Page 33 of Alpha King's Mate

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I hear Ace and Tyson catching up behind me making me look back but they were still out of view.

“I will distract the pups, keep heading north, I will catch up with you,” he says before shifting and running the way I just came from.

"Come on, let's go," my wolf says, feeling my hesitation. We start heading north, running through trees following his lingering scent when I hear growls from behind me.

I pause, forcing her to stop. "We need to go back,” I tell my wolf, my wolf urges me on before her head snaps back looking in the direction Tyson and Ace were. I hear a high-pitched whimper. The feral sounds of fighting and wolves tearing shreds off each other, but even I knew Tyson and Ace were no match for Tim, their wolves were strong but young, weaker.

"He's going to kill them" I squeal and she takes off racing toward them. The snarling and growls grow louder as we race toward them. Ace's wolf lay on the ground and fur-covered the ground while Tyson fought Tim, trying to protect his brother who was badly injured.

My wolf became enraged, he was supposed to put them off our scent not attack them. We lunge at his brown malted colored wolf tearing into his flank and jerking him back.

Tim pivots biting into the back of my neck and tearing the flesh off. I see Tyson collapse being forced to shift back, lacerations covering most of his body.

Tim rips into my back leg at my distraction and we spin biting down on his tail. He yelps, jerking back before lunging at me. Biting into my limbs while we defend and try and attack. His wolf was savage from the steroids the humans pump into him, attacking blindly in his rage.

In the distance, I hear paws on the ground racing toward us and Tim looks in the direction. I sink my teeth and claws into his front leg before shaking my head. He makes an agonized howl before taking off. I chase after him when I hear Tyson whimper, making me stop and go back to check on him.

I nudged his swollen face which had a laceration going from his eyes to his chin. I lick it trying to stem the bleeding as his wounds slowly heal. Both boys are completely unconscious while I try to rouse them awake. We couldn't stay here in case Tim returned with back up.

Moving to Ace, he has huge claws marks down his chest. I lick them sealing the wound to stop it from bleeding. Hearing a low growl I spin in the direction of it and drop my head and snarl at the intruder, protecting the two pups.

A huge black wolf steps from between the trees, his teeth bared as he stalks toward me.

"It's only mate," my wolf says and I feel my wolf relax and I turn to look back at Ace underneath me when I am hit from the side. Claws rip into our flesh making us whimper. We jump to our feet only to be attacked again, teeth slicing through my side painfully as I try to escape from the attacker. Only able to see black fur when I realize it is our mate attacking us.

We try to shift back to let him know it's us when I feel his teeth sink into the back of my neck and we are flying into a tree. The last image I see is his silver eyes glaring at me, my blood dripping from his muzzle as he stalks toward us with his teeth bared. My vision is going hazy as I try to stand. Wobbling on my feet before I collapse in a heap feeling his teeth slice through my arm painfully.

Chapter 24


My blood boiled as I stepped through the trees to see her drenched in my brother's blood, her white fur completely drenched and turned red, both of my brothers lying on the ground in their broken forms, forced to shift back to heal. While she stood over them in bloodlust licking at the injuries she caused, not a care in the world that she nearly killed my brothers. I could hear their soft thuds as she stood over them.

Brax unleashed in pure animalistic rage, as we ripped into her an agonized whimper leaving her. Throwing her around she hits a tree and is forced to shift back, she looks at me in panic as she tries to get up. Her eyes filled with fear. She knew what was coming. I warned her, warned her if she tried anything to hurt my family I would kill her. She was another Danika, not happy until she destroyed me.

I lunged at her, my teeth tearing through her flesh as we ripped through her arm trying to tear her limb from limb. Her blood coated my fur as it sprayed over me.

Hearing a whimper behind me I look at her now unconscious body, lying limp. She won't be moving anytime soon, I growl at her. Turning my back on her, I check Tyson. He groans trying to sit up before collapsing again. I look at his wounds. He looked like he had been put through a blender.

A few pack warriors I alerted on my way, raced toward us, and Zane broke through the trees first. A gasp left his lips at the sight before him. He races over to my brothers trying to stem the bleeding on Ace’s neck and chest. The two pack warriors shift back to their human forms and I realize one is Jacob, my third in command. He scoops Tyson up in his arms and starts running toward the house. His black locks flashed past me in a blur as he moved quickly. Zane and I try to get Ace up only to find his back was torn into badly. A flap of skin hanging from his back and I can see his ribs.

I press the flap of skin back in place, my hands becoming coated in his blood. A growl escaped my lips at what my fucking mate did to my baby brother. Pete, my other pack warrior comes over replacing my hands with his as they start transporting him toward the packhouse carefully. His wounds are not healing because his wolf must be too weak.

“Get them to the infirmary, he needs blood,” I tell them before turning to my limp mate, her blood saturating the ground. Turning the grass red and the dirt to mud, her arm barely hanging on and I can see her leg is broken. Grabbing her arm, I hoist her up, tossing her over my shoulder and following after Zane and Pete. Catching up to them as they lift Ace over a log trying not to cause him more injury.

“You right Alpha?” Pete asks, looking back at me and I know my Alpha aura was sending off some deadly waves, seeing it affecting them as they tried to move quicker through the forest. I was too angry to even attempt to reign it in so they would have to deal with it. Jacob comes back when we are nearly halfway back, he has some bandages in his hands.

“Doc is working on Tyson, hold him steady,” he tells Zane and Pete before wrapping a bandage around Ace's body quickly securing the flap of jagged skin on his back. Jacob was the fastest out of the three of them as soon as his wounds were wound tightly in the bandages, he grabbed him before taking off through the trees racing home.

“Want me to take her?” Zane asks and I drop her on the ground. Her body hits the ground with a thud, her leg bone jutting out of the skin, yet she still doesn’t wake. She was bleeding profusely but I didn’t care, she deserved worse than death and I was going to give it to her.

“Take her to the cells and hang her up. I want a tube shoved down her throat and pump her full wolfsbane,” I tell them. Zane pales at my words. Pete bends down grabbing her doing as he is told.

“Ryker she is your mate, she needs medical attention, look at her she bleeding to death.”

“She is not my mate, she nearly fucking killed them, Zane, now do as I ask,” I scream at him and he puts his head down.

“Take her to the fucking cells and do what I asked, she doesn't deserve an easy death,” I tell them shoving my command on him. His shoulders slump, his neck baring in submission.
