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Chapter Eleven

Abe awakened to pre-dawn light coming through the windows and Rachel cuddled into his side. He smiled and rubbed his hand along her lower back. She laid on her right side, facing him. Her dark hair was splayed across her left cheek and neck, semi-covering the scars, but not completely. He loved that she’d not only let him touch and see the scars, she’d also kept her hair back as they faced Preston and Angel and as they walked into this room full of people. She was amazing and tough, and he was completely smitten by her.

He realized the wind and rain weren’t howling anymore. He glanced at the windows. It was a gray morning and the rain was still falling and many branches were broken and littering the ground, but the storm seemed to have settled. They were through the worst of it. Abe wouldn’t have minded going and sleeping a couple more hours in his comfortable bed in the bungalow, but he wouldn’t complain about holding Rachel close.

He did tilt his head up to make sure Preston and Angel were still sleeping. With the storm tamping down he didn’t want them to slip away. Maybe he and Jason should tie them up now. The thought gave him savage pleasure. He hated those two for betraying him. If they were arrested and he could have Rachel in his arms, maybe it would finally be the time to move past the anger and betrayal. He hoped.

He couldn’t see them in the spot they’d been sleeping. Kelton was visible next to where they’d been. Abe’s stomach gave an uncomfortable lurch. He gently disentangled himself from Rachel and sat up. His gaze darted around the room. He saw many people sleeping and some stirring but no Preston or Angel.

Then he heard it. The unmistakable chuff, chuff, chuff of rotating helicopter blades.

“No,” he breathed out. He sprang to his feet.

“Abe?” Rachel asked, stirring in her sleep.

“I’ll be right back,” he managed.

Not bothering with his shoes, he darted around makeshift beds and out the lobby of the spa and fitness center. He ran through the rain-slick and messy floor of the lobby. The rain fell steadily but the worst of the storm had definitely passed. The noise of the helicopter drew him on. He cleared the lobby and through the trees beyond several bungalows he saw the helicopter rising in the air.

“Preston!” he hollered. He sprinted back through the lobby, past the pool area, and toward the beach. The helicopter slowly rose across the tree line. In the dusky pre-dawn Abe could make out Preston in the pilot seat and see the blonde of Angel’s hair beside him. His former friend had been certified to fly a helicopter years ago. Abe remembered feeling proud of his friend’s accomplishment. Had he hot-wired it or did he have a spare key the assistant manager didn’t know about?

“Preston!” Abe yelled again. “No!”

Preston couldn’t possibly have heard him, but he glanced down, saluted him with an almost sad-looking smile, and then he flew away. Abe wanted to sink into the sand in frustration and despair but he’d never been one to give up. He cursed himself for not tying those two up. They’d waited until the storm had calmed and found a way to escape.

His jaw clenched tight. He’d told Preston he wouldn’t dare escape because he knew Abe would track him down. He hadn’t had the resources to track Angel down ten years ago and then he’d tried to bury the anger and focus on growing his business. Now he was in a different spot. He could find them, and he would. He had the resources and the motivation. No longer would he be a victim to Preston or Angel. They both deserved to serve time and know how it felt. They deserved his wrath and much more.

With determined strides, he returned to the spa and fitness center. A few people were stirring but most slept on. Jason strode toward him. “Sir … Mr. Sant and Ms. Falslev have disappeared.”

“I know.” He gave a sharp nod, his gut churning in anger, mostly at Preston and Angel but some at himself for not tying their miserable carcasses up. “They just took off in the helicopter.”

Jason’s eyes widened. “Is that safe in this storm?”

Abe shrugged. Maybe they’d crash and die and justice would be served. No, for all his anger he didn’t want them dead, he wanted them in prison. “It’s calmed significantly, but I’m going after them. I’ll be taking my yacht.” A yacht chasing a helicopter sounded impossible, but this pursuit wasn’t about speed, it was about brains, money, and the need for vengeance. He had all three. “Will you watch over my people, and at the end of their stay return them to the airport in Belize if I can’t get back?”

“Yes, sir. Anything else you need?”

Abe shook his head and glanced to where Rachel was still sleeping. Only Rachel. He needed her. He’d have to say goodbye, for now, but as soon as he caught up with Preston and Angel and got them arrested, he’d come for her. He walked slowly to her side, squatted down and touched her shoulder.

She stirred and blinked. Her beautiful blue eyes and incredibly appealing lips smiled up at him. “Hey, handsome.”

Abe grinned back, amazed how one smile from her could wipe away all the anguish he was feeling. She was irresistible to him. How was he going to leave her? “Hey, beautiful.”

She sat up and stretched and he had a hard time keeping his gaze on her face and not her beautiful body. “Breakfast?” she asked happily.

Abe chuckled at how cute she was but shook his head. “I have to go.”

“What? Why?” Rachel scrambled to her feet. Abe straightened to face her. “You’re leaving me?”

Abe’s heart twisted. How to explain that he’d never willingly leave her but he had to track down Preston and Angel? He reached out and cupped her left cheek with his right hand. The bumpy skin didn’t bother him at all. He loved that Rachel’s beauty was unique and refreshing. “I don’t want to leave you, but Preston and Angel escaped in the helicopter. I’ve got to track them down.” He should never have underestimated either of them.

Her blue eyes looked sad and concerned. She reached up and put her hand over his. “Abe. Maybe you need to let them go.”

“Let them go?” Abe stepped back and released her face. What was she saying?

“The anger and betrayal. Don’t let it fester. I’ve done that with Flint Brooks, the man who hurt me. Let’s forgive together. Let our hearts heal and move on with our lives. Please. Stay with me.” She looked up at him so appealing he could hardly believe that he could walk away. Yet … years of pain and betrayal. He’d always blamed Angel, but Preston was even more responsible. He hated them both equally now. What had been a festering splinter was now an oozing, septic wound. He had to catch them or he’d never heal.

“I’m sorry, Rach, but I can’t let them go. They have to be arrested or I’ll never have peace.” He stepped back in, bowed low and kissed her tenderly. Straightening, he said, “I would never want to leave you, but I have to do this.”

Rachel simply stared at him. He really wanted her approval, her understanding. Couldn’t she see what they’d done to him? What they deserved? Several uncomfortable seconds passed with her searching his gaze but not saying anything. Then she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulled herself up onto tiptoes, and kissed him with a passion born of desperation. She didn’t want him to leave and she loved him as much as he loved her.

Abe returned the kiss and knew that if she kept kissing him like this, he’d never be able to walk away. She abruptly yanked herself back, gazed at him with those brilliantly blue eyes, and said, “I love you, Abe.”

Abe’s heart soared. She loved him. What was he doing leaving her? But… Preston and Angel. The dark fury rolling through him at those two seemed to overshadow the love he felt for Rachel. “I love you,” he said earnestly. Then he forced a smile and backed away. “I’ll see you soon.”

Rachel didn’t reply, simply watched him steadily as he backed away and then forced himself to spin on his heel and jog from the room. He hated leaving her, hated letting the anger win over love. Yet he knew he had to hunt Preston and Angel down or he’d never have peace or be free to be with Rachel. He had no choice.
