. Maybe she could even forgive Flint Brooks and rid herself of that crippling anger. She felt like she could conquer the world and help the people she’d always wanted to help with Abe by her side.

She blinked up at him, the rain making it difficult to see clearly and the wind strong enough it was an immense effort to simply keep moving forward. Her hair was a mess, her makeup was gone, her scars were revealed, and she didn’t care. All thanks to Abe. She loved this big, strong, impressive man. She hoped they could get through this mess and the storm and get back to kissing, talking about everything, and making more incredible memories together.

The employee who’d come for them, Kelton, gestured to a bungalow to their right, which had lights on. “This one’s supposed to be unoccupied.”

They’d checked out a couple other rooms, but they had been dark and nobody was there.

Kelton led the way and then they all huddled under the porch overhang. It wasn’t complete shelter as the rain was slanting from the side but it was better than nothing. The employee typed in a code and tugged on the door. He frowned and tried the code again. The door still didn’t open. He looked at them. “This is the universal code. It will override the code a guest puts in unless they’re inside with the deadbolt turned.”

Abe nodded and rapped on the door, yelling, “Preston, it’s Abe.”

A woman screamed in response. “No!”

Rachel’s stomach pitched. Was the woman being hurt? Abe and Kelton looked at each other and both started banging on the door. “Let us in! We can help you!” Kelton yelled.

“Preston!” Abe hollered.

There was no response. Only the howling wind and the rain pounding against the roof and side of the bungalow. Abe looked to Kelton. “You stay here and keep knocking. I’ll go around back and see if I can get in through the patio doors.”

Kelton nodded and pounded again, calling, “Please let us in.”

Abe squeezed Rachel’s arm. “I’ll be right back.”

“I’m coming with you.”

He didn’t argue, simply wrapped his arm around her and they stayed close to the house, getting some shelter from the storm as they made their way through flower beds and bushes to the rear of the bungalow. Light spilled from the uncovered windows and glass patio doors. She could see Preston clearly and he had a blonde woman in his arms. The woman didn’t look like she was fighting to be free, she looked like she was clinging to him, and sobbing. Rachel was pretty certain it was the woman she’d seen him with the first night she’d been on the island.

Abe’s brow furrowed as he pushed at the door handle. It swung open and he ushered Rachel in with the rain as their companion. They both pushed their hoods off and wiped at their faces.

The woman spun around and Preston’s head shot up. The woman’s face was tear stained but absolutely exquisite. She was model gorgeous and Rachel recognized her immediately as the woman in the photos online with Abe. Angel Falslev.

“Angel?” Abe’s voice was a low, disbelieving rumble. He clung to Rachel’s hand as if she were his lifeline. She focused in on him and the anger and hurt in his face made her stomach roll. She wanted to comfort him and protect him from these two people hurting him ever again.

Kelton pounded on the door out front, but everybody ignored him.

“Abe!” Angel’s voice was a lilting soprano, every bit as perfect as the rest of her. She yanked herself from Preston’s arms and ran at Abe.

Abe’s eyes widened in surprise as she threw her arms around his neck. Her hip bone hit hard into Rachel’s stomach, pushing Rachel a few inches away from Abe. She gave Rachel a sweet smile and clung to Abe, as if she were meant for that spot.

Abe released Rachel’s hand and she felt even sicker. He was going to fall for this woman, again. What man could resist a face like that? Truthfully, Rachel used to feel she had a face like that before the accident. A gorgeous face that turned heads and had men acting stupid. Not anymore. She fought the surge of jealousy. Abe had said so many sweet things to her. She clung to the belief that he did care deeply for her and wouldn’t be taken in by a woman who’d betrayed him. Yet Angel was his first love …

Abe took Angel’s arms and pulled her away from him. He released her like she was a leper and stared at her as if she were an apparition.

Kelton knocked louder on the front door and yelled, “Let me in!”

“Abe.” Angel’s voice was pleading. “You look amazing. I can’t tell you how I’ve missed you, how I’ve wished I could be with you all this time.” She took a step closer.

Abe grunted in disbelief and sidestepped toward Rachel. He wrapped an arm around her. Rachel’s heart leapt. She put her arm around his lower back and squeezed through the thin raincoat.

Ignoring Angel’s pleading gaze, almost as if he would lose his self-control if he kept looking at her, Abe glared at Preston and said in a tight, barely-controlled voice, “You’ve been harboring her all these years?”

Preston spread his hands. “I love her, bro. I always have, always will.”
