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Chapter Five

The plane ride home on Nathan’s private jet is nearly 13 hours long. Carter sleeps the entire time, passed out on the king bed in the rear cabin. He had lasted less than five minutes after his stomach had been full, the boy falling asleep in Nathan’s arms as Nathan held ice to his head wound and told him how good he was. He hadn’t even stirred when Nathan carried him from the SUV to the plane, nor when Nathan placed him in the bed and pulled the blankets over his fragile body. Besides two bathroom breaks, Nathan spent the entire flight sitting in the leather desk chair in the corner, either watching over the boy or dozing.

Carter still doesn’t wake up after they’ve arrived at the Roarke compound, Nathan once again carrying him as they travel from the plane to Nathan’s private entrance. Nathan looks at Benny in concern. “Should we be worried about a concussion?”

“Why? You gonna take him to the hospital?”

“Don’t be an ass.”

“He’ll be okay. Kid probably hasn’t slept in weeks. It probably feels fucking good to be warm. Fed. His body is just soaking up every ounce of rest it can get.”

Nathan nods, thankful for the reassurance. He likes how peaceful Carter is right now. Knowing he’s safe makes it even better.

Benny enters Nathan’s door code and opens it for him. Nathan rests his shoulder against it to keep it from closing. “We’ll be good for the night. You get some rest, man.”

“You too, Nate. Seriously. Sleep.”

All Nathan does is grunt. Benny accepts it, disappearing down the private hall and leaving Nathan alone with his new pleasure slave. He places the boy on his massive bed and covers him with his blanket from the plane, smiling when he catches sight of the tiny stuffed moose Carter has yet to let go of since Nathan gave it to him. After waiting a full minute to make sure Carter doesn’t wake up, Nathan puts in the codes to lock his doors from the inside, flipping the manual locks after. Then he heads into his attached bathroom.

With a final peek at Carter on his bed, Nathan locks himself in the bathroom, runs the sink, and makes the phone call he’s been dreading all night.

As always, there are 3 rings, then a clipped voice. “Name?”

“Eagle 2.”




Nathan peeks out at Carter again, paranoid the boy will wake up. Then he paces the bathroom as he waits to be connected. Just as he’s sort of hoping Maison got called away on a mission, his best friend’s voice fills his ear. “Travis?”

“The one and only,” Nathan answers with a hopefully convincing confidence.

“How is he?”

Nathan glances at the bathroom door. “He’s asleep right now.”

There’s a pause. Then, “Don’t make me drag this shit out of you, man. Come on. All Benny said in his text was that you got him. I need more than that.”

Knowing that’s fair, Nathan sinks down to sit on the closed toilet lid and fills Maison in. “The only real competition was Miller, but I shut his ass down. Fucking Quinton decided to make a damn show of it, though.”

“How so?”

“He-” Nathan runs his hand through his hair, tugging until it hurts. “I had to use him. On stage. It was a deal I made with Quinton to keep him from letting the audience come up and play with him before the sales began.”

When Maison says nothing, Nathan forces himself to continue. “We left right after. I checked him over, went over some rules with him, fed him, then he passed out. He hasn’t woken up yet, but I think he’s just damn tired. Benny doubts it’s anything serious.”

“How bad is it?”

“All things considered? Not bad.” Nathan rubs his forehead, eyes closed as he tries to picture the naked boy again. “Standard sleep deprivation, starvation, dehydration. I think he was blindfolded for quite a while. His eyes had a hard time in dim lighting when it was removed. There was a surprisingly small amount of bruising, though. And nothing’s dislocated or broken. Far as I could tell, he was sexually untouched until – well, until me.”

Maison grunts. “He must not have been much of a fighter. That’s good. That’s – that’s good. Is he, uh – could you tell…”

“Just ask it, bud.”

“Could you tell if he’s, ya know… broken?”
