Page 37 of Hybrid Aria

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Turning my back on him, I push the bathroom door open.Stripping my clothes off I turned the shower on, my body felt a little stiff but other than that I felt fine.I certainly didn’t feel like I had been asleep for three days.I was fairly hungry though my bloodlust was strong, but it was strong before Ryder bit me.I will have to go see if I can find any blood in the infirmary.Dr.Mavis said she would stock it there in the fridges for me.

Halfway through washing myself, Reid walked in, I watched as he stripped his clothes off and turned the other showerhead on at the opposite end to me.I watched as the water ran down the muscles on his back.His arms braced on the wall in front of him, his head under the stream of water.

Reid must have felt my eyes on him as he turned around and stared back.His eyes running up my body stopping at my hips then my breasts, before looking me in the eyes.His gaze stirring my insides, as arousal started to flood me.I wasn’t sure it was completely mine or just Reid’s desires coming through the mate bond.Scanning my eyes over him, I watched his chest move with each breath, my eyes sliding down his abs then slowing at his V line when I noticed his erection standing proud.I turned away, definitely not just my own feelings I was picking up on.I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction.

Abruptly ignoring my arousal, I turned the taps off and stepped out of the shower.He will have to tend to himself, I could feel the hint of a smile creeping onto my face at the thought.Grabbing a towel, I wrapped it around myself and walked out, closing the door behind me.I heard Reid groan with frustration.

Since it was night-time, I decided to put my pyjamas on.Leaving the room, I snuck down the stairs and opened up Lily’s door, she was sleeping peacefully snuggled up to her purple unicorn plushie.Closing the door, I walked to the infirmary.My gum tingling in anticipation.Just as I’m about to reach out and open the infirmary door, Zane steps into the hallway.

“Luna, you are up,” he said noticeably shocked at finding me walking the halls so late at night.

“Yes, Zane, good morning.Why are you up so early?” My voice was breathy, my fangs had already protruded from my gums, making it difficult to speak.

“Patrol duty, are you sure you’re alright?” asked Zane, reaching out he gently touched my arm.I pulled back.I tried to calm myself, but in this empty narrow hall, it was hard to ignore the beating of his heart, the sweet smell of his blood racing through his veins.I was struggling.I was fine, but as soon as the infirmary came into view, my hunger took over knowing what waited on the other side of the door.

I watched the vein in his neck lost in a trance.I could hear his concerned voice talking to me, but his words didn’t register.My mouth started to water; I could feel my eyes blazing in hunger.Just as I went to lean in to taste him, he pulled away startled.My eyes flicked to his concerned ones.

“Luna… Luna, Aria.” I could hear him speaking, but they were just words.They held no meaning at this moment.Moving towards him, he put his hands up, trying to ward me off.My only response was a guttural growl.Just when I went to take another step towards him, I felt arms wrap around my own, distracting me.

Reid’s arms, the familiar tingles spreading throughout my body at his touch, his intoxicating scent making me lean into him instinctually, calming myself down.Reid pulled me closer, tucking my head under his chin.

“Beta you are free to leave.Let me know if you have any problems while on patrol.” Reid spoke with authority.Beta Zane sounded relieved to have Reid walk in.His heart rate instantly slowed down at the sight of his Alpha.

“I will see you later.Luna, feel better,” he said as he walked off towards the foyer.I let out a shaky breath and tried to pull away.

“Where are you going?” Reid asked.

“I need blood,” I stated, my voice still slightly distorted.

“I know, but why you are going into the infirmary?” I looked at him confused.I know blood isn’t stored next to the milk in the fridge downstairs.Reid pulled me back towards our room.Wriggling out of his grip, I opened the door to the infirmary.

“I told Mavis not to store blood here for you after the last batch went off.”

“Why would you do that?” I asked in disbelief.Was he going to force me to go without it like David?

Reid grabbed my hand and walked me back to our room, why would he tell Mavis to do that?Is it because I challenged him?Because I went behind his back?Was this his punishment?

Once back in the room, Reid pulled his shirt off and sat on the edge of the bed.“You don’t need blood bags when you have me, I don’t want you drinking random peoples blood Ari, only mine.”

I watched him waiting for him to tell me it was a joke.I searched the bond and found no deceit, no indication that he was going to go back on what he was telling me.I could tell he felt strongly about me drinking only his blood, his possessiveness making him even want to control who I drink from.I didn’t mind, he tasted just as good as he smelt.

Reid put his hand out and tilted his neck towards me, I watched the vein in his neck, throb to the beat of his heart.His scent perfuming the room, the sight of his neck was making my mouth water.I hesitantly stepped towards him and grabbed his hand.He pulled me on his lap, I was starving, but I was also worried about hurting him after what happened in the hallway with Zane.

“I won’t let you kill me, Ari, stop worrying,” When I didn’t move, Reid reached up and slid his nail across his shoulder where it met at his neck.Drawing a thin line of blood.His blood spilling over and running down his shoulder onto his chest.

I couldn’t fight the urge anymore, seeing his blood running down his skin, the temptation became too much.I licked up the trail of blood.Reid shuddered under my hot tongue, running over his flesh.When I reached his neck, I sank my teeth into his tender flesh.Reid moaned loudly at the sharpness of my teeth.Through the bond, I could feel that he actually enjoyed me feeding off him, like he found it erotic.

His blood dribbled down my chin as I drank from him, my hunger felt insatiable, when I went to pull away, Reid shook his head, he could feel my hunger radiating through our bond.I sank my teeth back into him, I knew my eyes and sclerae were burning red as the colour of his blood started to take over my vision.Making the room appear tinted red.

Adjusting my position, I could feel Reid’s erection pressing between my legs through his jeans.

Chapter 26

Aria’s POV

Pulling back, I wentto get up when Reid tugged my hips back down, thrusting his hips into mine.I could feel his rock-hard cock pressing against my core.Reid held me in place with one arm tightly secured around my waist.His other hand reached up towards my face.He gripped my chin between his fingers, forcing me to meet his hungry lust-filled gaze.The intensity of his eyes made me squirm in anticipation.

Reid’s thumb rubbed over my chin before brushing over my bottom lip.Parting my lips, my tongue brushed against his thumb softly.I could taste his blood on it.Swirling my tongue around the tip of his thumb, I sucked on it.His delicious taste enticed my arousal more.
