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Addie leaned her body away from him, stretching out her arms in Sage’s direction. She let out a high-pitched squeal. Sage smiled at Addie and took her in her arms. She pressed a kiss by her temple. “I’m going to miss you so much, Addie. I’ll never forget you,” she whispered near her ear.

Although he didn’t say it, Hank would miss Sage just as much. And he wouldn’t ever forget her. Forgetting Sage would be like trying to forget the magnificent northern lights. It just wasn’t possible.

A few minutes later, Trudy returned along with Piper, who was still in her pajamas.

“What happened to you?” Piper asked Hank.

“My truck broke down. Long story short, I had to walk from the Beckworths’ Farm all the way here.”

His sister let out a low whistle. “Yikes! I slept through the whole thing. It was snowing so hard this morning I didn’t even bother opening up the diner. Can I get you anything, Hank?”

“No, I’m good. A few more minutes out there and I think I might have been dealing with frostbite. Between Mama and Sage I’ve been pretty spoiled,” he said. Piper wiggled her eyebrows at him when Sage wasn’t looking. He didn’t even bother telling her she’d gotten things wrong. He had the feeling he was wearing his feelings for Sage like a neon sign.

“Hey, Piper, can I borrow some snow pants?” Sage asked.

“Sure thing,” she said. “Are you going out there in all that snow?”

Sage’s grin was infectious. “Yes! I’m from Florida. This type of snow event is as likely as a volcano erupting. I’m going to seize the moment and head outside. I might never get an opportunity like this again.”

Piper left the kitchen, quickly returning with a pair of pink snow pants. In a flash Sage had put them on along with her winter boots, hat and gloves.

Once she went outside Hank peered through the window, watching as she twirled around in the snow, then lifted her face toward the sky as snowflakes landed on her. She jumped up and did a cartwheel in the snow, her legs knee-deep in the fluffy white stuff. When she began doing a playful little dance, Hank l

et out a bark of delight. Piper began to giggle while Trudy couldn’t keep a straight face even though she tried at first. When Sage looked toward the window and spotted them watching her, she playfully stuck out her tongue. Next thing he knew she was on her back in the snow flapping her arms around. It made him smile. She was a big kid at heart, he realized. Her joy was contagious.

“Isn’t she silly?” he asked Addie, who placed her hands against the glass and lightly banged on it. It drew Sage’s attention. She picked up a mound of snow and threw it toward the window where it landed with a splat. Addie descended into a fit of the giggles. Hank loved the tinkling sound of his daughter’s laughter. It made him feel as if all was wonderful in her world.

This was what he wanted for himself and Addie. Someone who saw the simple pleasures in life and didn’t hesitate to embrace them with gusto. This was what was missing in his world. He’d been so insistent on staying away from any female who might tempt him to feel again, but in the process he had shortchanged himself and Addie. One of these days he would have to tell his mother she’d been right about him and the issues he had been holding on to from the past.

Wonderful things happened when you acted on simple faith. He might not have a future with Sage, but she’d taught him that his heart wasn’t as closed off as he’d believed. And maybe, if he could summon the courage, he might ask her to stay in Owl Creek.

Chapter Twelve

The delicious smell of food hung in the air outside the Snowy Owl Diner. A large tent had been set up where the contestants were all gathered to present their culinary dishes. Even though it was a small-town event, people had come from far and wide to try to win the substantial monetary prize. Sage’s focus was on helping Trudy with her savory chili dish. After tasting it during the prep stage, she was convinced Trudy had a decent shot at the trophy, although she predicted Piper was going to give her a run for her money. Even Hank might have a surprise or two up his sleeve with his famous corn bread.

Sage was trying to stay upbeat despite the fact that she was already having withdrawal symptoms. The pace of life here in Owl Creek suited her. Alaska was so different from anything she’d ever experienced, which left her craving more of it. She’d acclimated to the weather and the shorter hours of daylight. She was really proud of her ability to drive on snow-covered Owl Creek roads. She’d even driven home from town the other day through fog as thick as pea soup.

Her goal was to allow herself an enjoyable last event in Owl Creek before she departed for home. Trudy had made up long-sleeved T-shirts for the two of them to wear bearing the slogan Team Trudy. Wearing it made Sage feel as if she was a part of something special. Right before the judges began walking around to taste test the offerings, Sage said to her, “You’ve got this!” She held up her hand in the air for a high five which Trudy gladly provided.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw someone waving in her direction. It was Hank. His table was located a few tables down. Gabriel and Connor were standing with him and they were all wearing black T-shirts with the words The Three Amigos printed on them. Sage made a gesture toward the shirts and gave him a thumbs-up.

She spotted Piper setting up her table and she made a beeline to her. Piper had been up and out of the inn well before Sage had arisen this morning. She had no idea what Team Piper had whipped up for the contest, but she knew it would be delectable.

“Hey, Piper. I just wanted to wish you well today,” she said.

“Thanks, friend. I’m so happy you’re helping Mama out today. I know it means a lot to her.”

“I was pretty happy she asked me. It makes me feel like a part of Owl Creek.”

Piper stumbled as she placed a pan down on the table. She muttered a few angry words, then lightly kicked the table’s leg. “If one more thing goes wrong I’m going back to bed!” she said with a snarl.

“Are you all right? You seem super stressed out.” Sage remarked, placing her hand on her friend’s shoulder. She seemed as if she was about to crack wide open.

“I’m hanging in there. I’m just feeling a bit under pressure at the moment.”

“Because of the cook-off? You don’t need to feel nervous. From what I can see, it’s all good fun.”

Piper’s lips trembled. “It’s not the cook-off, Sage. I only entered because it’s tradition...and I need the money for the diner. Things have been really slow lately and I’m getting worried about its long-term future.”
