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“My pleasure.”

Kelton scampered over to sink down close to Angel.

“Does Mr. Jewel want …” Jason didn’t seem to know how to express it. “You in charge?” He looked between Rachel and Abe.

Rachel looked around, noticed the stacks of pillows and blankets waiting to be distributed and immediately went into action mode. “No, but I have a few suggestions.”

He nodded, quick to please.

“I notice you have blankets and pillow ready. Please also have someone grab the yoga mats and distribute them and bring out any comfortable beds or mats from the therapy treatment rooms of the spa. I think it’s important everyone stay together in this area. If the storm worsens we may need to move them quickly down to the storm shelter.” He nodded his understanding. “Also, please crack the windows on the west side of the building to relieve the pressure of the windows being hit from the east. It keeps them from shattering.”

Jason and Abe were both watching her with respect. “Okay. Anything else?”

“I’ll let you know if I see anything.” She smiled sweetly. “I know Luke will appreciate you being here for his guests through all of this.”

His smile grew as if he realized the promotion he’d probably receive with Preston being suspended and most likely arrested for embezzlement. “Thank you, ma’am. I’ll get those towels and water bottles and follow all your instructions. I apologize, but all of the robes from the spa have been handed out.”

They both waved that off. Luckily, they weren’t too wet and her summery outfit would dry quickly from her rushing through the storm to Abe’s earlier without a raincoat.

“If you two need anything please let me know.” He bustled off, still trying to hide his grin, and failing.

Abe arched an eyebrow at Rachel. “He’s seeing a raise and promotion in his future.”

Rachel nodded, wondering if Abe was really doing as well as he seemed. He’d raised his voice and almost hit Preston, but she couldn’t blame him. He’d shown impressive self-control. She wanted to sit down and talk with him about it all. She glanced around at all the people and was surprised how many were staring openly at her and Abe. She wanted to cover up her scars, her hands twitched with the need. She held them steady.

Abe took her hand and led her over to a spot on the wall that was clear. Rachel could still hear the wind and the rain pummeling the building but she felt safe in here. It would be a long night with no luxurious bed or privacy but she felt like they would all be fine.

Jason came back with the towels, water bottles, and a couple of yoga mats for them to sit on. They thanked him and dried off their legs and her hair as best they could then they doubled the yoga mat underneath them and sat on them against the wall. Abe glanced over to where Preston and Angel sat with heads bent together, talking rapidly. He grunted and looked away.

“So …” Rachel searched for the right thing to say. “How ya doing?” she asked it with a thick Jersey accent that used to make her brothers laugh.

Abe looked at her and chuckled. Rachel’s eyes widened. “That was the response I was hoping for but not what I expected.”

He sobered and passed his free hand over his face then shook his head. “What a nightmare, huh?”

“I can’t imagine.” She snuck a glance at Preston and Angel. They were both staring back at her.

Abe gave them a challenging glare and they both looked away quickly.

“I was surprised how … convincing Angel’s story was. Is there any chance she’s innocent and was kidnapped by Preston?”

Abe glanced sharply at Rachel. “No chance at all.” He shook his head and leaned back against the wall, closing his eyes briefly. “Angel is a master manipulator. She had me convinced that she loved me and then she set me up to take the fall as the embezzler, all the while embezzling more before she disappeared. I guess I should’ve realized she had help.” He opened his eyes and Rachel hated the haunted, pained look there. “I never would’ve guessed it was Preston. I just assumed my closest friend was loyal to me like I’ve always been to him. Dumb, huh?”

“Not dumb at all and I’m so sorry.”

He shrugged and studied his hands.

“So you think Angel has been here for the past, what was it, almost ten years?” She still was having a hard time wrapping her mind around that beautiful, sweet woman being a master manipulator and the person who framed Abe.

“It has been almost ten since she disappeared, but Preston’s only managed here for the past four, I believe that’s when this resort opened. Before that, he worked for other hotels and resorts throughout the Caribbean. I thought he simply liked the warmer weather and all this time they’ve been together. He’s been sheltering her.” He rolled his eyes. “Stupid sap that I am believing he was my friend.”

“You aren’t a stupid sap,” she said, surprised that her confident, in charge of the world Abe was being so hard on himself. This betrayal ran deep. As it probably would for anyone. “You’re a great person and it’s not wrong to trust a lifelong friend, it’s horrid of him to betray you.”

“Thanks.” He gave her a sad smile.

An employee approached them with a stack of blankets and a couple of pillows. “Do you want to try to rest?” the young woman asked. “They’re going to dim the lights soon so everyone can get some sleep.”

“Thank you.”
