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It doesn’t take long before Shea answers. She gives me a coy smile then pushes her purple hair over her shoulder. I bite my tongue. I want to cuss her out for smiling at me like that right now. Her boss,her friend, just came face-to-face with a dangerous threat. A threat that could have killed her.

I must scowl because her smile drops. Instead of her usual bubbly greeting, she just opens the door and lets me in.Good choice. When I enter the room, my eyes search for Birdie.

Kevin is sitting next to her, her blonde head rests on his shoulder. She’s gazing at the television. I can tell by her glazed-over look that she’s not watching it, it’s just on for noise. Eric and Gia are sitting close to each other, talking quietly. Every so often they glance cautiously at Birdie. I’m glad she has her friends around her, though a part of me wishes it was my shoulder under Birdie’s head instead of Kevin’s, which is a ridiculous thought.

At my approach the three of them look up, but Birdie’s eyes remain staring forward. Eric stands and waves me over to the bedroom so we can talk in private. I notice Shea takes his spot on the couch, her eyes watching us leave. Her stare inspires me to go over her background check again, I’m starting to wonder if this girl is here for the right reasons. Even if she shits rainbows, maybe I can find something to convince Birdie she can get a better assistant. One that doesn’t flirt with her bodyguard on the daily.

Once we’re out of earshot, Eric starts giving me the third degree. “What did you find?

I run my hands through my tousled hair; I could really use a hot shower. I tell Eric what we found on the security footage, and that the police report has been filed, but as of right now, there’s not much we can do besides up security and keep a closer eye on how we transport Birdie to and from locations.

“Do you think we should fly her instead?” Eric asks.

“That’s an option. But if you can get me extra guys hired in each town, we shouldn’t have any issues. I think this creep just wanted to flex a bit. He probably gets off on these types of power plays. Between the public letter, the incident in Times Square and now tonight… he’s showing us he’s watching. That he sees the weak links. Whoever he is, he must have some sort of police or military background.”

“Are you sure?” Eric asks.

“That’s what the signs point to right now. But I’m going to investigate it more tomorrow. I just want to make sure Birdie’s okay tonight.” Eric pats my bicep, a small smile tugging at his lips. I lift an eyebrow at him in question.

“I’m glad to hear you say that. I know you and Birdie have history you won’t tell us about, but I’ve never seen her like this. Ever. It’s scaring me. We may be her friends… hell, we’re her family, but I think it would be good if she has someone from her past around tonight. Someone familiar and safe.”

I don’t know if he’s right or not. Birdie may hate me right now after what happened, but I’d do anything to make sure she feels safe tonight. “I’ll be here for her,” is all I can say. I know he wants me to divulge more of our past, but that’s her story to tell.

“Good. I’ll clear everyone out so you can speak with her.”

“Thanks, Eric.”

I follow him back out to the living room. Gia must have been in on this plan because Kevin and Shea are already gone. Birdie stands by the door now and Gia is hugging her for dear life. Birdie’s hugging her back, but her body is still. I think she’s in shock. Once Gia sees Eric and I, she pulls back.

“Call me if you need anything, I’ll come right over,” she tells Birdie.

“I will,” Birdie says, her voice small. Something in my heart pangs at the sound of it. Eric echoes Gia’s words, then after a minute they’re both gone. Birdie closes the door and locks it, her hands shaking just slightly as she does. When she turns around, she jumps a little at the sight of me.

“Sorry, I thought you knew I was here.”

Her hazel eyes flick to the floor. “I didn’t see you come in.”

“You were watching the news.” I say awkwardly.

She lets out a harrumph. “I’m pretty sure I wasn’t, but I know what you mean.” She forces herself to breathe, then straightens her shoulders. “Did you need something?”

My ego deflates a little at the fact that she dismisses me so quickly. Maybe she’s planning to fire me after tonight. I wouldn’t blame her. “I want to make sure you’re alright.”

“I’m fine,” she clips as she heads for the mini bar.

It under a minute, she’s throwing back a little bottle of bourbon.

“That just screams okay,” I mutter.

She rubs her temples then puts the empty bottle down on the counter.

“Liam, what are you doing here?” her voice is tired, but I decide I’m not going to leave until I know she won’t drink herself into a stupor and fall in the shower again.

I make my way to the bar then sit down. “Pour me a drink.”

She looks intrigued now. “You’re serious?

I probably shouldn’t. But after tonight, one drink won’t hurt. “I’m technically off the clock.”
