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My agitation grows. “I don’t like that you think I’m not watching out for her.” I want to cuss him out right now. These people are a bunch of gossips. I mean, I knew Birdie and I couldn’t keep our relationship on the down low for long, but I also didn’t expect it to happen so quickly.

“I didn’t mean it that way, Liam. You’re doing great work. I just want to know if you two are.”

“Are what?”

Eric looks up to the ceiling like he’s saying a silent prayer. “Are you and Birdie together?”

Just then Birdie appears, like some sort of sweaty goddess sent to save me. Without preamble, she grabs me and kisses me hard on the lips. Her face is damp, and she smells like salty earth, but I kiss her back after my brain catches up to what’s happening. In the background I hear the whooping and hollering of the band. They sound like a bunch of lunatics, but I smile against her lips nonetheless.

When she pulls back from me, she looks at Eric, eyes shining happily. “Does that answer your question, dear Eric?”

“I heard that loud and clear.”

Birdie locks her wild eyes on mine, then releases my shirt. “I’ll see you after the show, Mr. Miller.” With one more quick kiss, she skips back on stage to do the encore. Kevin slaps me on the back as he walks by, flipping his long sweaty hair off his forehead.

“If you hurt her, I’ll kill you!” Jane yells over the sound of the crowd before she disappears on stage.

Eric chuckles. “Well, that answers that.”

If I blushed, I’d be blushing right now. But with everything going on, I’m glad we’re out in the open now. I wonder what made her decide to do that. I’m not complaining though. I would kiss her in front of the entire world if I could, let them all know that Birdie Wilder is mine and mine alone.

I look over my shoulder to see if Shea was around to see that, but I find she’s not there. My shoulders tighten and my skin prickles. Something is not right with her; I just know it. Now if only I could find out what.

Birdie is sound asleep while I work on my laptop in a chair next to the bed. It’s harder than I thought working here while she sleeps. She keeps making cute noises, and the pair of yellow high-waisted underwear she wears makes me want to peel them back and explore what’s underneath.

My dick twitches to life and I have to stop from waking her up. She’s just too fucking sexy.

But I know she needs sleep, so I let her be. After the show finished earlier, the band insisted on asking us every question under the sun. They were all happy we were together, and we probably all had one too many drinks while we laughed and talked.

Shea never returned to join us, but I’d been so happy sitting next to Birdie and kissing her in front of the band and crew that I didn’t care, for the moment at least. But after we returned to the hotel room, Birdie and I showered together, which may have evolved to me on my knees in front of her, tasting her once more. But then as soon as we hit the sheets, she fell asleep, exhausted from the day.

I knew in the morning she’d be sad we didn’t have sex, but tomorrow we have a day off. I’ll make it up to her then. It’s not like I could stay away from her anyway. Her body, her touch, smell, and taste, I’m addicted. That’s why I keep staring at her when I should be doing work.

When the page I want finally loads, I peel my gaze away from her and start to scan it. The internet has yielded very little information on Shea, so I’ve resorted to stalking her on social media. Which I hate. Especially because she’s still so young. Going through her pictures feels wrong on so many levels, but I’m determined to find any information I can.

After another ten minutes, I rub my eyes and look at the clock. It’s approaching four in the morning, and I should get some sleep. But when I switch to her friends page, I stop. The word Parker, then Michigan, catches my eye. Shea has a connection in Parker?

I click on the link immediately and I’m met with the face of an older man. When his picture completely loads, I feel as if a knife has been stabbed through my gut. But when I look at Birdie, then back to the screen, I know I owe it to her to investigate this further.

I write down the man’s name. Nick Squires. I think I have an idea of what’s going on here, and if I’m right…

Birdie yawns and reaches for me in bed. When she doesn’t find me next to her, her pretty eyes flutter open. They’re hooded with sleep, but still stunning in the subtle light from my computer.

“Liam?” Her voice is husky. “What are you doing?”

“Go back to sleep, Birdie baby.”

She smiles at the use of the pet name. “Come back to bed and I will.”

I stare once more at the open page on my computer. There isn’t much more I can do tonight anyway. Tomorrow the real work can begin. I just hope I’m not right. For once, I really do hope that.

I close the laptop and crawl back into bed. Birdie quickly snuggles into my side, her soft breasts pressing against my chest. Immediately my little brain stands at attention. Birdie must have a sixth sense for it now, because in no time her hand is sweeping its way from my chest then down, down, until eventually she’s creeping her dexterous fingers under the waistband of my briefs. The moment her soft fingers touch me, my hips lift off the bed, wanting more.

“He wants attention,” she purrs. I can hear the smile in her voice.

“He felt left out after the shower. But I told him we had to let you sleep.”

She lets out a tired chuckle. “Then please, let me help him feel better.”
