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“Well, I wasn’t planning on kidnapping you. Just asking for money to make the letters go away, but Shea said that wouldn’t work. That you wouldn’t pay unless we did this.”

“You’re wrong,” I spit. “And why is Shea even helping you?”

The man before me chuckles darkly. “You haven’t caught on?”

“Why don’t you spell it out for me?” I cry. “I’m not one for games.”

“She’s your half-sister.”

I feel my world begin to close in on me. A half-sister?

“If you’re wondering why that didn’t show up on your little boyfriend’s background check, her mom’s sister took her in after she was born, and I wasn’t on the birth certificate. But she found me when she was a teenager and we’ve had a relationship ever since. I told her all about her sister, Birdie—the famous rock star,” he smirks.

“How long have you both been planning this?”

“A long time.”

I really am in some twisted movie. The dad I never had and the half-sister I never knew about hatch a diabolical plan to scare me shitless and weasel money out of me? It’s sick. It’s twisted. It’s—

“I know what you think of me. But you’ve been flouncing around for years, acting like you're better than everyone. You have a ton of money while your family is left to suffer.”

“I didn’t know about you! Or Shea! And do you know how much I pay her? She’s taken care of.”

“She’s your help!” he cuts. “She tells me all she does for you. The long hours she works and the sleepless nights. You owe her more than a shitty job.”

“I don’t owe you or her anything! Especially you. How could you do this to your own flesh and blood?”

“Look kid, here is what’s going to happen. You’re going to give your long-lost family money every month. If you do that, you won't hear from us. You don’t even have to look at us. Just give us our due and that’s it. The letters stop, the public embarrassment stops. All of it. I’ll even leave your bodyguard lover alone.”

“If you fucking touch him—”

“You’ll what? I hold all the cards here.”

“And you just expect to walk away from this and there'll be no consequences? How did you and Shea think this would end?”

“After we’re through here, you’re going to be a good little girl and let this all slide. And you know why? Because I have friends, kid. Friends that do bad things. Those friends will hurt people if I want them too. Trust me, you don’t want that in your life. So, you give us money, and we leave it at that. It’s simple really.”

My mind spirals. I may be scared, but I’m also not stupid enough to let this guy and Shea get away with it. The world doesn’t work the way he thinks it does. This is going to be all over the news. Nothing ends well in this scenario. Nothing.

I swallow. “You expect me to walk back into my hotel room and just dismiss this entire thing?”

“Of course not. That’s where Shea comes in. We’re going to ransom you.”

“And how do you plan to do that?”

“Shea of course. She has access to all your accounts.”

My heart clenches. Once I get out of this, I make a mental note to check if that bitch isn’t stealing from me already. God, this is all such a mess. I can tell this man really thinks he’s going to get away with this. My eyes flutter to his gun and then back up to his smiling eyes.

“I’ll give you your money. Just let me go,” I say.

He shakes his head. “I don’t think so. I want to get to know you. You’re my daughter after all.”

“I’m not your anything.”

“See, it’s comments like that that make me think you did know about me, yet you chose to ignore your other family. Lorri always thought she was too good for me.”

“I didn’t know about you. She never even mentioned your name. I still don’t know what it is.”
