Page 81 of Knotty Lessons

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Dean Clearwater growls. “What is the meaning of this? You’re on—”

Blood splatters across my white dress like rosebuds blooming on the fabric. Dean Clearwater crumples to the floor, the wound on his head showing brain matter. I gag and cough, the shock of watching a man get shot and die before my eyes leaving me frozen in Adrian’s arms.

“Like I said, hand over Scarlett Steele. I have been ordered to bring her back to Pack Carlisle on behalf of Pack Steele,” the man says, aiming his gun at Adrian next.

My mouth trembles in recognition. I know him. I know the bastard that just crashed what was supposed to be one of the best days of my life. And I can’t believe it. Rip Fernando is the leader of the pack that saved my younger sister Raven when she was kidnapped years ago. He has helped my family whenever they were in need. He was supposed to be a hero. He has done such good for us, being able to manipulate the law in our favor. I know he is a criminal, but I never expected this. I never expected him to turn against me. He was always kind.

But now? He’s a monster. He’s a fucking monster.

“How could you!” I scream, wiggling in Adrian’s arms. He’s not going to let me down willingly, and fear grips my chest, squeezing my heart. I’m terrified that this monster of a man will come after my beloved next.

“Scarlett, sweetheart. Your mama said you’ve been a disobedient girl. You have a nice, powerful pack all picked out for you, and you go behind your mama’s back and do this? What a disappointment. I thought you were supposed to be the good one.” Rip strides forward, grinning with a wicked smile. He waves his gun as if it’s not a lethal weapon. “Come on, now. It’s time to go home. You’ve played enough with these men. I never knew you were the one with the daddy kink. Maybe you can sit on my lap on the way back to San Francisco. Be a good girl for your Mama, and I can reward you.” His raspy voice strikes me right in the heart, and disgust trickles down my back in a cold wave.

“I don’t understand. I thought you cared about my family. You helped Raven.” My voice quivers with my words.

“That’s why I’m taking you home to your mama. I care about your family and what they can provide me with. Now, be a good girl. Come here. Don’t make me kill these bastards. That’s a lot of bodies to have to clean up, and I don’t want to waste any extra time.” Rip holds his hand out to me, a leer on his face.

“Please,” I argue, crossing my arms over my chest.

Leo growls. “Scarlett—”

Rip bares his teeth, raises his gun, and pulls the trigger. I startle at the loud pop, my whole body shocked with fear. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think my soul had just evacuated to save me.

“Leo!” I scream, spinning around.

Hands lock around my waist and drag me back, the smoky tobacco scent of Rip pushing away the comforting fragrances of my alphas. Adrian shouts, rushing toward Leo on the ground, shielding himself. Dominic shoves Jonah back, stopping him from chasing after us.

Ms. Sandy cowers between the pews, her wide eyes staring at me as Rip slings me over his shoulder. Two other men open the doors for him, standing outside on guard with guns.

I don’t see Ezra anywhere. The smoke still lingers in the air, and my breathing quickens, turning into gasps as I silently sob.

How could this be happening? How could my mom be so cruel?

“Look at my beautiful bride.” The cocky voice stabs me like a knife in the back. “Good job, man. My mother-in-law was right. You were well worth the price.” Chaz stands by the black SUV, ogling me.

I scream and thrash, bucking my body. “No! No, please! Not him. Don’t do this for him!”

Rip snarls and points to Chaz. “Other vehicle. Now. I told you to stay put.”

Chaz glowers and twitches his fingers, joining a couple of guys at another vehicle. My whole body tenses. I should’ve known it was more than Mom throwing a fit to have her way. If Chaz can buy off Rip, then there’s still hope.

“Please, Rip. You don’t have to do this. We can negotiate something. My pack has the money. Whatever you want. Don’t work for that asshole. He’s a psycho. A failed alpha from Alpha Academy. He’s not deserving of me. We have power in Clearwater. If you just hear me out, I can offer you something better.” I smack my hands to Rip’s back. I feel so helpless.

“Sorry, sweetheart. I promised your mama I’d help the little douche. If she finds him suitable, then so do I. Just keep your mouth shut and behave. It’s going to be a quick flight. You’ll see that your mama is right. You need a better pack. You need alphas that you’re not going to have to fucking care for when they’re too old to do anything for themselves.” Rip opens the back of an SUV and plops me on the seat, pushing me over to sit next to me. He smacks his hand against the driver’s seat, signaling for him to go.

“You say that like it matters. I know what I’m getting into, and I don’t care. There’s more to life than what you imply. There’s more to love, too.” I don’t know why I bother because Rip just shakes his head and turns away from me, playing with his phone.

I twist in my seat, looking out the back window. I spot my alphas leaving the chapel, looking around frantically.

“Put your seatbelt on. Now.” Rip reaches around me, grabbing it.

I ignore him and hang forward, refusing to sit properly. I won’t make it easy. It’s what Emma always told me. If I’m going down, I better give my enemies hell.


“Leave me alone!” I scream, stomping my heels into Rip’s boots, getting him to put space between us. “Leave me the fuck alone!”

He growls and turns away.
