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The weight that had settled itself firmly on Nathan's chest loses a few pounds. "I'd love that."

Stepping aside, Nathan gestures for the boy to come in. Carter fingers the hem of his shirt anxiously for just a second before grabbing it and pulling the shirt over his head. Nathan enjoys the view, even if the few marks Todd left behind are there taunting him.

Nathan closes the door behind Carter once the boy has entered the shower, taking a step back to give Carter space if he wants it. Carter chases him, though, stepping forward. His blue eyes are wide as he stares up at Nathan.

Taking a chance, Nathan reaches out to run his fingers along Carter's arm. The boy shivers before inching closer to him.

"I thought you were mad at me," Nathan admits, even though he knows he shouldn't.

"I was." Carter frowns, eyes darting to the shower floor. "Iam."


"But I don't get to be," Carter states matter-of-factly. "You're my master."

Something in the response doesn't sit well with Nathan. It feels as if Carter is using that as his excuse for being here when really Carter is here because he wants to be. Then again, that could easily be wishful thinking on Nathan's part.

"You're allowed to be mad at me as long as you still respect me and behave." Nathan puts a finger beneath Carter's chin and lifts his face so their eyes meet. "You can have the day off, sweetheart. You can have it without me. It's allowed."

This must be the right thing to say because Carter admits in a rush, “What if I don’t want to be alone?”

Nathan smiles softly, feeling more of that weight lift. "Then I'd be happy to stay and keep you company."

"Will you…use me, if you stay?" Carter asks quietly, his eyes darting towards Nathan's shoulder.

"No, I won't. You'll-" Nathan stops the words from tumbling out, knowing they're a bad idea. A terrible fucking idea.

Then again, Maison said maybe he should act like he's falling for Carter. Make Carter feel safe with him. Perhaps this could be a good step in that direction, if handled properly.

If handled properlybeing the operative phrase.

"You'll have your consent today,” Nathan says carefully. “In this room, until tomorrow morning, you can tell me no.”

Carter's wide eyes snap to Nathan's face, searching for a sign that he's lying. "R-really?"


Tears start pooling in the boy's eyes. Nathan drops his hand, releasing Carter's face so he can duck his head if he wants to. Instead, the boy steps forward and wraps his arms tight around Nathan, resting his cheek right over Nathan's pounding heart.

Nathan runs his fingers down Carter’s spine, resting his chin on the top of his head.

“What are my rules, sir?” Carter asks against the warm skin of his throat.

Nathan gently guides Carter’s head back so they can look into each other’s eyes. He gives the boy a warm smile, cupping Carter’s cheek with a hand. The boy nuzzles against his palm. It does crazy things to Nathan’s cock.

To Nathan’sheart.

“You don’t have to kneel for me, and I won’t be giving you orders that you need to obey without hesitation. You may roam free inside the suite, but I don’t want you snooping.” Nathan runs his thumb along Carter’s bottom lip, wishing the boy liked him enough to use his consent for dirty things today. He doesn’t regret giving it to him though. Carter earned a day where he gets to be in charge of his own body.

“Should I call you sir still?”

“No. Not if you don’t want to.” Nathan swallows hard, knowing how stupid what he’s about to do is, yet unable to stop himself. “You’re Carter today, and I’m Nathan.”

“Okay.” Carter smiles. “Thank you, s –Nathan. For, you know, the day off and everything.”

“You more than earned it.” Nathan can’t help but grin. “I can’t wait to pamper you today, sweetheart. I hated seeing you hurt when you were being such a good boy for me. My sweet boy. I wanted to snatch you away from him and keep you for myself.”

Carter’s cheeks go red, the skin warm beneath Nathan’s hand. “Is that why you came and… used me? At the drink cart?”
