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Abe took the stack and they busied themselves spreading the blankets out and then laying down on top of the pile. It wasn’t an awful makeshift bed with the yoga mats underneath. They both stretched out on the pillows and Abe said in a gravelly voice, “Can I hold you?”

“Yes,” Rachel breathed out. He’d told her earlier that he was falling in love with her. She’d loved his impassioned speech about how the scars didn’t detract from her beauty, but she felt like their relationship was tenuous. She wasn’t sure if it was the whole deal with Preston and Angel or her insecurities lingering just below the surface, but something felt off and she wasn’t sure how to fix it.

Abe slid his arm around her waist, and she rested her head against his chest, cuddling in close to his warmth and resting her hand on the ridged muscles of his abdomen. It felt amazing to have him hold her and she prayed that she was imagining the small rift between them. It was probably all between her ears, as her mom would say. Abe was amazing. He was dealing with something hard but he was still watching out for her.

The lights dimmed and the talking settled to a low hum. The rain and wind beat steadily against the windows. Abe’s chest was firm and she liked cuddling up against him. Rachel found herself getting drowsier and drowsier.

Something startled her awake, who knew how much later, she thought it was maybe another branch thumping against the window. The room was even darker and very few people were stirring. Abe was breathing evenly, his body relaxed in sleep, his arm loosened around her. Rachel slowly sat up. Her arm felt the prickles sensation from being pinned between her and Abe’s bodies. She needed to stretch and use the restroom. As she cautiously stood, Abe rolled over onto his side. She paused, but he didn’t open his eyes and seemed to still be sleeping. Glancing down at him she was overwhelmed by how deeply she cared for him even though they’d only known each other for a few days. Would they have more time together after all of this passed? She felt like she’d be lost without him.

She shook her arm out and carefully made her way around makeshift beds toward the bathrooms that were located between the spa and the fitness center. She looked over to the spot where Preston and Angel were. They were lying close together with Kelton not far away. That was good they hadn’t tried to run. She looked at the windows and thought she could see the rain was still pummeling them, but it didn’t seem like the storm was as loud. She was amazed all these guests staying at this high-dollar resort had been willing to listen and spend the night here rather than in their comfortable beds, but it had been a terrifying storm.

She made it to the lobby and looked out the huge windows. It was dark and scary looking still. Even though she thought the storm had calmed down she definitely wouldn’t want to go back out in it.

She wandered into the ladies’ restroom and used it and then splashed a lot of water on her face. Studying her face in the mirror, she was amazed at how good she felt. It was insane because her hair was a stringy, matted mess, she had no makeup on, and her scars were on display for anyone to see. Knowing that Abe thought she was beautiful had her feeling almost like her old, confident self.

The door opened behind her and she spun. Her eyes widened and she backed into the counter. Angel walked in slowly, blinking as if awakening from a deep sleep. She yawned and smiled at Rachel. “Kind of a miserable way to spend the night, eh?”

Rachel nodded, staring at the woman. She was other-worldly beautiful. Though she still looked damp and was probably uncomfortable, it was as if the rain and the long night hadn’t affected her. It reminded Rachel of the Harry Potter books that her twin brothers Seth and Caleb had read nonstop, fancying themselves to be the Weasley twins. Angel was like Fleur Delacour, the part-veela, part-woman who was irresistible to the male species. Still, Abe was able to resist her, even when Angel had claimed her innocence and that she loved him.

“Excuse me,” Rachel murmured, walking past her.

“Rachel,” Angel’s voice stopped her.

Rachel wanted to keep on walking but she didn’t want to act like she was unable to face her boyfriend’s former love. Boyfriend? Would Abe call himself her boyfriend? The thought made her smile.

Angel smiled at her, maybe thinking Rachel was smiling for her. “You’ve been through something really hard,” Angel said, her eyes flicking to Rachel’s scars. “I’m so sorry.”

Rachel nodded, not wanting to talk about any of it with Angel. Before Rachel had been injured, she would’ve seen someone like herself and sympathized but never truly understood how it felt to be deformed. Angel had no clue how hard the past eight months had been.

“You’re still beautiful.” Angel gave her an encouraging smile. “I hope you remember that, no matter how the media or other people try to disparage you.”

Rachel blinked at her. Her family were sometimes in the media but she’d been protected from it so far. The women at Harvard Law had mocked her but they hadn’t known she was in that bathroom. Would people openly ridicule her?

“Abe is an amazing man. You’re so lucky that he’s fallen for you.” Angel paused and seemed to debate then said softly, “You know Abe’s already been through a lot with the media. I’m sorry to say but the two of you getting together will be a sensational story.”

Rachel drew back. She’d gained so much confidence over the past few days, from Abe’s acceptance and kindness and also realizing she was sick and tired of hiding away, it was completely contrary to her personality and the confidence her family and the good Lord above had always instilled in her. Yet … she couldn’t help but glance in the mirrors and see the repulsive scarring. She touched the disfigured, bumpy skin on her chin and neck.

“You are a lovely person,” Angel said sweetly. “I hope the media and others will see past the scars to the beauty you have within.”

Rachel truly couldn’t decide if the woman was an angel or a devil. She seemed so kind, so sweet, but Abe had said she was the devil and why would she try to plug these doubts in Rachel’s head? Doubts of if Rachel was worthy of Abe and if she could handle the media pressure. She straightened her shoulders and smiled. She was a Jewel. She could handle it.

“Thank you for your concern. I’m sure I’ll be just fine.”

Angel smiled broader. “You go, girl,” she said as if they were close friends.

Rachel returned her smile and pushed her way out of the bathroom. She made her way back to Abe and laid down next to him.

“Rachel,” he murmured and laid his arm across her abdomen.

Rachel cuddled into his side and smiled to herself. She would be just fine. She could handle the media. She could handle disparaging comments. She was Rachel Jewel and she was ready to carve her spot in the world.

Abe’s hand curled around her waist and she tenderly kissed his cheek before lying on his shoulder. She’d have Abe by her side as she figured out her spot. What else mattered?
