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Angel gave Preston a pitying look. “But I have always loved Abe. You knew that and tried to keep me from him. Even tonight, you’re trying to make me leave during this horrific storm so Abe wouldn’t find me.”

Anger flashed across Preston’s face but he schooled it quickly. “It’s true, Abe. Don’t blame Angel for any of this. She has always loved you and I’ve selfishly kept her to myself.”

Angel brought her hands together as if praying to Abe and tilted her head so her long, blonde hair spilled across her full chest. “Abe …” She stepped up close again and tried to stroke his arm. He yanked it away as if her fingers were acid. Her smooth brow furrowed but she persisted. “Abe, you have to know how much I’ve always loved you. Preston was behind all of it. He claimed they would put me in prison if I returned. He stole me away while you were in prison and has kept me on different remote islands so I couldn’t contact you. Now you’re here and you can rescue me like I’ve been praying for all these years.”

Rachel held on tighter to Abe and said a silent prayer. Would he believe these lies? Could he see that Preston and Angel were toying with him? Angel was so sweet, so convincing. Rachel almost believed her.

“Don’t!” Abe roared.

Rachel jumped but Abe kept her close to his side as he pointed one finger at Angel. “You have no clue how much I despise you.” His voice was an angry snarl. “Don’t youdare—”

The back door flung open again and Kelton walked in, slamming it behind him. He pushed off his hood, flinging rainwater everywhere. “I guess you got in,” he directed at Abe.

Abe jerked his head to the side. “You wait on that couch. I’m sure I’ll need your help in just a minute.”

Kelton’s eyebrows raised but he obeyed. Abe was a natural leader and obviously ticked off. Rachel didn’t think even her tough brothers would disobey him at this point.

Abe looked back at Angel. His voice wasn’t loud but it was piercing. Rachel could feel how taut his body was. It was as if he were exercising every ounce of self-control. “I willnotlisten to any more of your lies. You both betrayed me and you’re both going to rot in prison.” Anger dripped from his voice and Rachel would’ve been concerned for Preston and Angel if she didn’t know how strong and in control Abe was.

Angel and Preston started talking over each other; interestingly, they were both trying to plead Angel’s innocence. Rachel wondered if it couldn’t be a plausible story. Preston could’ve kidnapped her, taken all the money, hidden her away all these years, maybe even tricked her initially and twisted the truth since. Yet, she’d heard that conversation between the two of them two nights ago and Angel had said something like she’d get the man they were going to steal from to fall for her. Abe. She would trick Abe.

“Stop!” Abe roared and Rachel jumped again.

The room fell deathly quiet. Only the rain and the wind broke the chilly silence. Abe took a few slow, heaving breaths and then he released Rachel and seemed to grow taller and more intimidating. Rachel was glad she was on his side.

“Preston, you are going to refund the money you just stole through my credit card.” Abe’s voice brooked no argument. It was a tone ofcross me and I’ll cut your lying tongue out.

Preston’s face paled but he didn’t move.

“Angel …” He took another steadying breath, his dark eyes full of righteous fury. “If you have any brain left in that twisted mind of yours, you’ll stay far away from me.” He gave her a look that saiddon’t you dare push me. “As soon as the storm is over you will be returned to the United States and see exactly how miserable it is to pay for a white-collar crime. At least your sentence will be well deserved, and I’ll do everything in my power to make sure you don’t get off easy.”

Angel whimpered and stared at Abe with red-rimmed eyes. Her look was pleading like a puppy dog who’d been wrongly punished by a cruel master.

“Don’t,” Abe warned, raising a hand. His anger radiated from him and Rachel didn’t blame him. Being thrust into the path of the woman he’d long loathed for deceiving him and making him her scapegoat, and now having his close friend betray him as well. He was acting a lot more calm than she probably would have in his situation.

“Abe you have to believe me, you have to trust me,” Angel begged. “He imprisoned me, tried to warp my mind, made me do … horrible things.” Her full lower lip trembled violently and tears streamed down her face.

Rachel honestly wondered if she weren’t innocent. She was so beautiful and sweet.

Abe completely ignored her. He walked to the laptop on the counter and flipped it open. “Password,” he barked at Preston.

Preston’s blue eyes were so malevolent Rachel wondered if he’d try to hurt Abe. Luckily, he didn’t seem to have a weapon and he was much thinner than Abe, or Rachel was sure he’d be going after Abe. He didn’t move though, simply whispered, “Angel1988.”

“Fitting,” Abe grunted with a voice full of disgust and contempt. He typed it in. Rachel squinted and could see a banking account come up on the screen.

Preston was white and visibly trembling. “I thought you closed the window,” he muttered at Angel.

She shot him a dark look.

“Unfortunately for you she didn’t close the window,” Abe said. She thought he might be relieved to get the money back but his jaw was rigid. His anger and betrayal obviously were much stronger than any worries about funds stolen. He started tapping away on the computer.

“What do you care?” Preston demanded. “The credit card company will take the hit, or the insurance company will. It was nothing personal and it won’t affect you at all.”

Abe gave him an incredulous look. His lips were tight and his jaw hard as flint. “I thought you were my friend, but all along you’ve been in league withherand now you try to steal over two million dollars and think I’m going to let you get away with it?”

“Come on. We’ve been friends a long time—”

“Exactly!” Abe roared. “That’s what makes it so wrong!” His great shoulders heaved with emotion and he shook his head. “You werenevermy friend, and unless you want me to use your face for a punching bag I suggest you shut up and do what I say.”
