Page 12 of Knotty Lessons

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A car horn blares as two sedans nearly hit each other coming onto campus, and I take that as a sign that I need to get out of here before it’s too late. Before I won’t be able to leave her.

“I’ll see you later, my forbidden beauty.” I use the term of endearment as a reminder to myself. The woman I want but need to resist.

I stroke my finger along her jaw one last time and exit, staring at her through the window. It takes everything in me to turn my back and walk away.

It kills me that for the next few months, I’ll always have to leave Scarlett behind. I know it will be worth it. She won’t be forbidden forever.

A knock sounds on my office door two minutes before my office hours end. I growl and drop my pen, wishing students wouldn’t wait until the last second to interrupt me.

“Come in,” I called out, my voice hopefully capturing my annoyance.

The door swings inward, and in steps my least favorite student, along with two others I don’t ever pay much attention to.

“Hey, Professor Hart. You said we could come by and go over our first drafts today.” Chaz Broderik meanders into my office, waving a single sheet of paper. It’s far shorter than the expected length I stated on the syllabus.

“My office hours end in one minute. That is obviously not enough time, and I’ll not stay a moment later to accommodate you and your lack of awareness. You can try again on Friday.” I sit up straighter at my desk, remaining expressionless. “You also might want to consider turning that outline into an actual draft. You know it’s supposed to be five to seven pages, and I doubt you will be able to clearly state your points within two-hundred and fifty words, Mr. Broderik.”

“But the draft is due tomorrow, and you said you had to sign off on them to get the credit before we can even start our final papers,” Chaz complains, looking toward the other two betas. “I need the credit.”

If he were any other beta, I would just give in and offer an alternative. But Chaz was the one who was harassing Scarlett right before my eyes during a lecture. Just the thought pisses me off, and I grab and clench my pen.

“You should’ve followed my instructions and not waited to the last second. You’ve had an ample amount of time to get me to sign off. It’s not my fault that you’ve procrastinated.” I narrow my eyes, flicking my attention to the two other betas behind him. “As for you, Mr. Ford and Ms. Harrison, if you show me that you have at least put in some effort with your drafts, I will sign off yours before class tomorrow.”

Am I a dick? Absolutely. It’s quite obvious that the other two betas have several pages for their essays. It helps that they have never done anything to piss me off. I shouldn’t hold a grudge, but the fact that Scarlett is now mine makes everything even worse with my attitude.

“Are you serious?” Mr. Broderik asks, his voice rising with his annoyance.

“Perhaps you will try harder when you repeat my class next semester, Mr. Broderik.” A smug smile curves across my lips, and I feel such great relief and satisfaction over his tantrum. He spins and shoves between the two betas, and a feminine cry sounds from the lobby.

“Fuck, Dickasso. I didn’t see you. Let me help you up,” Chaz says, his voice softening.

I don’t even have to see Scarlett to know that she’s in the lobby. I can smell her from here, and it takes everything in me not to rush from my place. My legs betray me, and I automatically stand up, trying to peer past the two betas as they face away.

“If you were here to get your essay signed off on, don’t waste your time. The fucker won’t do it.” Chaz groans with his words. “I’m about to fail now.”

“Oh, no. That’s not why I’m here. I had it signed off already,” Scarlett says, reminding me that she did stop by two weeks ago, and I just blocked it out because...damn. She probably thought I was so cold because I barely even read it and just scrawled my name across the top.

Chaz chortles. “Of course, you did. You seem like the kiss-ass type. But I know your secret, Dickasso. Maybe we can get together later and—”

I slam my hands on my desk and stride around it, wanting nothing more than to get this rudimentary student away from Scarlett. Her eyes widen, spotting me, and I catch myself on my doorframe, ignoring how the two betas scramble to move out of my way.

My instincts demand I call Scarlett into my office, but my good senses scream that the best way to get this beta away from her is to give him what he wants. “Mr. Broderik. I’ve had a change of heart. Please come into my office.” Turning my gaze to Scarlett, I add, “I’m sorry, Ms. Carlisle. You’ll have to see me before class tomorrow with the others with whatever you need. Email also works well.”

Scarlett slowly nods her head, realizing that I need her to just leave the building. I don’t know what has gotten into me, but this already proves to be more difficult than I realized it would be.

“Hurry, Mr. Broderik. I don’t have all day.” I wave my hand at him, demanding that he return.

He whispers something under his breath to Scarlett, and her cheeks flush. I wait until she finally turns around and strides away before I close my door and return to my desk, pointing at the chair across from me.

The second Chaz takes a seat, I lean forward and snatch his half-page essay from his hands. I don’t even waste my time reading it and sign the top, marking only half credit.

“You need to rework this entire thing. If you can provide what I have asked for by the morning, I will give you the rest of your credit. Do not procrastinate again. I don’t have patience for those who don’t want to be here.” I slide his paper back to him. “And Mr. Broderik, if I hear you disrespecting another student like you just did, I will fail you. Do you understand?”

Chaz glowers at me but doesn’t respond with anything other than nodding his head. He wouldn’t. I’m sure if he were to be expelled or fail out of Clearwater University, he would find himself without the power of his pack. Only the most powerful packs and wealthiest send their betas to Clearwater, because it opens positions of power not only throughout San Diego but throughout many different states as we expand our campus with satellite locations across all of the United States.

“Good. Now leave. I have more important things to do than deal with your bullshit.” It’s not like me to swear in front of students, but it seems that might be the only way I can really get through to him.

Chaz rushes from my office, and I gather my things, not risking getting interrupted once more by either a colleague or other students. I need to get to Scarlett. I need her to know that I will not tolerate people calling her inappropriate nicknames or trying to pressure her into uncomfortable situations she doesn’t want a part of.

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