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The man pauses.

Then, “Nod if you understand me.”

Carter nods.

The man sits back, spreading his legs a little wider as he peers down at Carter. Carter can’t help but feel exposed, even covered in the blanket like he is. He wonders if this is how those bugs felt when he pinned them to a board for his junior year biology project.This is the wings. This is the abdomen. This is the thorax.

Carter wonders what labels he would be given.This is the no longer virgin asshole. This is the bleeding lips. This is the hungry stomach.

“Hey.” Carter startles, his thoughts coming back to the present. To the vehicle. To sir. He looks up at the man, prepared to be yelled at for zoning out. Instead, he finds the man just frowning at him in concern. “Just three easy rules for now, okay? I can see how tired you are. You’ll be able to rest soon, once we get something in that stomach of yours. Okay?”

“Yes, sir,” Carter whispers.

This is the confusing man who buys sex slaves but treats them kindly.

This is the sad boy so starved for touch he just might beg the man for more of it.

“Rule number 1. You’ll call me sir. Always. Any other name will result in punishment, understood?” Carter nods. “Use your words, sweetheart.”

Carter shudders, hating how much he loves that damn pet name. It makes him feel too good. Too… un-slave like. “I understand. Always call you sir. Anything else will get me in trouble...sir.”

“Good.” The man –sir– tilts his head and studies Carter for a moment. He seems to be considering something. Then, “Rule number 2. You’ll always be kneeling unless explicitly told otherwise or physically moved by me. The most important part of this is theby me. If someone else, anyone else, tries to change your position verbally or physically, you are not to listen. Ever. Your body belongs to me, and me alone. I say what it’s doing.Always. Understood?”

A heavy weight tugs at Carter’s gut, but he forces himself to nod and say, “Yes, sir.”

“Repeat the rule to me.”

“I should always be kneeling unless you want me to do something else.” Carter grips his hands tight enough to make them ache. “And only you can tell me to do something else, sir.”

“And why is that?”

“Uh. Um.” Carter’s heart starts to race, sir’s words replaying in his mind. “Because my – my body belongs to you, sir.”

“Good. Rule number 3. You will obey me, always, and without hesitation. Understood?”

“Yes, sir. I will always obey you without hesitation.”

Sir smiles softly and nods. “Yes. Good. Just like with the second rule, you will not obey anyone but me, either. Not a single person. You won’t be disrespectful, of course, but you won’t obey them when given commands. You won’t stand. You won’t kneel. You won’t strip. You most certainly will not engage in any sort of physical contact – especially sexual. You are mine.Mine. Is that understood?”

Carter shivers, his stomach twisting in a strangely…warmsort of way at the words. “Yes, sir. I’m yours.”

“Mmm. I like that. Say it again.”

“I’m yours, sir.”

“Yes. Yes, you are. All mine. And I’m going to take such good care of you.” Sir reaches down and tilts Carter’s chin up, then runs the pad of his thumb along Carter’s bottom lip. When Carter gives into instinct and opens his mouth for him, sir’s expression darkens. He sounds nearly breathless when he says, “Good boy.”

The front car door opens, catching them both off guard. Sir looks up at Benny, dropping his hand, but Carter continues staring at sir. He’s trying to process the way his body just began to melt for the man who raped and purchased him like an object.

Surely, he’s only feeling the things he’s feeling because the man is showing him kindness. After the terrifying and lonely past few weeks, he’s just trying to soak up any sort of comfort he can get before he’s hurt again.That must be a normal human reaction, right?He’s not fucked up. This experience hasn’t fucked him up.



He’s perfectly normal.

And, if Carter sort of likes the way sir hand feeds him small bites of food, and the way sir smiles when he offers Carter the plushie moose backpack clip that came with his kid’s meal, and the way sir cradles him to his chest and holds the cup of ice to his forehead, and the way sir whispers praise to him for being good, then that’s normal too.

Totally, perfectly,definitelynormal.
