Page 53 of The One to Heal

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It breaks my heart that Ruby will miss the party Mabel has been planning for her and Olive since they’re only born a couple of days apart, which is just crazy. The way the world works is mysterious.

“Are you there, Seb?” Luke pulls me back to our conversation. “They’ve spoken with the FIA, and they’re willing to let you race for him and keep his points just to finish out the season. He’s not up there in terms of ranking, but it’s a chance to show Haze what they’ve been missing with you not in that seat.”

What he’s saying makes sense, but now it’s all so real. The girls. Delilah. What do I do? I’ve been waiting for this moment. Mom will be glad to help—she’ll happily take care of the girls. Where does that leave Delilah and me? We were getting close, and I don’t want to lose that connection.

“Okay, just give me today, and I’ll be back tomorrow,” I say.

“I’ll let them know. See you,” Luke says excitedly.

I say goodbye and hang up, staring at the girls who are happily playing. How do I go for my dreams while being a single father with the fear of leaving them left with no one?

“Who was that, Daddy?” Rylee comes to me with a Barbie in one hand and a little brush in the other. Her focus is on getting a knot out of the doll’s hair.

“That was Luke.”

Her head springs up. “Are you driving again?”

“He asked if I could, yes. Do you think we should do it?”

She frowns. “Does that mean we have to leave?”

“Yes, baby girl, it does. We’d have to leave later today.”

With tears in her eyes, she nods. “Okay, Daddy, we can go. Mommy always said you loved racing more than her. She laughed about it.”

I pull Rylee into my arms and squeeze her. “I love you and your mother more. You girls are everything to me. Would you like to come with me or stay with Nana? The choice is yours.”

“Can we come with you?”

“Of course, you can. I want you girls with me always.” I kiss her forehead, and she pulls out of my arms and goes back to her dolls.

I need to talk to Delilah. “Ry, do you want to go up to Mabel at the vacation care for a little while, while I get a few things ready?”

She jumps up and down in one spot. “Yes, yes, yes, please. Maby is fun.”

I chuckle and get up. “Okay, let’s get you and Ruby ready, and we’ll go up there.”

“Oh, Daddy, does that mean I don’t get to ride the horse?”

My heart drops. “I’ll talk to Dee, and maybe she can take you for a quick ride with her. You’ll sit on the horse with her. How does that sound?”

Another round of squealed yeses erupts in the tiny cabin.

How is all this going to work? I send off a quick message to Delilah.

Sebastian:I hope things are okay with you and your family. I’m here if you need me. If possible, can I catch up with you? I need to talk to you about something.

Delilah:Sure. Everything okay?

Sebastian: Yeah.

Delilah:Come to the house when you’re ready. I’m just doing a job here, and then I plan to take Rylee for her riding lesson.

Sebastian:Sounds good to me. See you soon.

It’s not like I can ask her to wait for me or even come with me. She’s only just beginning to repair herself and her relationship with her family. Delilah isn’t what I expected when I came here.

STANDING OUTSIDE THE LIBRARY, Istare at the worn white door. Many times, I’ve sat in there with Mom, cried with her, held her hand, and had her comfort me. I can’t leave this door shut. It has to be open—not just for me but the family. It needs to become a space of love once again. Mom’s library—Mom’s space—has been closed off for far too long.
