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She smiled back and put her hand in his. The warmth and strength of his grip were like an anchor. She realized right then that she not only liked having Beck around, but she was also coming to depend on him, to need him. A dart of fear rushed through her but she ignored it. Beck could be hiding things, he could be lying to her like Mark had, but then again he might be exactly as genuine and wonderful as he seemed to be. She’d never know if she didn’t try just like Paisley trying to ice skate. Eve just prayed she wouldn’t get slammed metaphorically to the ice and give up completely because it hurt so bad. Her pain would be much worse than a bruised knee or bottom.

The three of them skated slowly around the rink. Paisley had a few more crashes but she kept getting back up and trying again. Eventually, they were skating quicker and more confidently. Eve was proud of Paisley and grateful for Beck and his patience with her girl.

As Beck drove them home, Eve thought about him asking earlier for a tour of her house. She’d said in a few weeks and she thought that might be smart to slow things down between them. Some of her siblings had fallen in love with their spouses quickly but Eve wasn’t going to follow that pattern. She needed time and reassurance that Beck was genuine and open with her.

A rebellious part of her hoped Paisley would fall asleep and Beck would have to carry her girl up to her room. Then they’d walk out in the hallway, Beck would lean in, his blue eyes hyper-focused on her and…

“I think she’s asleep,” Beck whispered as they pulled into Eve’s driveway.

Eve’s stomach flipped and her heart raced as the fantasies in her mind started to become a reality. She glanced back at her darling little girl, her head lolling to the side in her booster seat. Should she suggest Beck carry her up to bed? Would he kiss Eve after?

Beck put his fancy car into park. Her family had a lot of money, but she didn’t think she’d ever been in this nice of a vehicle. He jumped out and hurried around to get Eve’s door. Eve slid out and Beck was right there. He was a large man and towered over her, but his size made her feel safe and treasured. She smiled up at him. Maybe he didn’t need to carry Paisley to her room for them to have a minute alone.

Beck trailed his fingers through her hair and cupped her shoulder with his hand. His thumb circled along the bare skin above her bicep and delicious shivers filled her.

“Eve,” he murmured, leaning closer.

Eve found herself discarding her usually cautious nature as she arched up toward him.

Beck’s lips turned up in a slow, appealing grin. He ran his hands down her back, taking his time as if he savored each moment of touching her. When his hands reached her hips, he cupped them and easily pulled her flush against him. Eve let out a soft moan of desire and Beck’s eyes deepened to midnight blue. His lips were a breath away and she could almost taste their deliciousness as the scent of mint and his soft cologne wrapped around her as surely as his arms.

“Beck! Mama!” Paisley called from the backseat. “I need to pee!”

Beck and Eve both laughed, though Eve’s laughter was definitely unsteady. She’d wanted that kiss, wanted it badly. Beck released her and moved quickly, opening the rear door and getting Paisley out of her car seat. Paisley ran for the front porch. Eve followed her.

“I’ll get the car seat,” Beck said to their backs.

“Thanks.” Eve typed in the code on the front door and Paisley rushed in and for the main floor bath. Eve turned back to Beck as he carried the car seat and her backpack, setting them both next to the front door.

“Thanks for a wonderful night,” she said, staring into his bright blue eyes and wanting him to lean down, capture her mouth with his, and push away all her worries about relationships and commitments. Would she know from his kiss if he was fully committed to her?

“Thank you.” He rested his hand on the door frame and leaned closer. “Can we make it a standing dinner date?”

She grinned. “If we do I have to pay every other night.”

His brow furrowed. “No. I’ve tried to be forward-thinking and all of that with lunch but dinner is pushing it too far.”

She laughed. Beck’s gaze deepened and he leaned down so close she could smell his warm cologne. “Thank you for gifting me with your laugh.”

Eve swallowed hard. She’d laugh all day long to have him look at her like that.

This was it. It was finally their time. Eve got brave and rested her hand on his chest, savoring the strong muscles underneath his shirt. Beck pulled in a quick breath, gave her an appealing grin, and bent toward her.

Little steps pattered down the hallway then Paisley was pressing against her leg, staring up at them. “Whatcha doing?”

Eve shook her head and stepped back. “I’m thinking it’s time for bath, scriptures, and bed.”

“With songs,” Paisley said.

Eve nodded. “With songs.”

“With Beck?”

Eve’s breath caught as Beck looked at her so hopefully. She wanted to invite him fully into their lives. She wanted it almost as badly as she wanted his kiss. She simply wasn’t ready. More time. That’s what she needed. They’d had a great time at lunch the past few weeks, but this was their first real date. She couldn’t bring him into her home and have him share in the bedtime routine. A careful mother didn’t do that, no matter how amazing the man was.

“Maybe another night,” Eve said.

Paisley started to protest but Beck’s blue gaze was understanding, even though there was a longing in his eyes as well. “For sure,” he said. “I’ll see you tomorrow for lunch, Princess Paisley.”

Paisley gave a hefty sigh and reached her arms up. Beck bent and gave her a hug then he straightened and surprised Eve by giving her a hug too. He brushed his lips across her cheek and she drew in a quick breath, desire and warmth rushing through her.

Beck smiled as if he knew exactly how he affected her and that she was yearning for more and more of his touches, especially his lips on hers.

“Thanks for tonight,” he said. “I’ll see you soon.”

“Thank you,” Eve said.

He backed away and Eve and Paisley watched him go. As he backed out of the driveway in his beautiful car, Paisley sighed, “I love that man.”

Eve’s eyes widened and she realized how much danger she and Paisley were in. As she got her daughter ready for bed, she prayed in her head, “Please let Beck be amazing as I think he is”.The alternative wasn’t possible. It would devastate her and her daughter.

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