Page 58 of Perfectly Matched

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Hannah was riding Bella in a full gallop, as she nocked two arrows, one on top of the other. She zeroed in on her marks as she squeezed her thigh muscles tighter around Bella’s ribs. She leveled her bow and steadied her hand as she stilled her mind and waited for the whisper of the wind.

Now.The notes in the breeze tickled her ear as they blew past. She released the string with a smile, and a second later, she heard applause. Bella came to a stop in front of Tegan and Piper, who were locked in a passionate kiss.

Hannah jumped off Bella and landed next to Payson, who wrapped her arms around Hannah’s waist.

“Such a beautiful entrance, my love.” Payson nibbled the words on her neck.

“That’s Hannah, always a flare for the dramatic,” Piper added as she leaned out of her kiss.

A bark by Hannah’s feet sent her scooping up Tucker, who showered her with slobbery kisses. It had been a year since Payson had moved to the island, and in that time, Nikita had relaxed the law ever so slightly. She was still convinced that mortals would take advantage of the land and its resources and therefore should not be completely trusted. But for the mortals whose names were bonded in the night sky with an islander’s, she granted the option of living on the land.

From time to time, Payson and Hannah had returned to Vegas to visit Tegan and check in on Sam. Piper would frequently join them, and it wasn’t long before Piper and Tegan were interested in more than just getting together to play cards.

“Well, we’re off to Brea’s for the wedding festivities,” Piper said. “Brea’s transformed half her place into a gambling hall for the celebration.”

“We’ll be right behind you. But first, Payson and I are going to swing by the lake.”

Piper frowned. “Okay, but don’t be too long.”

“We won’t, I promise,” Hannah called as she watched them head toward town, remembering the day Piper had come to her cottage looking ghost white.

“Piper, what’s wrong?” she’d asked as Piper had handed her a piece of parchment. It was Danika’s last read of the night sky before Nikita had insisted she retire and let her understudy take over.

Hannah had carefully opened the parchment and there, written in perfect calligraphy, were Piper’s and Tegan’s names. Hannah had grabbed her best friend and twirled her in a congratulatory embrace. “I’m so happy for you, Piper,” she’d said. “Now you’ll finally understand the true power of your arrows.”

“Ready my love?” Payson’s soft voice brought her back to the moment.

“Ready.” Hannah held out her hand, palm up, and as Payson placed hers on top, their matching scars fitted perfectly together. They still weren’t totally sure if Payson had island blood in her, so just to be safe, Hannah had donated some of hers.

“Don’t forget.” Payson whistled, and an older black and white tobiano paint mare came trotting over. “We have to meet with Sam and Amanda in the morning to discuss the upcoming grand opening for their new store.”

Shortly after Payson had moved to the island, Hannah had sold a couple of her golden arrows and used the money to pay off Payson’s credit card debt. She invested the leftover cash in the expansion of Sam and Amanda’s bakery. They now had a kiosk located in one of the major casinos off the strip, a thriving online business, three stores centrally located around the city, and a fourth set to open in two weeks.

“I remembered, my love,” Hannah said with a smile as Payson swung herself effortlessly onto the back of the horse known around the island as Freckles, whose human companion had transitioned over a decade ago. One day, when Payson had been walking back from town, Freckles had trotted up next to her and hadn’t left her side since.

As they approached the lake, Hannah noticed Oriana sitting on her horse on the other side. She nodded to them. She had not completely embraced the amendment in the law, and it wasn’t until last month, when Brea had a bit too much to drink and Hannah kept pressing her, that she confirmed the rumors about Oriana were true. “Give her time,” Brea had told her. “You are still and always will be her pride and joy. She just needs to work a few things out.”

Hannah glanced at Payson and smiled. She understood what it meant to give someone time towork a few things out, especially when dealing with their long-held beliefs.

She tilted her head up, and although she could not see the stars through the blue sky, she knew hers and Payson’s was twinkling bright. She bowed her head and thanked nature, the universe, and especially, the wind. For without their guidance, and a little bit of trickery, she would’ve never met her perfect match.
