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Chapter Fifteen

Birch woke late to his phone ringing. He’d had a hard time settling down after Allison left and the urge to go to her room and kiss her good and long competed with his self-control and the guilt he felt for betraying his promise to his brother.

Blade would understand. He had to. Allison was incredible and Birch knew he’d never find someone like her again. Birch prayed even more desperately for some kind of sign or confirmation from heaven.

He pulled the phone out and answered gruffly, “Hello?”

“Lieutenant Merrill.”

Birch sat up, glancing at the phone display. The detective over Ally’s case. “Detective Jones,” he greeted and stood, stretching and looking out at the glorious view of the beach and ocean through the green of palm trees.

“The Sticky Notes Stalker was caught late last night, or rather early this morning.”

Birch’s mouth fell open. This was good news, great news. It also meant this private time with Allison was at an end. “That’s wonderful news, sir.”

“Yes, it is. I’m sure Miss Bradford will be happy to return to her real life.”

“Yes, I’m sure she will.” Birch wasn’t so sure he was as thrilled about it. Real life. He still had leave time left. He could find a short-term rental near Allison and spend time with her but she’d be securing a new role soon and probably be gone on set or location and he’d have to return to his real life and service in about six weeks. Real life. Even if he could get past the promise he made to Blade, a relationship with Allison was not going to be easy in real life.

“Will you please check in with me when you get back from wherever you are?”

“Of course, sir.”

Detective Jones shared more details of the capture and then they said their goodbyes. Birch used the restroom and brushed his teeth, slid into a t-shirt and shorts, pocketed the phone, and went to find Allison. She wasn’t in the bungalow or the private pool area. He hurried to the beach in bare feet and saw her not too far away, walking. With as active and fit as she was it was probably hard to have her shoulder hurt and not be able to lift weights, ride bikes, or climb trees or mountains. He smiled to himself. He loved her impetuous side, though he hated that she’d gotten hurt in the tree.

“Ally,” he called to her.

She turned his way with a radiant smile and then upped her pace as she walked to him. Birch felt like he was in a cheesy romantic flick as he ran her direction, her beautiful smile beaming at him made his run become a sprint. As soon as he reached her, he swept her into his arms and kissed her. He kissed her long and thoroughly and she responded with genuine fervor. No way could this be an act. He knew that he and Allison were for real.

When they pulled apart, both breathing hard and her gifting him with her incredible smile and an intimate sparkle in her dark eyes he said, “They caught the Sticky Notes Stalker.”

Allison’s smile faltered. “Seriously?”

“Yeah.” He nodded and released her. Taking her hand, they fell into step walking along the beach. “I guess he was putting sticky notes on some actress’ door around two a.m. and her neighborhood security got a notice and were close enough they were able to grab him before he got away.”

“Wow. So that’s … great.”

Birch didn’t miss the catch in her voice. She knew what he feared. Their time together was going to change. But they had to face real life at some point and she agreed to give him time to figure things out with his promise to his brother. At least they had the next six weeks to develop a relationship before he’d have to be back on active duty.

“So what now?”

He shrugged. “I guess we head back to Southern Cal.”

“I guess so.” She smirked at him. “I guess I can turn my phone back on.”

“You turned it off when I got upset with you for talking to your agent and texting friends?”

“Yes, sir.” She saluted. “I’m an obedient girl.”

He chuckled and wrapped his arm around her lower back, impressed that she could disconnect from her phone when she was waiting to hear about a role. It was another way she was very different from other actresses he knew. They lived to see themselves in articles and on social media. “I don’t want this time together to end.”

“Why would it have to end?” Her gaze darted up to his and he read the fear there.

“It’ll have to change at least. You’ll secure your next role. In six weeks I’ll be back on active duty.”

She nodded and leaned into his abdomen as they walked. “I don’t want it to end either but at least we have the next six weeks together.”

“For sure.” He focused on that positive. She’d asked him to shelve his issues with his promise to his brother and he wanted to do that for the next six weeks, get to know her better and see where it could lead. Hopefully, if he prayed hard enough he’d get that sign from above that Blade and the good Lord approved and he could be with Allison. That was all he wanted at this point. Not even his service to his country mattered as much to him right now.
