Page 63 of The One to Heal

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I go to my phone and tap the inbox app. About fifty emails pop up. My mouth drops open, and I start deleting all the usual junk emails. I’m about to delete one I don’t recognize when I spot the wordsorgan donation.

Holding my breath, I open it.

Hello Mr. King,

We are greatly sorry for your loss and thankful to your wife for her donations, which helped save many lives that day. I know you asked about the recipient of her heart and nothing else. After talking with people higher than myself, we are able to give you that information but ask if you wish to contact the person, you must go through us. The patient’s name is:

Delilah Olive Reily

I stop reading.

The rest of the email is pointless to me now.

My entire body feels as though it’s shaking. It’s her. She has Anna-Beth’s heart. Is this the reason I’m drawn to her? That she interests me? That can’t be it. My feelings for her are real, and nothing can change them.

But knowing she has a part of Anna-Beth brings tears to my eyes.

The door opens, and I rush to swipe away the tears. I still sit on the floor where the girls left me.

“Sorry, honey. I forgot my purse. The girls wan—” Mom cuts her words off and she’s by my side instantly. “What’s wrong?”

I can’t seem to form the words, so I hold out my phone and show her the email.

Her hand flies to her mouth. “Oh, my.”

Swallowing, I say, “What do I do, Mom? I love this girl, but is it only because of the heart?”

Mom takes my hand, tears glittering in her eyes. “Honey, that’s not why you love her. You fell in love with her as a person. She was this person before she met you, and her family knew who she was before her transplant. It’s all her. Anna-Beth’s spirit is gone, but she helped Delilah live so she could find you and make you happy. Make you both happy again after such losses. You need to go to her right away. Don’t wait. Tell her you love her and tell her about the transplant.”

HE DIDN’T MESSAGE OR CALLme back. It’s been almost twenty-four hours. He usually rings me after he gets the girls down on race day. This is weird.

I work with Diamond, who has come a long way over the last couple of weeks. She’s letting me on her back now, and she’s calm when I pet her. Sudden movements still startle her, so I have to be mindful of those. Gently, I brush her down and talk to her.

“He didn’t ring me last night, Diamond. It’s weird, and it makes me wonder if I’ve been forgotten.” I love talking to her about Sebastian. She doesn’t have an opinion, and I don’t have doubtful thoughts put into my head after we speak.

“Do you think the time is up for us now? Perhaps he found some hot girl at the track and now she’s more important.”

“No one is more important than you, Delilah.”

I whirl around to the sound of Sebastian’s voice. “What the? Why are you here?”

“I came for you.”

I rush out of Diamond’s pen, dropping the brush. I leap into Sebastian’s arms, my legs wrapping around his waist as I inhale his familiar scent. My body ignites with want, desire, and overwhelming love for this man. His hot breath hits my ear.

“I love you, Delilah. You’re everything to me and all I want for the rest of my life.” He sets me down, our mouths crash together, and the world fades away. The worry I held within me disappears.

“I love you too,” I say between heated kisses.

We become lost in each other, exploring and caressing body parts that haven’t been touched in such a long time—my heart, for example. It hasn’t been easy, but the future looks bright, and I couldn’t be more ecstatic to see what life brings with Sebastian.

He stops the kissing and says, “There’s something I need to tell you.”

“Okay,” I say warily. What could he possibly have to say after I love you? Was he buttering me up for something worse?

“It’s about your heart transplant.”

“Oh, I think I already know. Not for sure, but I kind of put it together,” I jump in and admit.
