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I slap her sexy ass as she walks away. She lets out a cute yelp that makes my dick twitch. I’ll have to do more of that later.

When she opens the door, her hair and makeup people are there with all their gear. Birdie must know them because they act like old friends. Gia assured me that anyone who works with Birdie is being thoroughly vetted and searched by hotel security upon arrival, but it’s nice to know that Birdie has a rapport with these people.

“I’ll leave you ladies to it,” I say when there’s a lull in the conversation. Birdie’s gaze meets mine and I can see she doesn’t want me to leave. I don’t want to either, but I have to. I need a shower, badly, and I’ve got limited time to do what I need to do before soundcheck.

“I’ll come get you before the interview, Ms. Wilder.”

Birdie smirks at that. “Thank you, Mr. Miller. You’re just so good at your job.”

I hold back a laugh as the makeup and hair women both look at us funny. With one last look at Birdie, I make my exit.



Theradiohost,Gabe,is droning on about his favorite 60s bands to his listeners. He’s an okay guy, and he’s interviewed me several times, but he always checks out my tits and asks me to the club after my shows in Atlanta.

I said yes once—and unfortunately, we had sex. Which means that every time I come here, he thinks he has a chance.

My eyes search for Liam. He’s watching from a nearby sound booth. When he came to get me at my door earlier wearing his typical white button down, skinny tie, and navy slacks, I almost jumped his bones. If Shea hadn’t been there, I would have.

My eyes follow the lines of his gelled hair. I’ve never seen it styled this way, and it makes me wonder what he looks like in the shower with water running in between his hard muscles and over the angled planes of his face. I only saw him shirtless for the first time last night, but I’m dying to find out what below the belt looks and feels like.

Reflexively I squeeze my thighs together, glad that my lower half is covered by the table in front of me. I wouldn’t want Gabe to think I’m turned on by him. He’s not a bad looking guy, with his salt and pepper hair and well-trimmed beard, but in the sack he lacked. Not to mention I don’t want him flirting more than he already is. Especially in front of Liam.

Liam’s chocolate brown eyes catch me staring at him and a discrete grin sneaks onto his lips. Despite what went on between us last night, and this morning, he’s still all business. The moment we walked out of my hotel suite earlier, he changed his demeanor completely. He was also kind of rude to Shea, which surprised me. Usually everyone likes Shea.

“Well Birdie, shall we take a few calls from the listeners to wrap up?” Gabe’s question returns me to the present.

I flick my gaze back to Gabe, his blue eyes flirty. I put on a fake smile. “Sounds good! Let em’ rip.”

“Right on! First call is from Damien. Damien, what would you like to ask the one and only Birdie Wilder?”

There’s silence on the other end.

“No need to be shy,” I encourage the caller. This wouldn’t be the first time someone got scared when they called to talk to me.

“Anyone there?” Gabe asks.

My eyes catch Liam’s. He’s watching with concern as he puts on a pair of headphones so he can hear better.


“Birdie Wilder.”

I jump at the sound of his now familiar voice. Immediately my gut churns. It’s the man from last night. I just know it is. I heard that voice echo in my head for hours before Liam helped me think ofother things.

“What do you want,” is all I say. It’s not even a question. I glance back to Liam; his expression is asking what he already knows.

There’s silence. Then the man answers, “You.”

I don’t even take a breath. “You can’t have me.”

“Well.” Gabe interjects, cutting off the call. “That’s all the callers we’re going to take for the evening. Birdie, it's been a pleasure. And remember, tonight’s show is all sold out, but you can still win a pair of tickets after the break. While you wait, enjoy Birdie Wilder’s newest single,Time Again.” Gabe hits play and then the on-air signal turns off. I throw down the headphones and abruptly stand.

The little box we’re in feels suffocating, and I need air. Everyone is staring at me. I know what they’re thinking,poor weak girl.I’m not weak, and this stalker is really starting to piss me off. Last night was bad enough, but how the hell did he manage to get on air. Who is this guy? He’s got to be hella smart or have connections in the industry.

I hear Gabe calling my name, but I don’t respond. Instead, I make a swift exit. When I hear footsteps following me down the hall and my name being called, I don’t stop.
