Page 3 of A Dangerous Game

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Sir disappears into the bathroom, the door shutting again.

Carter barely breathes as he wants for the door to open again. Thankfully, it doesn’t take long. Both men walk out. The phone is in sir’s hand.

Sir takes a seat beside Carter on the bed.

Benny sits on the chair in the corner.

The phone screen is lit up with a call.

“This is on speaker phone. You don’t have to talk, but you’re going to listen, okay?”


“Listen, Carter.”

Carter swallows hard, eyes darting to the phone. The last thing he wants is to be punished while Maison has to listen. Whatever this is, he just has to trust that Maison knows what he’s doing. “Yes, sir…”

A strangled sound comes from the other end of the phone before he hears Maison’s voice again. “Alright, bud. Travis – sorry, fuck,Nathan- says he told you about what I do, right?”

“Part of it,” Carter says, doing his best to keep his eyes on both sir and Benny while wondering who the fuckTravisis at the same time.Why does that name sound so familiar?“You’re part of this secret elite group of soldiers or whatever. Like the CIA or something crazy like that.”

Maison makes a sort of amused sound. “Yeah. Close enough. Well, in the CIA, there are times when people go… undercover. Sometimes very deep undercover. So deep our own government would never even acknowledge its existence. Does that make sense?”

“Yeah. Like undercover detectives.”

“Right. But on a very higher stakes, more extreme scale. We have men in my unit who do this. Some have been planted for nearly a decade in the human trafficking business. They have climbed their way up the ladder. They have fake backstories and fake relatives who gave them fake power.” Carter’s eyes drift to sir. The man is watching him like he’s not sure if he’s about to be attacked. “These men have given up their lives, their identities, their freedom, to commit themselves fully to these operations. But the men that work these operations have to do things, Carter. Terrible things. They have to become monsters like the ones they’re trying to bring down.”

Sir won’t meet Carter’s eyes anymore. Neither will Benny.

“Do you understand, Carter?”

What had Maison said earlier?He had called NathanTravis.

Is that a nickname? Or was his name a lie too?

Was it all a lie?

“Carter?” sir prompts.

But he’s not sir, is he? He’s not even really Nathan…

Carter looks at the man. Stares at him. The man stares right back, his expression wide open. Carter can see every moment they’ve spent together reflected in his gaze.

Something awful twists its way around Carter’s throat, choking him.It was a lie.All of it. Every tender touch. Every whispered praise. Every time he said he loved Carter. It was all a part of his game. His fucking undercover operation.

“You,” Carter manages to say. Then again, this time in a growl, “You.”

“Yes. Me.” Nathan swallows hard. Winces. Gestures towards Benny. “The both of us.”

Carter doesn’t look over at Benny. That son of a bitch has it coming too, but not right now. The issue now is the lying asshole who not only repeatedly raped and abused Carter, but had the fucking audacity to emotionally manipulate him with false love confessions too.

“You sick fuck!” Carter spits, leaning forward and shoving Nathan as hard as he can. Nathan slides off the bed, but Carter is smart enough to know it was his decision. He wouldn’t have even budged if he hadn’t wanted to. Carter’s eyes burn. “You sick fucked up piece of shit! You raped me! You - you said - you shared me and - and hurt me and made me - and you - oh my fucking god, you let that bastard piss in my mouth! You - you beat me bloody and you used me after and you - you fucking - you sick fuck! You sadistic, fucked up piece of absolute shit! You’re a - a fucking monster!”

Nearly falling off the bed in his haste, Carter stumbles towards Nathan. He grabs a lamp as he goes. He doesn’t even know what he wants to do with it –would he really hit Nathan with a lamp?– but it feels good to have a weapon.

He’s caught around the waist just as he takes another step forward, Benny snagging him from behind. Nathan reaches out for the lamp and jerks it out of his grip like it’s nothing.

Carter immediately starts to scream at them, “Let me go! Let me go! Get the fuck off of me you sick son of a bitch! Let me-”
