Page 74 of My Two Alphas

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“I will take care of any mate she has,” he said with a shrug.

“Don’t do it, Melana,” I told her, and even she wasn't sure about this idea. It was one thing kidnapping the Alpha King’s step-daughter, another to then threaten him with her and demand his son.

“Exactly how do you plan on getting him to agree to this? He will just back out and refuse to marry your daughter when he is older.”

“Not if they are blood-bound,” Alpha Jamie said. My face scrunched up, having never heard that term before.

“I only need his son’s blood. I won't be here forever, and I need to ensure she is taken care of. She isn’t made for this business, and unfortunately, I don’t have any sons to pass it on to. This will ensure her future.”

“You're sick. It will never work, and Ryker will never agree to this,” Melana said.

“Ryker doesn’t need to agree. Only his son does. It will work. I have a witch that will ensure they will be tied to each other, and my daughter will be the next Queen of Alphas.”

Chapter fifty-seven


“Tell me you saw that too,” Ace asked me, and I nodded. Lucy’s head was resting on his shoulder as she passed out from his bite.

“I saw something,” I told him, not sure what to make of it. Lucy had never had a wolf, yet her eyes flickered black, as if her wolf had come forward for a second.

“It’s impossible. Her father killed her wolf when he killed her,” I told him, but Ace shook his head.

“Avery said something to me about it. She thinks Lucy’s wolf is dormant, not dead.”

“Then why hasn’t she come forward before?” I asked him yet if Avery believed that maybe it was possible.

“We will have to wait and see, I guess, but—”

“You’re not sure if we should tell her,” Ace finished for me, and he sighed but nodded his head.

“You know how much she hated not being able to shift when everyone else could, how depressed she got when every other mutation shifted but her,” I told him. Lucy struggled when she was younger. All the other mutations had wolves and survived the transition; hers didn’t, making her feel more out of place because she knew she was different.

“Come on, we should put her to bed,” Ace said, and I reached down to grab her bag. Ace started walking toward my bedroom, but I stopped by his bedroom door.

“No, yours. Your bed is bigger, and we can all fit comfortably in it,” I told him. He stopped looking at me, and I pushed his bedroom door open. Ace also had a bigger room, and I didn’t think Lucy would like bed-hopping.

“You’re okay with all this?” Ace asked me, following me inside. I flicked the light on.

“Of course I am. Why would you ask?”

“Because of what happened. I know this isn’t normal for brothers to share a mate, and you could have had her to yourself.” I nodded at his words.

“Good thing we know how to share then. She is your mate too, Ace. I never wanted to take her from you,” I told him, placing her bag next to the bed. Ace gently laid her down, tucking her in while I started unpacking her bag.

Ace opened some drawers, clearing them out, and I handed him her clothes before finding a photo album tucked down the side of the bag. I pulled it out, and Ace looked over at me.

“What’s that?” he asked, sitting beside me on the edge of the bed.

“Her photo album,” I told him, opening it to see what was inside. I was shocked to find that most of them were of us growing up together. Ace pulled a smaller one out, which was full of family photos. He flicked through it, but the album I was holding was mostly of Lucy and us.

There were heaps of us camping together and at the lagoon, her first day of school. Flicking further into the album, I found some of when we first rescued her from the facility. How small she was and underweight. I looked over my shoulder at her sleeping. She was not this little girl anymore but a woman. Yet the sadness in her eyes in these photos, the hollow look, I had seen over these last few weeks, and I hated seeing that fear in her eyes again.

“I remember that day,” Ace said, pointing to the picture of both of us in lab coats sitting next to Lucy in the doctor’s office. Lucy had the same fear as her mother when she first got out. Took us six months before she would get checked out by the pack doctor. Yet when they wanted to run tests, she freaked out and refused, instead running from us. Ryker had to chase her down. Reika’s fear didn’t help, though, as she always waited in the car, refusing to set foot in the place; she still had that fear.

“I spent two weeks learning how to take blood,” Ace said, and I laughed at the memory. When Lucy refused to get blood taken, the doctor even tried with no lab coat on, but Lucy knew what she was and refused. Ace spent two weeks off school at the pathology lab learning how to take blood samples.

We didn’t think it would work, but Ryker was willing to try anything, and he excused him from school until he was comfortable doing it. I managed to convince her to go back to the doctor’s office, holding her down while they checked her over. When it was time for the blood tests, though, she freaked out again, and the doctor left the office only to return with Ace in a lab coat.

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