Page 57 of Alpha King's Mate

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“He won't hurt you Reika, stop he just needs to sedate your wolf, you will still be awake, just calmer,” Tyson tries to reason with her but she was having none of it. She bites my arm trying to get free. My arm throbbing as she draws blood and Tyson climbs on the bed holding her shoulders down.

“Stop he won’t hurt you,” Tyson repeats while I grab the syringe, my own heart pounding picking up on her distress.

“You take it then,” she tells him when she suddenly freezes seeing me stab the needle into the vial and draw some out. She scoots back knocking Tyson on his back as he tries to hold her down, his legs wrapping around her waist pulling her back against him.

“If he takes it, will you,” Tyson says making me look at him, is he for real? He wants me to drug myself?

“What the fuck?” I mindlink him.

“She might calm down if she saw you're willing to take it,” He mindlinks back. I close the link to find her staring at me and I realize he was right.

“Sorry Brax,” I mutter,

“Just do it,” Brax says and I stab myself. The liquid felt cold as it spread throughout my arm. It takes a few seconds when I suddenly feel him becoming fainter before I feel him disappear going silent, a shiver running up my spine as I suddenly feel hollow. Looking down at her, she stared wide-eyed like she couldn’t believe I actually did it. I put the cap on the needle and put it in the satchel before grabbing another.

“See I am fine,” I tell her though the feeling felt unnatural and alien and she looks at the needle in my hand. I see Tyson’s grip on her loosen and she sits up leaning against him. It bothered me how relaxed she was in his embrace but cowers from me, yet I understood why. She wasn’t to blame for her actions.

“Bet that felt odd,” I hear Tyson's voice flit through my head.

“Yeah doesn’t feel right,” I admit drawing more of the liquid Avery gave me from the vial. Reika watches but doesn’t move away when I move my hand toward her, instead, she watches as I stab it in her arm near her shoulder before pressing down on the plunger. She shivers getting the same reaction I did and I let out the breath I didn’t realize I was holding.

After a few seconds she relaxes, her muscles relaxing and Tyson lets her go kissing her cheek which makes me growl at him. He rolls his eyes at me before hopping up off the bed. I zip the satchel up handing it to him before grabbing the macaroni which had cooled a fair bit and was barely warm. I hand it to her and she takes it while still watching me suspiciously and I could feel she thought I was going to lunge at her any minute.

“I have to go see Ace, can we have tomorrow off since Lily is bringing the kids over,” Tyson asks and I nod.

“Yes!” He says punching the air excitedly. Reika goes to follow him and I grip her hand just as she is about to hop off the bed.

“Stay?” I ask her and she looks at my hand touching her. I jerked my hand back, her eyes darting to me like she was trying to decide what to do, I could hear her questioning her own judgment. Deciding to let her figure it out, I walked into the bathroom before turning the shower on, hoping she would stay. I felt this strange hollow feeling only having my thoughts in my head, no unwanted commentary from my wolf, no yippy and yappy, or his incessant urges pushing me to do what he wants. I didn’t like it, I missed him as much as he annoyed me, I missed the chatter, the company of having my wolf.

I brace my arms on the wall, letting the heat unknot my back. A few minutes pass when I hear movement in the bedroom and sigh. She was leaving. Grabbing the soap I start washing when I hear the shower screen open making me spin around. She stood there awkwardly like she didn’t know whether or not to hop in. I step aside, moving over and she walks past to the other side. Reaching around her, I quickly turn the other showerhead on, she watches me before stepping under the water. I turn away from her as an overwhelming urge to touch her washes over me.

Chapter 42


I stood under the shower, his back was to me and I grabbed the bar of soap and began washing. His scent was addictive, made worse by the steam as it flooded the room, filling it with his scent. I didn’t like not having my wolf, but I felt better knowing he wouldn't be able to shift either. I was a little shocked when he stabbed himself with the needle, I didn’t think he would do it but he did, just to show me he wouldn’t hurt me. Knowing that made my stomach flutter, maybe he meant it. Maybe he wouldn’t try anything. Maybe if he gets Amanda’s pup back my wolf will forgive him and let me keep him.

He turns around facing me, rinsing himself off, my eyes roaming his body. The water glistened off his chest as it washed over him following the ridges of muscles that rippled over his body. The hard muscles under his skin moved with each movement as he washed his face. The strange urge to touch him became stronger, the need to feel his skin, feel the connection to him was hard to resist and I found myself stepping toward him before freezing when I realized I was about to touch him, forgetting who he is and what he has done.

My fingertips are barely off his chest when I pull my hand back, his eyes snapping open and he grabs my hand making me jump and I realize he was watching me the entire time. His breathing is harder as he opens up my palm, his calloused hand rough against my palm.

“You can touch me,” he says, looking down at me before placing my hand in the center of his chest. Sparks ignited across my palm and I heard his heart skip a beat. Feel it thumping against his chest under my hand. He steps closer and I run my hand through his chest hair, feeling the hardness of him under my hand. His skin is hot to touch and his scent mouth-watering as I step closer inhaling his scent.

His hand moves to touch my hip pulling me closer to him, sparks moving as his fingers trail up my side before stopping at my ribs.

I move placing my other hand on his chest, my hands moving to his shoulders and he steps closer pulling me flush against him, his hand going to my lower back and I could feel his hard muscles pressed against my stomach and chest. He leans closer and I forget how to breathe when he runs his nose along my cheek to the crook of my neck. His husky voice was next to my ear.

“I will make it up to you, or die trying,” he says, and I pull my face away from him looking at him. His face was barely an inch of mine, he was so close his nose was touching mine. He rubs his nose against mine and I take a shaky breath, relishing his closeness and the warmth it brings. His hand moves to my cheek, his thumb running over my cheekbone.

“I’m sorry Reika, I know I said it before but I mean it,” He whispers, and goosebumps raise on my arms, every part of me calling out for him, calling out with a need to believe his words. He pulls me to him, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me closer, my face pressed against the center of his chest and I feel him kiss the top of my head.

I run my nose along his chest inhaling his scent, savoring it before relaxing in his embrace. Hearing a knock on the door we both look to the open bathroom door. Ace was standing there looking at the ceiling.

“Phone call came in. Tyson is on the phone with them. They found something,” Ace says and I feel Ryker tense.

“I will be down in a minute, Ring Lily and ask Damien to meet me out the front.”

“Are you taking her,” Ace asks, still not looking at us. I feel Ryker look down at me and I look up at him wondering what's going on.
