Page 45 of Wild Wolves

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Her voice enrages me and gives me the strength to sit upright and push through my shadowy vision. “You can fuck off. You’ll be the one they chase first. I’ll guarantee it.”

Eliana grumbles next to me. “No, I will. You’ve betrayed us. You’re lucky we didn’t let that wolf take you.”

“You can’t do that. It isn’t right.” Tiffany abandons her spot on the ground and looks around. “I won’t allow it.” Opening her mouth, Tiffany screams, calling out to the island that we’re over here.

She doesn’t see the wolf launch from the trees.

Kellan smashes into her back with a snarl, transforming into a man to restrain her. She screeches, only to have him cover her mouth. “Shut up. You’ve been chosen by the Windshore pack, and you’ll face their mercy. Now, speak again and find out what happens. You’ve betrayed my soulmate.”

Tiffany sniffles and submits, crying into the dirt.

Kellan jerks his attention to me. “Now you, Davian. Who bit you? Tell me everything.”

My mind draws a blank. I can’t remember the attack and only the pain after.

“It was a black wolf, I think,” Eliana says, absently combing her fingers through my hair.

Kellan flares his nostrils. “Someone from the eastside of the island. Blackshell or Lagoon Hollow. They shouldn’t have been in this territory at all.”

“What does that even mean? Does it matter?” Adam asks, flexing his muscles.

Kellan trains his gaze on me. “It’ll determine where you end up. I can try to intervene, but I have to bite you. It’ll be twice as bad.”

Eliana shakes her head. “No. Not again. We’re getting out of here, so those packs won’t be a problem.”

Kellan ignores her and presses his hand to my chest. “The choice is yours and yours alone. You’ll be the first one to ever have been granted the option. Don’t disregard it out of fear. If you want even a chance to be around Eliana, then take it. It’s what I would do.”

“Davian, no,” Eliana says, trying to draw my attention to her.

It pains me to ignore her, but a deep-seated part of me believes Kellan. I can’t imagine a life on this island otherwise, and right now, I have zero hope of ever leaving.

I stretch my arm up. “Do it. I’m accepting your offer.”

Eliana and the others don’t have a chance to argue. Kellan explodes into his wolf form, snarling and baring his teeth. Opening his jaws, he bites me hard over my wound, making me scream in agony.

I can’t keep conscious any longer. This is it.

I’ll either wake up from this nightmare or I’ll die.

“Blessed be the lunar goddess. May you be chosen and worthy, brother.” Kellan’s words whisper through my mind.

All turns silent.

Chapter fifteen



“WILLYOUPLEASEstayhere, Eliana?” Kellan stands near the entrance of the cave, haloed in moonlight. “Someone needs to watch over Tristan and Davian, and it should be you.”

I wasn’t planning on going anywhere, but his words strike a nerve. “Why? Don’t you think it should be Chase? He’s the doctor. I have self-defense training. I can help.” I don’t mention it, but I’m worried that if I stay and something happens with Davian, I don’t think I’ll be able to perform a mercy killing. I couldn’t cut off his arm to save his life if I had to. I’ve never felt so sick in my life. It’s one thing to do something I have to for someone I don’t care about. But being in the position I was? I never want to face that again. Kellan bit him. He’s been bitten twice by a lykoswulf, and apparently this is now a test of whether his body can handle the change or not. Humans aren’t intended to evolve immediately. Many of the ones abandoned on this island to fend for themselves don’t make it. Out of the fifteen people from our original group, Kellan said they only expected a handful to make it. That’s all that’s left right now. Except for Tiffany and Ian. And she’s going to lead Kellan’s pack to him. She’s going to give up information to kill him in exchange for survival from the alpha. Maybe. I can’t honestly believe that a man who knows that many of us are going to die here would ever grant that sort of mercy.

“He won’t. She’ll be given to the Windshore pack, bitten again like Davian. If she survives, she’ll be cast out. They would never blend bloodlines with my pack.” Kellan answers my thoughts using his telepathy.

I should feel bad. I really should. But she stabbed Tristan. She came after me. She was responsible for Davian getting mauled. All I feel now is relief that she will face karma.

“Which means you’ll be blessed for your compassion. These men need you now. Be here for them. Care for them as they’ve tried to care for you.” Kellan closes the space to me and touches my cheek. “Please. I need to ensure you’re safe until I return.”
