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I fist bump Desmond and smack both Wilder and Arsenio on the backs of their heads, making them lunge at me. Laughing, I dodge out of the way and jog back to the grand foyer of our palace. It’s far smaller than what we grew up in with our dad and leader, the king of Gilded Sands and our territory in Saint Vista, but I don’t mind. It’s far better and easier to protect everything we have this way. We don’t need as much staff either, which is important because of what we do and what we have done. We had to fire mostly everyone after Holly begged us to help her. She had no interest in the pack my father had chosen for her, using her to help establish an allegiance with Valley Point.

Climbing the grand staircase to the second story, I head toward my private elevator leading to my wing of the palace. Each of my brothers has a wing, built as separate units with our own living spaces and kitchens. We have a central living area that we share, which is also where our small staff resides. It’s not often that we go there, preferring our space. It also helps not having to constantly worry about whether or not one of our employees will betray us. Because it happens more often than not with many packs. It’s far too easy to use valuable information to get ahead. Everyone is a bit shady. It doesn’t help that the Pack Regime leaders are so damn dirty and crooked. We can’t even trust the police force to treat our territories equally.

So we have become the authority ourselves.

I hesitate outside the double doors to my living quarters, trying to listen for the girl. I really can’t wait to know her name, because it’ll be easier to consider her more than just our accidental captive.

Cracking open the door, I sweep my gaze across my sitting area and toward the bathroom. The shower runs, and I thank the universe that she actually obeyed me. I head toward my wardrobe and pick out a long shirt for her. I’ll have to find something more fitting, but I don’t want her putting on the dress she was wearing again. I’m going to throw that shit away altogether. I don’t want it in my room or my palace. Just the stench of Tamsin gets under my skin. It ignites anger inside me, and I don’t want to accidentally get carried away and scare her even more.

I listen as the water shuts off. I know I should just leave the shirt on the bed and exit the room. I should wait a couple of minutes outside and then knock to be invited in. But something wild keeps me in place. I’m afraid to miss the very first breath of her clean, unaltered scent. The second she puts on the shirt, it might change. We purposefully use a scented laundry soap to keep things more subtle for each other. Because regardless of being brothers, we can still get under each other’s skin. But our awareness keeps our pack strong. Despite my father believing only one of us should take the throne, we know that we’ll do it together, and we will be unstoppable. Powerful.

My heart thunders, my whole body rippling, my muscles cording in anticipation. The door to the bathroom swings inward, and the girl steps out, clutching a towel around her petite yet supple body. My dick hardens the second I lay eyes on her, the way she ties her towel enhancing her cleavage. It doesn’t help that she grabbed one of the smaller towels I use for the gym, and it barely covers her ass. Luckily, she doesn’t move or else I know I would sneak a glimpse, wondering if she shaves her pussy or goes natural like I prefer.

“Oh, you’re back.” Her voice shakes, and her pretty green eyes dart to the bed where the long shirt lies and back to me. “I’m sorry. Let me just grab the shirt, and I will get dressed.”

I cross my arms over my chest, digging my fingers into my ribcage to stop myself from strolling closer to her. There is something wrong in this moment that triggers me, numbing my mind. I can’t think about anything except for her and how fragile and small she looks. I want to ensure she knows that she is safe here. I want her to be able to scent me, knowing that I’m not angry, nor am I annoyed with her presence. She should know how I find her so sexy and attractive, enough so that I already imagine her lying beneath me, biting her full bottom lip and spreading her legs to let me ravish her body in a way she’ll desire.

My mouth remains tight, the words refusing to come. I know better than to say any of those things. She’s not mine to handle with care. She is unwanted. A danger to us. I can’t allow my emotions and very nature as an alpha to control me. She doesn’t belong here.

“What are you going to do with me?” the girl asks, breaking the silence. She stands at the edge of the bed and lifts my shirt carefully, ensuring she doesn’t touch my comforter. The gesture of respect strikes me right in the balls, and I flare my nostrils and shift on my feet.

“What’s your name? I’m Enzo, by the way,” I say, instead of answering her question, because honestly, I don’t even fucking know. I scratch my fingers through my black hair, hoping I don’t freak her out.

“Kinsey,” she says softly, lowering her gaze to the floor.

Kinsey surprises me by dropping the towel and exposing her body while she dresses right in front of me. My jaw slackens, and I lock my dark blue eyes on her, wishing she would slow down before shrugging the shirt over her head. I’ve never seen someone so beautiful, so enticing, in my life.

And it’s in this moment I realize why she bares her body to me. She knows that I will spot the small heart-shaped birthmark that appears with her order manifestation, proving that she is a true omega. Sometimes the mark appears on the back, on the wrist, behind the knee, but hers kisses her hip like a love bite, and all I can think about is grazing my fingers over it, kissing it, tracing it with my tongue, doing everything I can just to ensure myself that it’s real.

“I don’t have a formal last name because I’m packless, but I’ve been going by Kinsey Kane. It’s what all my forged documents say. Not that it matters now.” Kinsey scrunches her nose. “Please, don’t hurt me. I’m not bothering anyone. If you let me go, I’ll keep this to myself and move. I’ll never go back to Madam Tamsin.”

“That’s why you were being transported, wasn’t it? She caught you. How? I mean, how have you been passing as a beta?” I step closer, wanting to close the space so I can get a better breath of her fragrance. I know the shirt will taint her a bit, but this might be the only time I get it clean and fresh just for me. Because she will only be reacting toward my body and my words. If my brothers were here, we wouldn’t be able to distinguish anything.

She sighs and combs her fingers through her tangled wet hair. “It’s not important. All that matters is she caught me, and now I’m here. Please, tell me what you plan to do. I need to prepare myself. Grant me that one mercy.”

Her comment surprises me, and I frown, unable to hide the displeasure from crossing my face. She sounds as if she’s been in this type of situation before. Fucking hell. It must’ve been awful if telling her our plans would be kind and merciful of us. It’s pretty shitty. It ignites a dozen more questions in my mind. Where did she come from? What happened to her pack? How did she even end up in Tamsin’s care?

Something overcomes me, and I close the distance to her completely, bringing my palm to her cheek to caress her skin. She remains utterly still as I explore the softness of her face, combing my fingers into her damp hair to play with the mahogany tresses.

“We won’t hurt you, Kinsey. You were never supposed to be here, but you can’t leave just yet. We don’t know exactly what to do, and we won’t make the decision until we have our current shit together. But I assure you, you don’t need to be afraid.” I lean in with my words and inhale a soft breath of her delectable scent, my words stimulating relief through her, the arousing scent of honeysuckle mingling with citrus making my mouth water. She likes me. Knowing this satisfies me deeply. It does nothing for my aching cock, throbbing to know exactly what this omega can do to me.

It would be insane to suggest to my brothers that we keep her. I’m sure she is wanted for something, if not by a member of the Pack Regime then by Tamsin and one of her despicable clients. It would complicate things. We already have enough to worry about.

“How about I make you something to eat? You must be hungry.” It only takes one look in her eyes to know that I’m right. Her stomach growls at my suggestion, solidifying exactly what I’m going to do with Kinsey next.

I don’t give her a chance to respond and drop my hand from her hair only to lace my fingers with hers, tugging her along across my suite to where a small kitchenette hides behind a decorative wall, separating it from my living space.

She resists entering the kitchen, still nervous about being in my space. I drag her forward just a bit until she finally stops trying to stay out and joins me instead.

I look down at her, studying her shifting eyes, her bottom lip trembling. “What did I say, baby? You don’t have to be afraid. I’ve invited you into my suite. If I didn’t want you here, you would be in one of the guest rooms. Now, do you have any preference? Favorite foods?”

“You’re lying to me. I’m here because you’re afraid that I’ll try to escape from a guest room.” Kinsey tightens her jaw, her comment probably intended to be just for herself. Because she doesn’t consider herself wanted. At first, she was right. I didn’t want her near my things, but this was the most convenient place to keep her. My possessive side wanted her around me first instead of with Desmond, even though he offered.

“That too, but it’s just easier.” I know better than to invalidate her concerns. I’ve learned that from my little sister, and I promised her that I would never do it again. “Is there anything you don’t like?” I decide it’s best to change the subject, because I can tell that she wants answers, and if she asks me enough, I might give in. That’ll only piss my brothers off.

Desmond would understand. Wilder and Arsenio? Fuck that shit. They will be pissed off enough as it is.

“Being treated like a prisoner,” she responds, tugging her hand away from mine, leaving a cool spot against my palm.
