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With a groan, I lie back down. Liam. Stupid face. Miller. He saw me practically naked. The things I said… Oh man, just shoot me already. I told him I wrote “Desire Reigns”about him, why did I do that?

It’s official, I’m never drinking again.

There’s a light rapping on my door and I look up to see Shea standing in the doorway with a black coffee and a brown bag that’s got an oil stain coming through it. It’s probably an egg and cheese bagel. I don’t know if I want to eat it or puke but eating it will probably help the acid now burning a hole in my stomach. I don’t think I ate anything for dinner last night, which is also why I got so wasted. Again, I blame Liam.

“I figured you’d need this,” Shea says quietly, and I want to kiss her for how thoughtful she is. She sits on the edge of the bed, handing me the coffee and food. “You look like crap by the way. Maybe just go straight to the shower, don’t bother looking in a mirror.”

I cringe. “That bad?”

“You kind of remind me of Bozo the Clown,” she giggles.

“Great. Just great.” I take a sip of the black coffee, enjoying the way it burns the taste of shit from my mouth.

“Sooo… you and Liam make up?” She gestures her head in the direction of the living room.

“Why would you say that?”

“He was sleeping on the couch when I came in. Either the guy takes his job way too seriously or something happened last night.”

“Most def the former. Nothing happened between us last night. Or at least, nothing of mention. Is he still here?”

She shakes her head no. “What happened then? Why do you look like death warmed over?”

“I got drunk and fell in the shower.”And tried to strip in front of Liam.

“Goodness, B! Are you okay? Do you need me to get you a doctor appointment?”

“No, I’m good.” I force myself to open the bag of food. I pull out the bagel and take a bite. When the carbs hit my stomach, I immediately feel better.

“Are you sure?”

“I broke the fall with my ass. Mostly I’m just embarrassed and sore. And did I mention hungover? I don’t even know how I’m talking to you right now.”

“I don’t either. But I came to remind you that you have a meeting with Rolling Stone.”

“Dang it! My interview.”

“Yep. Forgot that was today, huh?”

“I sure as hell did. Do I have hair and makeup coming?”

“No, but I can get them if you want me too.”

“Yes, please. I need a miracle.”

She picks at my tangled hair. “I’ll agree with you there.”

I take another bite of food and sip of coffee as Shea explains how the interview is going to go down. We’re meeting in the hotel bar for lunch, then we’ll go for a walk around Atlantic City. The reporter is going to ask me some questions, get to know me, then we’ll be done. Surprisingly, I’ve never been featured in Rolling Stone before, so this is a big deal. I can’t believe I forgot.

“Penny for your thoughts?” Shea grins. “You’re awfully quiet.”

“I just hope they don’t ask anything about the stalker. Liam said I shouldn’t talk about it at all.”

“Then don’t. I’ll make sure Gia lets them know. Only talk about what you’re comfortable sharing.”

“Okay, cool.”

“Are you going to tell me what happened between you and Liam last night for real? He got all weird when I told him “Desire Reigns” is about an unrequited high school love. He was all goo-goo eyed at the show up until I said that. Then he stormed off like he wanted to punch something. Is that song about him?”
