Page 55 of Perfectly Matched

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“Something woke me and I have a feeling we need to get going.”

“What do you mean something woke you? As in a voice?”

“No, more like a feeling,” Payson said. “I’ve had them all my life, but they’ve never been as strong as they have been these past couple of days. Like a tingle in my gut that’s trying to tell me something. You know what I mean?”

“I, um…” Hannah hesitated. Payson already doubted Hannah’s reality and all that she had said. There was no way Hannah was going to confess that she not only understood exactly what Payson meant, but that she had befriended and carried on conversations with the wind. “Yeah, absolutely, I get those too. I just call it something different. Anyway.” Hannah waved a hand. “I do think someone’s looking for us.”

Payson glanced around. “Is it safe to swim back at night?”

“As safe as it is in the day. Just follow me.”

They stood and held each other in a tight embrace. Hannah’s heart skipped a beat as she squeezed a little tighter. She was scared that if she let go, reality would come swooping in and tear them apart. After a moment, the wind returned, and in it, Hannah felt the same urgency as before. They needed to get going.

“Come on.” She raised Payson’s hand to her lips and showered it with soft kisses. “We really must go. Follow me and stay close.”

Payson nodded as Hannah dove under the waterfall. The moon lit the lagoon like a perfect nightlight, and Hannah set a slow pace back to shore.

“I figured I’d find you here,” Piper said as she sat on her horse at the water’s edge.

Hannah walked out of the lake to her. “We fell asleep behind the falls until the wind woke me and told me someone was looking for us. Is everything okay?” she asked as she grabbed her clothes and began to dress.

“Nikita is requesting your presence,” Piper answered in a flat tone.

Hannah froze. “Nikita? But I thought she said she wouldn’t make a decision until tomorrow.”

“I know. That’s why I suggest you hurry. She has requested to see you both. Now.”

“Payson, we must hurry,” Hannah said, but Payson was still chest-deep in the water. “Nikita wants to see us.”

“I…um.” Payson brought her hand up and made a circle motion with her finger. “Maybe Piper could turn around or something?”

Piper threw her head back and chuckled. “You have chosen a shy one, my friend.” She glanced at Payson. “There’s nothing to be bashful of. I’ve seen a lot of women’s bodies, and they’re all beautiful.”

Hannah cleared her throat. “Maybe this one time you could, you know, close your eyes or turn your head?”

Piper raised a brow as if to sayseriously? “We don’t have time for games. The queen is waiting.”


“Fine. I’ll cover my eyes. But make it quick.” Piper placed a hand over her eyes.

“Keep them closed,” Payson called as she hurried out of the water and over to Hannah, who was holding her clothes. “Do you know what this is about?” she asked in a low voice as Hannah helped her dress.

“No, I don’t, but if my stomach’s reaction is any indication, it’s not good.”

“She doesn’t usually do this?” Payson asked.

“No. If the queen said she would have an answer for us in the morning, then that stands. For her to request another meeting with us before that time means something came up. And that’s never a good sign.”

“Let’s go, ladies, we can talk on the way,” Piper announced with impatience in her voice.

“Hey,” Payson glanced over. “You opened your eyes.”

“You were taking too long,” Piper said with a wink. “Now let’s go.”

As they rode to the castle, Hannah called to Piper, “I have a bad feeling about this.”

Piper nodded. “I know, it isn’t like Nikita to call a late-night meeting. But hey, let’s hope for the best, okay?”
