Page 49 of Ward

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“Whatwashisname again?” I ask Grace for the third time since we sat down to dinner.

She swallows the food in her mouth. “Sam.”

“No last name?” I ask. She shakes her head. “You’re sure?”

She nods. “Honestly, he seemed fine to me. Just completely lost.”

“And he said he was looking for the Fletcher estate?”

“I think that was it, yeah.”

I don’t know anyone who lives in the area by the name of Fletcher, though I haven’t taken the initiative to get to know my neighbors. Still, I don’t like the idea of some random guy wandering onto my property and chatting up my little one when I’m not around.

Not one fucking bit.

“We’ll start using the outdoor security cameras during the day,” I tell her. Lately I haven’t been bothering to activate the system before nightfall, since someone is always here. But that’s about to change.

“Seriously, Aidan, it was fine.”

“This time it was fine. Next time, it might not be.” I refuse to take any unnecessary risks with her safety.

I was already on edge when I got back from the office. The news that some guy was able to sneak up on Grace in the middle of the day without anyone noticing makes me want to build a fucking barbed-wire fence around my property.

“How was your dance lesson?” I ask, steering the conversation toward a topic I know she’ll enjoy.

Her face lights up. “It was great. Shayna really knows what she’s doing.”

“I’m glad she’s working out.”

We finish our meal and then move into the sitting room to read. As Grace picks up where we left off on last night’s thriller, I mentally set aside the external threat of trespassers to focus on the internal danger simmering between us.

Bringing Grace to her knees is no longer enough. Frankly, it was never going to be enough.

I thought I could tie her up and flog her and then kiss her goodnight with only mild regret. But when it comes to Grace, there’s no ceiling to my desire. No finish line that I can cross and be satisfied.

One kiss inevitably turns into three, then four, and before I realize how long my tongue has been in her mouth, I’m lying on top of her with my fingers in her hair. I can’t even put her on her knees without wanting the head of my cock to meet the back of her throat while she’s down there.

But I refuse to let that happen, so I have to find another way to sate us both.

And to do that, I’m going to need assistance.

I shoot off a quick text to my surprise guests and receive a prompt response. They’ll be here shortly.

“Do you want me to read something else?” Grace asks.

Of course she can sense my restlessness.

“No, little one.” I shift closer to her on the couch. I haven’t told her my plans for tonight because frankly, I don’t need to.

I’ve been far too soft on her since she accepted my collar, too lenient with myself as a result. We both need a stark reminder that she's my possession. Not my girlfriend. And certainly not something in between.

She's a plaything. A toy. And if there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s sharing my toys.

The doorbell rings.

Grace looks up from the book in her hand. “Are you expecting someone?”
