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I can’t either, but I’m not going to let her know that. She’s pissing me off with her reaction. “I said it, and I’m not taking it back.”

“Why are you even jealous?”

Heat flairs in my chest. “I can’t believe you just said that. Are you attempting to make me angry?

“I’m not having this conversation with you.”

“What? The past relationship conversation?”

“Exactly. Gabe is a mistake from the past. Did he go over the line tonight? Yes. But it’s not that big of a deal.”

I feel my face getting red. “It is a big deal. And you're my—” Shit. I’m not even sure what she is. My tongue gets lodged in the back of my throat.

Her cheeks turn pink, and her breath becomes shorter. After a few moments of silence, she licks her lips. “Your what, Liam?”

My mouth goes dry. Do I say what I really want her to be? What IthinkI want her to be? If I’m being honest with myself, I’ve known what I want even before we became physical last night. But I think it’s too soon—I don’t want to scare her away.


“You what?” she clips.

Nervously, I run my hands through my hair. Her tone makes me think she’s not ready. “Can I be straight with you?”

“No, lie to me,” she rolls her eyes.

I smirk at that. That would be her answer right now, especially when I’m trying to be serious. I sigh. “I don’t know what to call you yet.” And in some ways, that’s true. I think I do, but my rational side says it’s crazy to want so much so quickly. “Do you know what to call us?”

For a moment she blinks at me, a little shocked that I threw the question back at her. Then she sinks back into her seat, slightly defeated. “I suppose I don’t, no.”

I unbuckle my seatbelt so I can move next to her. Once I’m situated, I take her hands and hold them in mine. “Look at me Birdie.” To my surprise she does. “I sure as shit don’t know what to call us. But I think that’s okay. We’ll figure it out together, alright? We just started this thing between us.”

Her coal-colored eyelids flutter open, her beautiful hazel depths burn into me. “Alright,” she agrees. “Together.”

I lean forward and kiss her gently, then pull back after a few seconds. When our foreheads rest together, I cup her cheek and run my thumb along her cheek bone. Her eyes close and she leans into my warm touch with a sigh.

“Just promise me something,” she asks, her eyes opening.

“What is it?”

“Don’t go around beating up radio hosts that I have a past with, okay? For one, I don’t want to end up in the news, and two…well…”

I chuckle at that. “Let me guess, there’s more than one radio host?”

She lets out a groan. “When you say it like that, I sound—”

I cut her off with a kiss. “Your past isn’t my business, and honestly, I’m proud of you. You’re enjoying your life and owning your pleasure. There’s nothing wrong with that. And I potentially overreacted just a little, but Gabe was out of line, and you know it. You’re just too stubborn to admit it.”

A puff of air hits my cheek from the breath she’d been holding in. “Okay fine. You may be right there.”

I release a smug grin, “I know I am.”

Birdie swats my arm gently. I grab the hand before she can take it away from my chest and pull her in close again. She lets out a surprised sound just as our mouths meet, but she quickly melts into my kiss. I put everything I have into it, all the feelings from the last twenty-four hours and all the jealousy toward Gabe. When I’m finally through with her, our lips are swollen and we’re both gasping for air.

Birdie holds her hand over her chest, then opens her eyes to gaze into mine. “Stay with me tonight,” she says. It’s not a question and I know what she’s asking.

“Are you sure?”

She trails a hand down my stomach, then places her palm on my growing erection. “I’ve never been surer about anything in my life.”
