Page 54 of Perfectly Matched

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“Oh, you’re in for it now.” Hannah swam after her. She caught her at the base of the waterfall as the mist of cascading water engulfed them. They treaded water for a moment beforeHannah tilted her head toward the falls. “Follow me to the other side,” she said over the thunderous claps of the water. “There’s a small cave with a sandy beach where we can sit.”

Payson nodded, and they dove under the waterfall. As they surfaced on the other side, the sound of the water was loud but not as deafening. They swam toward the small sandy beach and stopped when they could sit waist-deep in the water. Hannah loved the backside of the falls. The humid misty feel to the air, the hypnotic sound of water hitting water, and the feeling of absolute privacy. “I come here when something’s on my mind that needs sorting out. It’s kinda my go-to place when I need to be alone and think.”

“Oh yeah?” Payson scooted closer. “And what…” She kissed Hannah’s shoulder. “Are you thinking about now?”

“Right now?” Hannah moaned.

“Mm-hmm,” Payson muttered as she kissed the base of Hannah’s neck.

Hannah closed her eyes. Her nipples were hard and sensitive, and she shivered at the thought of Payson’s mouth on them. “Do you have any idea how many times I’ve thought about the night we made love?” She took control, rolled on top of Payson, and pressed her body firmly against hers as the water lapped around their waists and legs.

“Mm-hmm,” Payson mumbled again as Hannah licked her wet breasts.

“How many times,” she said as she tickled slowly down Payson’s body, “I’ve thought about touching your—”

Payson grabbed Hannah’s hand and brought it to her mouth. She spread Hannah’s fingers apart and gently kissed and sucked each one. Hannah could feel the rush of heat gather between her legs as a moan began emanating from deep within her.

Payson leaned forward. “Take me.”

Those two words sent a deep chill through Hannah’s body. They told her that Payson not only trusted her, she wanted her. She kissed Payson hard, letting her know that the act of lovemaking would not be slow, gentle, or drawn out. This time, they were hungry for each other. It wasn’t about the lingering moments of the buildup or the approvals subtly sought with each exploration of tongue and fingers…no, this was about release. And based on the kiss and the hip movements Payson was now performing, Hannah knew it was going to be quick and fulfilling.

She grabbed Payson’s wrists and firmly pulled her arms over her head. “You good with this?” she whispered.

“Uh-huh,” Payson moaned.

Hannah pressed her body into Payson’s and wrapped their tongues together. She released her grip from Payson’s right wrist but held firm with her left as she slid to Payson’s side. Payson opened her legs wider, and Hannah played for a few seconds in the slick warmth there.

Payson broke the kiss and whispered in a heavy breath. “I want to…feel you.”

Hannah had two fingers inside before she finished her statement. Payson arched her back and thrust as the water splashed to the rhythm of their movements.

“Get on your knees,” Payson moaned.

“What?” Hannah leaned in closer as she continued to explore deeper in Payson.

“Your knees. Get on your knees so I can go inside you. I want us to come together.”

Hannah nodded as she released Payson’s other wrist, pulled herself onto her knees, and straddled her. Payson didn’t waste any time entering her.

“Match my pace,” Hannah muttered as the water splashed around them. “Harder…faster.” As she sank deeper ontoPayson’s hand, she pushed with the same intensity. “Yes,” she whispered. “Right there.” She squeezed her thighs as the explosion hit, followed by the sensation of Payson pulsating around her fingers. “That was beautiful,” she said with a heavy breath as she bent and kissed her.

She waited until she felt Payson’s throbbing subside and gently pulled out, lowered herself to the side, and nestled in Payson’s arms. They tucked themselves in the warmth of the water and lay silently as their breathing calmed. Hannah closed her eyes and listened to the waterfall and the distant sound of the birds singing. But the most beautiful sound she heard was Payson’s heart beating beside her.

They scooted up on the beach and let the warm mist from the waterfall blanket their bodies. Hannah softly rubbed Payson’s chest until she heard her breathing turn slow and shallow. She craned her neck and gently kissed the top of Payson’s head. She wondered again what the chances were that Nikita and the elders would grant Payson permission to stay on the island.

“Zero to none,” she whispered. But the fact that Nikita requested to meet Payson must have meant something, right? Hannah exhaled a frustrated breath. Nikita had every right to ban mortals from this land, but Payson was not like those who wanted to pillage the island’s gold and take what was not theirs. Payson would never do that. Hannah knew it to be as true as life itself.

She selfishly didn’t want to live a life amongst the mortals. And the fact that they would probably never be granted the gift of making their own decision about where they wanted to begin a life together made her a bit nauseous.

“Laws,” she whispered to herself as she listened to the hypnotizing sound of the waterfall and yawned. “Can sure suck.” She was exhausted, and as she tried to clear her mind from worrying about the things she could not control, sleep called toher. And as much as she resisted, for she wanted to remember every minute of this moment, she eventually succumbed to its serenade.

The gush of wind that blew across Hannah’s face woke her. Through a groggy head, she heard the frantic notes of the wind telling her she needed to get back. They were looking for her.

She opened her eyes and blinked in the darkness. The sun had set and the dim silver light of the full moon now filled the cave.

Payson sat up. “We need to get going.”

“What?” Hannah asked.
