Page 54 of A Dangerous Game

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“Casey – did you have more questions about him?”



Focus, you sick asshole. Your friend is hurting. Now is not the time for mental porn about the man you love but don’t want to love.

“I – um.” Carter swallows hard. Then he looks down at his moose because Nathan is removing his pants and the moose ismuchsafer. “Did he recognize you?”

“If he did, he didn’t say or ask about you. I don’t think he did, though.”

“How is he? I mean,obviouslyhe’s not good, but mentally or whatever?”

“He’s struggling, but that's to be expected. He's trying to figure out where his boundaries are with Benny. And he seems to be under the impression Benny is just playing nice. He's also having a hard time letting go of his previous master's rules and accepting that Benny doesn't expect the same things."

“Is that bad?”

“It’s normal. Benny just has to prove himself. Eventually, Casey will trust him. Or he'll be well enough for us to tell him the truth. Whichever happens first."

Carter runs his thumb over one of his moose’s antlers. “Good. That’s… good.”

“He’s already letting himself seek comfort from Benny, which is a good sign. I saw him lean into Benny's touch a few times, and when Benny would whisper to him to calm him, it seemed to work a bit."

“Good.” Carter swallows hard as he feels the bed dip beside him, forcing himself not to look over.Is Nathan naked? Just in his underwear?

God, Carter is a terrible fucking person for thinking about this right now.

“How bad is his body?” he asks, forcing himself to focus.

“He’s banged up, but nothing that should be permanent or deforming.”


“Carter, can you look at me?”

Carter very purposely doesnotlook at him. “Why?”


“I’m tired.” He lays down, turning quickly so his back is to the man beside him. “Um… thank you. For letting Benny get him. And for telling me how he’s doing.”

Nathan doesn’t say anything for a minute. He moves on the bed a bit, the blankets rustling, and turns out the main light, but he stays silent the whole time.

Just as Carter is thinking maybe that was the end of things, he feels the featherlight touch of fingertips against his back. Even through his sweater fabric, the contact feels electric.

"Are you worried about Casey?" Nathan whispers. "Is that why you're upset?"

“Yes.” It’s not a lie.

It’s just not the whole truth.

The hand doesn’t leave his back. It settles, like it plans on staying for a while. Carter thinks forever would be nice. He hates himself for the thought.

“He’s better than I expected. I think he’s going to pull through.”
